CS:GO Discussion

Getting to grips with the recoil slowly. The way the gunsight moves up a little then stops but then the bullets keep climbing or sliding is really hard to get used to. Sometimes it feels like you're aiming at someones feet but getting a headshot.
Can anyone tell me why I can't connect to a server?

Connecting to public( ...
124.090: Sending UDP connect to public IP
Invalid GetHostVersion(), expecting 10062, got 11730
What was your FPS when you were on 1080p?

It's true that actually a lower resolution gives you something like a 3% better chance of getting headshots apparently. Some guy worked it out. It's about how the game scales it up for different resolutions or something. That's partly why pros insist on playing at such low resolutions.

60 most of the time, although now I'm playing at the lowest res (can't remember what it is precisely) I was getting way over 100 and didn't see the point so I just put fps_max 61.
How? Is there a way to force an update because Steam certainly isn't doing it for me. :(

You could try verifying cache, I'm not sure if that would push an update or not though.

1) Right Click CS:GO
2) Properties
3) Local Files
4) Verify Integrity of Game Files

There's also the update tab next to the local files tab, make sure that's on 'Always keep this game up to date'.

Also, you could try going to the Steam drop down menu option (at the very top left) and clicking 'Check for Steam client upadates...' it might help push through any updates for the games if the client itself needs an update.
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Im interested to see this new zombie model too! and all the assets they include, some must be planned for use in future games, ahem....
Do the pistols - specifically the deagle - feel weird to anyone else? In 1.6 and CSS I could run around with the Deagle headshotting all day long - in CS:GO bullets fire off in seemingly random directions!
My only big gripe at the moment are the two key/favourite assault rifles, the AK47 for T, and the M4 for CT

AK47 – No Helmet = 1 shot kill to head
M4 – No Helmet = 1 shot kill to head

AK47 – W/ Helmet = 1 shot kill to head
M4 – W/ Helmet = TWO shots to head for a kill!

I appreciate in the real world the M4 is a 5.56 round, and the ak a 7.62 round but still, really?!?

You would have hoped that the more expensive rifle (the m4) that is meant to match the ak should be able to do similar levels of damage.
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Anyone been playing demolition?

Yes, although finding a server which sticks to the default small map demolition rotation and has a ping <100 is virtually impossible.

I see what the devs are trying to do. Demolition is a natural progression from Arms Race, slotting it between “Classic” mode. It’s the server admins that ruin the mode as far as I’m concerned. The only reason I play demolition is to force me to use some lolguns and try out the new maps, but when I use the matchmaking I usually find that all the standard two bombsite maps are in the rotation, which defeats the point of the game mode.
Do the pistols - specifically the deagle - feel weird to anyone else? In 1.6 and CSS I could run around with the Deagle headshotting all day long - in CS:GO bullets fire off in seemingly random directions!

I have no complaints with the glock but I really dislike the CT pistol, bring back the 1.6 usp tbh :(

Anyone else find it annoying that the full game doesn't unlock until 8 hours time...
Do the pistols - specifically the deagle - feel weird to anyone else? In 1.6 and CSS I could run around with the Deagle headshotting all day long - in CS:GO bullets fire off in seemingly random directions!

Same story with me. Pistols seem to be extremly random. I think that's because they changed run and gun accuracy, with DE run and gun short rage was quite accurate, easy headshots. Bullets in go are pretty much random with every weapon when bursting while running, including DE.

My only big gripe at the moment are the two key/favourite assault rifles, the AK47 for T, and the M4 for CT

AK47 – No Helmet = 1 shot kill to head
M4 – No Helmet = 1 shot kill to head

AK47 – W/ Helmet = 1 shot kill to head
M4 – W/ Helmet = TWO shots to head for a kill!

I appreciate in the real world the M4 is a 5.56 round, and the ak a 7.62 round but still, really?!?

You would have hoped that the more expensive rifle (the m4) that is meant to match the ak should be able to do similar levels of damage.
Indeed, I do not understand why though, my kd ratio is much higher as terrorist due to AK beings so effective, while m4 seems to be as useful as terrorist 4-1 weapon whatever it's called
Same story with me. Pistols seem to be extremly random. I think that's because they changed run and gun accuracy, with DE run and gun short rage was quite accurate, easy headshots. Bullets in go are pretty much random with every weapon when bursting while running, including DE.

Is it confirmed that run and gun accuracy with pistols has been changed? If so it seems an odd change - why dumb it down?
60 most of the time, although now I'm playing at the lowest res (can't remember what it is precisely) I was getting way over 100 and didn't see the point so I just put fps_max 61.

Ah well if you can get 100+, I’d set your max fps higher. Assuming you have a 60 Hz monitor, the game will still “feel” smoother at a higher fps value. I can’t explain why that is at the moment because I’m at work (:p), so you’ll just have to take my word for it.

You should feel a difference between 60 fps and 120 fps, even on a 60 Hz monitor (actually set it to 121 to prevent tearing).
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