CS:GO Discussion

Had a few good games whilst soloing today, managed to steal my sisters GPU as she was away all day :D

2 wins vs Legendary Eagles (solo), 1 loss vs SMFC / LEMs (played with a LEM friend and MM gave me no chance)

Hoping to break into Legendary Eagle some time soon as I seem to be able to hold my own vs LEs


Is that just mediocre LEs or were we high DMGs?
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Just made LE, woop! :)

Really enjoying breakout, getting 2 wins whilst soloing wasn't fun though, won 2/3 games to get them all, teamed with Russians in the second game who raged everytime they died and didn't speak a word of English so I'd no idea what they were saying!
Concerning sensitivities a lot depends on your mouse, mouse pad, screen (size?), resolution and personal taste.

Basic's would be to make sure any mouse acceleration is off (In CS:GO, Windows and at a driver level), make sure Raw-Input is on in game.

Windows sensitivity Stage 5 or 6.
DPI wise 400-1000 works (I seen a lot of pros using between 400-600).
In game sens between 1 and 2.5 depending on windows sen.
Polling rate I just stick on maximum your mouse can support.

I'm currently at 900 DPI, 1.6 Sens in game, windows stage 6, 1000 polling rate, and that is too high. I know its too high but I really cba adjusting :D

Lower sensitivity is generally accepted as better. I've heard talk of people saying if you do one swipe left to right of your mouse-pad and do a full 360 degree turn you are in the right area.

However at the end of the day as long as your sensitivity isn't too high you're gonna be OK.

I see a lot of people talking about resolution, a lot of pros are using 4:3 stretched, some using 16:10 aspect ration. There is really no right answer here and personally I'm not sure. I've always used my monitors native resolution in CS, since the early days and I cant say it makes a huge difference swapping about for me personally.

Also make sure Global shadow quality is set to the highest (Shadows are a big give away in some situations).
Effect detail on high lets you see through Molotov's smoke effect easier.
Shader I've also got on the highest.

Not noticed any difference in having Model/Texture detail on low/high so i just have it on highest.

Color Mode: Television (a lot use this, makes everything brightttter, far less dark spots).
Make sure motion blur is off (think it is by default).
Texture filtering on lowest.
Absolutely no AA/MSAA/etc of any kind (adds input lag).
Vsync off.


voice_scale 1

This command is how loud you will hear your teammates through ingame voice chat, 1 being same as game sound, 0.5 being half of normal game sound. Helps against them raging russians when u try to clutch.
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DPI wise 400-1000 works (I seen a lot of pros using between 400-600).
In game sens between 1 and 2.5 depending on windows sen.
Polling rate I just stick on maximum your mouse can support.

I'm currently at 900 DPI, 1.6 Sens in game, windows stage 6, 1000 polling rate, and that is too high. I know its too high but I really cba adjusting :D

Im using 6400 and 0.27 in game at the moment.

I tried using 400 and 5.something as someone said it wouldn't be as twitchy when doing fine movements. But I found the opposite with my mouse & mat combo. 6400 just felt smoother for me.

I don't drag my mouse all over the mat, I'm used to wrist aiming now instead of moving the arm. But 1 flick with do a 180

www.mouse-sensitivity.com is good for finding for sensitivity for different DPI settings across different games.

Concerning sensitivities a lot depends on your mouse, mouse pad, screen (size?), resolution and personal taste.

Basic's would be to make sure any mouse acceleration is off (In CS:GO, Windows and at a driver level), make sure Raw-Input is on in game.

Windows sensitivity Stage 5 or 6.
DPI wise 400-1000 works (I seen a lot of pros using between 400-600).
In game sens between 1 and 2.5 depending on windows sen.
Polling rate I just stick on maximum your mouse can support.

I'm currently at 900 DPI, 1.6 Sens in game, windows stage 6, 1000 polling rate, and that is too high. I know its too high but I really cba adjusting :D

Lower sensitivity is generally accepted as better. I've heard talk of people saying if you do one swipe left to right of your mouse-pad and do a full 360 degree turn you are in the right area.

However at the end of the day as long as your sensitivity isn't too high you're gonna be OK.

I see a lot of people talking about resolution, a lot of pros are using 4:3 stretched, some using 16:10 aspect ration. There is really no right answer here and personally I'm not sure. I've always used my monitors native resolution in CS, since the early days and I cant say it makes a huge difference swapping about for me personally.

Also make sure Global shadow quality is set to the highest (Shadows are a big give away in some situations).
Effect detail on high lets you see through Molotov's smoke effect easier.
Shader I've also got on the highest.

Not noticed any difference in having Model/Texture detail on low/high so i just have it on highest.

Color Mode: Television (a lot use this, makes everything brightttter, far less dark spots).
Make sure motion blur is off (think it is by default).
Texture filtering on lowest.
Absolutely no AA/MSAA/etc of any kind (adds input lag).
Vsync off.


voice_scale 1

This command is how loud you will hear your teammates through ingame voice chat, 1 being same as game sound, 0.5 being half of normal game sound. Helps against them raging russians when u try to clutch.

Couple of things I'd like to say about that guide. Generally good, just want to say about AA really. To explain you say it adds input lag, well yes it does reduce FPS therefore for some people this will be an issue. For those of us with 300fps+ even with 8xmsaa it isn't an issue. In 10 mans I get around 400-450fps on most active duty maps. However if the difference is between 80fps and 150fps then for sure turn AA off.

If you have an Nvidia card use Vibrance at 85-100% via this handy program http://vibrancegui.com/ it really makes things stand out. Oh and I use Pc monitor rather than television but brightness at 1.6 and my monitor set pretty bright too.
Hm, fair enough concerning the AA/etc. I was always under the assumption that it added input lag by default, regardless of how much FPS you were getting. Seems I am wrong there!
What's the difference between using that and just setting it in the Nvidia Control Panel? :confused::confused::confused:

Having high digital vibrancy in windows or other games can look bad. This will automatically increase D.V. when it detects you're in CS:GO, then lower it when you close it so you don't have to keep going in and changing it.
sometimes even fps doesnt save you. i can hit 400fps easily but when i have a matching ping value i could be playing on 30fps and it would be the same.
Here's a quick question, in game I can never hear the beeping of a bomb that is ticking down but when watching streams I can.
I must have my audio set up wrong.
Any tips for audio settings both in game and Realtek hd audio manager?

My current settings

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on the topic of sound I couldn't believe the increase in awareness I gained from getting a proper pair of headphones. I was using the normal gamer headsets like Siberia's/Razer crap, but swapped to some Beyerdynamics.

Footsteps, silenced gun shots, scoping noises, reload sound and all those subtle sounds are so so much easier to pick up from surprisingly far away. Really made a massive difference in my game play/awareness, and I'm shocked to see top end pro's using £50 headsets.
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