I bought GO the other day and was playing around on the beta last night. Seems fun but very Call of Duty-ish. Not sure how well I'll get on with it but I am fairly optimistic so far.
I actually like it. It doesn't quite have the feel of 1.6 which is unfortunate but it's still pretty good. It's very important to play on a decent server as it feels very sluggish otherwise.
I was a die hard player 1999-2004. The game is a shadow of its former self. Valve may have made the game look prettier but they've added nothing of any great value for 10years. These days it's a death match game and if anyone plays the way it's meant to they get booted etc. Hopefully this game is different.
DOD was the same, the bought a epic game and ruined it by removing stuff rather than adding.
I actually like it. It doesn't quite have the feel of 1.6 which is unfortunate but it's still pretty good. It's very important to play on a decent server as it feels very sluggish otherwise.
COD requires almost zero skill whereas CS you can play for 10 years and still not master it.
That's not fair at all. When you play Cod 4 at a competitive level it requires just as much skill as any CS game. Granted, it has a different feel to it. It's slightly less about aiming and more about movement, but even that is a big generalisation.
Basically, 90% of what makes a good player is the same for CS and COD. At a high level it's not so much about aiming, it's about knowing where the enemy and your team mates are and any given moment i.e. "gamesense".
Basically, 90% of what makes a good player is the same for CS and COD. At a high level it's not so much about aiming, it's about knowing where the enemy and your team mates are and any given moment i.e. "gamesense".
I am not sure how CS can be described as COD'ish....
Literally the only simalirity is you run around shooting guns....
COD requires almost zero skill whereas CS you can play for 10 years and still not master it.
at end of day if you decent gamer you will be decent if you learn apply yourself regardless of game
saying cs is pro and cod isnt is stupid.
going to be on later for some matches
What I mean is that if you took a pro CS player that has never played COD before and gave him 1 week to learn COD he could pretty much master the game.
Give a pro COD player who has never played CS a week to learn it and he will get completely pwned.
Yes, add me too pleasewill be on later for games. Steam ID in sig
Have you ever played cod at a competitive level?