CS:GO Discussion

I'm shocked to see top end pro's using £50 headsets.

They're forced to because of sponsorship deals, otherwise they wouldn't get paid to be "Pro" :(

I've got a pair of HD598s myself, absolutely love them. Well worth an investment in a good, solid set of cans if you want to properly get into this game!
I've heard quite a few good recommendations about the Plantronics 780 as a budget headset. Not really got anything solid based on my own experience to offer I'm afraid, cheapest headset I've ever owned was Turtlebeach PX21s back when I was a PS3 fanboy..
Dunno what budget is but i'm very pleased with my Sennheiser 330 which are around 110 euro I think. Not for people with big heads though as they are a tight fit.

Sorry just saw your budget, im blind
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I'm shocked to see top end pro's using £50 headsets.
Im not sure it matters massively, is the sound on csgo better then source was. Like on Nuke, is it really going to help me because I swear its broke.
I'd love for them to do proper 3D sound, echo and all sorts of natural effects are so distorting and add a lot to atmosphere. Im thinking like the firefight from Heat (1995)

So I've just won my 10th game, meaning I now actually have a rank.

Quite surprised to see I got ranked Gold Nova 1, not sure if that's good for a newbie but it sounds alright :D
Thats great if you new to cs, Ive been playing years and didnt get that.
Rank doesnt really matter so long as you got a way to keep improving I think thats what makes the game

Well I can tell you that going from a £50 pair of steel Siberias (also my fiancées razar headset) to a pair of beyerdynamics mmx 300 the difference is massive. I can position sound far better and pick up every subtle sound (reloads, scoping, can hear/positin silenced shots) far better also one of the biggest is being able to still hear footsteps while lots of shooting/explosions/etc are going off. I can't stress enough the night and day difference between a "gaming" headset and a proper pair of headphones.

That being said position audio on some maps is just an utter mess. nuke is awful in particular. It's being remade at the moment, hopefully some fixes in place. The positional audio gets pretty messed up once there are multiple floors/levels of a map.
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I used to be the headset buyer at ocuk until I recently passed the group to TwsT.

This meant that I have basically had a go on every noteworthy gaming headset.

even using things like the PC350/SE/Zero variants from Sennheiser which are seen as the best in terms of gaming headsets and the Beyer MMX300 etc are fairly terrible in terms of sound translation for games like CSGO.

I fully didn't believe that there was any benefit to be had from using good headphones over a gaming headset.

I now own AKG 702s and we don't talk about when I used to use gaming headsets anymore.
All this talk about headsets and headphones but no mention of Sound cards?

I use a pair of 5.1 Tritons with an older Creative Fatal1ty sound card and the sounds are pretty decent to me. I can tell positions of enemies pretty much on every map except Nuke, which just confuses the hell out of me.
I'm still occasionally having some ping rising issuues when other people on my network are either streaming video or torrenting.

My router is an Asus RTN66U. I first tried using the QoS function and settting my PC as High priority and the others as a lower priority, but the issues that caused is that it was limiting even my PC. I have 150mb broadband but with QoS on (with or without rules) the connection seemed to max out at 100mb.
I then turned off QoS and tried opening the correct ports for CSGO but that hasn't really made a difference.

Any other suggestions?
if you have torrents running on your PC or any PC on the network the upload speed will effect your download speed. would suggest you turn off your torrents or cap the upload speed for each torrent
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Recently reached the rank Farmer w/tan, the last four games I've played have had cheaters. When will it end, the horror!
Im not sure it matters massively, is the sound on csgo better then source was. Like on Nuke, is it really going to help me because I swear its broke.
I'd love for them to do proper 3D sound, echo and all sorts of natural effects are so distorting and add a lot to atmosphere. Im thinking like the firefight from Heat (1995)

Thats great if you new to cs, Ive been playing years and didnt get that.
Rank doesnt really matter so long as you got a way to keep improving I think thats what makes the game

That deagle shot...... :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Looking at them may order, anyone have them?

Out of curiosity I've got up to 50quid to spend what's people's recommendations.

Pls god don't get those.

Samson SR85 / Superlux 668B or Superlux 681 + clip on mic = much better sound quality. Then when you have a spare 2p you can do the 2p treble mod for them and a spare £10 you can do the velour pads mod for them. This will give you a headset that can easily rival the big boys of sennheiser & akg for a fraction of the price.

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Wot e sed.

Creative Aurvana Live! is another good option (available on here) if you don't feel like modding - but mods are so fun and so easy it shouldn't be an issue. Failing that, get the HyperX Clouds, which are decent for the money and will involve no modding and ofc come with a mic alongside.
clouds at that budget if you cba to mod.

alternative would be to wait a few weeks and we will have QPAD back at ocuk

the QH85 is the same as the cloud but has an open back.
Fiancees brother uses AKG 702s and I really cannot stand how they sound, personally. Even though he nearly cried when I bought the BD mmx 300's over them (was looking for something for gaming and general use). Also another negative is using mod mics/desktop mics, it was a huge off put for me.

I don't claim to know a huge amount about headsets or headphones, I haven't even tried that many quality headphones out, my only point was that there is a huge difference from a standard "gaming headset" from steelseries, razer and the likes when compared to a quality product from Sennheiser, BD, AKG and etc.
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