CS:GO Discussion

I have a mumble one and hopefully a server if it works - Mumble IP

Can someone try
It won't work via steam due it saying add on not installed but it should work via the console or community browser option.

Server works, I'm on it.

Everyone, get in here!
Really annoying it turns down the teamspeak volume all the time & when you join a server either by yourself or as a group, if it fills before you join it just chucks you back to the main menu!
Depends on server tickrate.

128/128 on 128 tickrate and 64/64 on 64 tickrate servers. My rate is 55000, may lower it some more until i get some choke.

I've heard that you can't let your frames go below the cmdrate so i usually stick to 64 tick servers so i can limit my frames to 66 and have a quiet computer!

interp 0.0167 and interpratio 1.
Don't bother messing with rates, game is fine as it is. Placebo effect half the time. Even if two servers are the same tickrate they vary anyways depending on the quality of server for example.
Right click the volume symbol in the task bar > Playback devices > Communications tab > No nothing

That might fix it.
although I have not played CS in a while I am still an avid supporter of the game... I strongly disagree with people who make comments about how the game has to change to keep up and I beleive the strength of the game lies in its simple mechanics and the fact that its a game of raw skill rather than vehicles bombs and other nonsense

What CS:GO needed to be is an obvious evolvment of the original CS game based on a new engine, perfect hitbox and bullet registration, smooth feeling and greeat visual graphics

Ive been playing CS:GO for about an hour now after installing the beta and I have to say I dont see the point at all, I cant understand how they can create a new game with graphics worse than the pre-desessor; CSS was an obvious step forward from CS 1.6 with improved graphics and some slight changes to physics this feels like a step backwards with ****** gfx, stupid voice-overs and annoying over the top rain and fog effects

this seems like a step backwards I simply dont see the point of it
Worked out how to get proper Arms race working, the settings on the clanforge page didn't seem to make sense. I managed to find the settings used for dedicated servers regarding game_type and game_mode (its a combo of 0/0 1/1 0/1 etc..) seems to work now huzzah!
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