CS:GO Discussion

Deagle is in css was ridiculous haha, I do miss it at times. Csgo deagle has a much larger recoil reset time, so the first bullet needs to be on point. I've learned to use other pistols instead really.

Awping isn't as agile as it was in css either.

I've noticed! The recoil is massive on it now.

Any game I've played on D2 has just been an awp fest. I think at one point 11/15 players had an AWP. Gets boring real fast. ;(
good game last night @Robbo, Swaggy, Hybrid . shame we lost though. Wish My internet connection would have lasted the whole game. Finished on 28 kills and only got 1 after we switched to T side due to my ridiculous ping.

shouldnt be for much longer now. hopefully exchanging by the end of the month.
good game last night @Robbo, Swaggy, Hybrid . shame we lost though. Wish My internet connection would have lasted the whole game. Finished on 28 kills and only got 1 after we switched to T side due to my ridiculous ping.

shouldnt be for much longer now. hopefully exchanging by the end of the month.

It was a GG. It's such a shame when we have those types of games where we don't get smashed but know that if we all did something slightly different, then it was an easy win.

I ended up playing later in the night and had a great 15-15 draw after a 4-11 first half!
I've noticed! The recoil is massive on it now.

Any game I've played on D2 has just been an awp fest. I think at one point 11/15 players had an AWP. Gets boring real fast. ;(

learn to smash em,

I awp a lot but if CT's go awp crazy the flashbang pro 90 rush comes out
1600 dpi ewwwwww

400 dpi and 2 sens ftw :p

common argument in the scene since the beginning of variable dpi's you won't notice the difference if you go 1600/.5 or 400/2 assuming you use a normal windows sens.

various mouse guides suggest opposites 1600 is perfect for me in windows and i'm too lazy to set up profiles or change things :D so i just tweaked my ingame sense.
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good game last night @Robbo, Swaggy, Hybrid . shame we lost though. Wish My internet connection would have lasted the whole game. Finished on 28 kills and only got 1 after we switched to T side due to my ridiculous ping.

shouldnt be for much longer now. hopefully exchanging by the end of the month.

The first game we played on cache i played like a silver 1 scrub, was truely ashamed of myself. The 2nd game on Mirage went better for me on CT then fell apart on T.

One thing I have noticed is a lot of the folks here around MG1-DMG level inc myself are a lot better on CT than T. We end up smashing as CT then have a really hard time as T

I've been practising with the USP a lot recently and I am getting better with it for pistol rounds but my work with the AK is shocking at the moment
It's always far easier to defend than attack in my opinion and I always do better on CT due to it. My friends a really good entry fragger so the T side suits him perfectly. I'm MG1 at the moment and faced and won against a team of DMG players so hopefully another rank up is in the wings!
The first game we played on cache i played like a silver 1 scrub, was truely ashamed of myself. The 2nd game on Mirage went better for me on CT then fell apart on T.

One thing I have noticed is a lot of the folks here around MG1-DMG level inc myself are a lot better on CT than T. We end up smashing as CT then have a really hard time as T

I've been practising with the USP a lot recently and I am getting better with it for pistol rounds but my work with the AK is shocking at the moment

my ping shot up for T side so i was useless, if it would have stayed at 80 or whatever if it was on CT side we would have won i think. multiple times i lined up shots perfectly on mid as T but it missed due to ping. I hate blaming ping but it really is an issue. anything upto 150ish ive learnt to live with.
The M4 is happier with movement then the AK might count for a lot plus its the T who actually have to move forward (more) Also m4 first shot accuracy is higher?

4-11 first half!
They or at least one I checked was just shooting through smoke in the most blatant way Ive seen recently. Lucky you guys were aiming so well when both sides were in the clear to make up for it
They got zero fear of OW

I don't understand though we have had this conversation before. If it was that low a full turn would like about 5 mouse matt lengths of like 25cm :eek:

Its counter intuitive as you will perform some things worse. Its better to be picking up the mouse then to be able to do 360. Its also more effort but it should help precision, like threading a needle you want less motion at that point
I still havent got it setup at best, might try setting sens with 400dpi to see what happens

It's always far easier to defend than attack
Sometimes there an aggressive bias to a team and peeking gives a surprise advantage. Most maps are literally up hill though, if I remember right hitboxes arrange to give advantage to the higher player
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1600 DPI
0.736 in game sens, after taking the average from the sensitivity test.
3/11 windows
g502 mouse

I've tried a lot of different mouse setting to get to this point.
I personally found higher DPI works better for me, it seems smoother. Lower DPI felt "notchy" especially on a higher end mouse.
Maybe its placebo but I'm pretty sure I felt a difference.

I'd say my sensitivity is the high side of mid, I tried for weeks with a lower sens as recommended by practically every one but I actually found I was less accurate.

Best tip I can give is to do the sensitivity test at least 3 times and take the average from the 3 then once you have found a sens your happy with dont change it again.

Constantly changing sensitivity will totally mess up your accuracy so stick with just 1.
M4A4 is inferior (or the same) in all areas other than magazine capacity and it's slightly more accurate at jump shooting. Every other area the a1 is better or the same. For some silly reason the a1 does more damage and has less damage drop off from range, which to me at least is counter intuitive.

The a1 is the better choice and The a4 really needs a slight adjustment.
Sign up and play on faceit can do so for free. Tends to be less on there plus 128 tick servers =]

Faceit's server anti cheat just makes it unbearable for me.

There is a new service for high level players called popflash LINK and it's fantastic but i'd suggest it's DMG minimum if you want a chance at competing with others.
Faceit's server anti cheat just makes it unbearable for me.

There is a new service for high level players called popflash LINK and it's fantastic but i'd suggest it's DMG minimum if you want a chance at competing with others.

Currently solo queueing to give this a go, waited 15 minutes and no game so far. I'll give it another 5 mins.

How long did it take for you?
I just did this:

I didn't even realise I killed the whole team till I watched the demo after :p

Oh and the demo was very choppy and animations were a bit buggy so that's why it's like that in the video.
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