CS:GO Discussion

IS MM knackered? Struggling to get games, usually within 10 seconds now it's over 2 minutes with the default map pool on.
I had to reset the server browser app and got a game within 10 seconds. Must have been that causing it after repairing CSGO install.
it was a Bayonet doppler and i think i got about £190 for it. as it was one of the first skins i won i didn't appreciate the occasion like some people do lol.

there are 4 phases of doppler plus ruby/sapphire/black pearl which are very rare.

just make sure you know which you have as they vary in price dramatically.
I've finally reached the rank of SMFC, been playing since February never thought I would get this far.

last 2 games I drawn both times just need another 15/16 wins to reach the ever impossible GE.

the skill difference between LEM and SMFC is not much, but I find that kills are easier on LE's to LEM I was carrying my team with 35 kills 7 stars.

You learn so much about smokes, clutching and silly mistakes.
Following the VAC waves and ranking system getting a bit watered down the skill range at GE is now massive.

There are some people who've managed to get to GE who would previously have never got out of LE/LEM without getting boosted (or cheating).
there are 4 phases of doppler plus ruby/sapphire/black pearl which are very rare.

just make sure you know which you have as they vary in price dramatically.

How on earth do you even tell which one you have

I feel like a right silver when it comes to skins as I know nothing, I'm sure people just make stuff up to try and price their junk higher
How on earth do you even tell which one you have

I feel like a right silver when it comes to skins as I know nothing, I'm sure people just make stuff up to try and price their junk higher

Knifes have different 'finishes' going up in price depending which one you have:



** Image removed due to swearing **
How on earth do you even tell which one you have

I feel like a right silver when it comes to skins as I know nothing, I'm sure people just make stuff up to try and price their junk higher

Phase 1 - This variation consists of approximately 80% Black and 20% Red (2)

Phase 2 - This variation consists of approximately 80% Red and 20% Black (4)

Phase 3 - This variation consists of approximately 60% Blue, 10% Green and 20% Black (1)

Phase 4 - This variation consists of approximately 80% Blue and 20% Black (3)

Doppler phases explained above.
Phase 1 - This variation consists of approximately 80% Black and 20% Red (2)

Phase 2 - This variation consists of approximately 80% Red and 20% Black (4)

Phase 3 - This variation consists of approximately 60% Blue, 10% Green and 20% Black (1)

Phase 4 - This variation consists of approximately 80% Blue and 20% Black (3)

Doppler phases explained above.

this /\

except ruby, sapphire and black pearl.

examples of some of the different ones ive owned in the spoiler.

Phase 2 Bayonet

Phase 2 M9

Phase 2 M9

Phase 2 Bayonet

Phase 1 M9

Sapphire Flip

Phase 2 Flip
Been playing some casual lately. Was wondering is there such as thing as public servers that play ye olde 16v16. Or is it all just casual via the game finder
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Been playing some casual lately. Was wondering is there such as thing as public servers that play ye olde 16v16. Or is it all just casual via the game finder

You need to use the server browser as there's servers out there upto 64x64.
6 wins out of 8 on DMG with plenty of MVPs and kills against Eagles and still no rank up, meh, going to be a grind this one, not bad considering its only using SMG (and a bit of AK/AWP) haha

My knife btw ...

It actually happened, massive cs update.

Hitbox fixes, new animations and m4a1s nerf.

was gonna say, my mind is blown. now I dont have to learn that gun better yay :p


I think there is a lan coming, DH qualifiers so should be interesting if it throws some teams off. Maybe Friberg NIP comes back from the brink
I did wonder why market front page had no cases on it, now I know why. asimov m4 went up $15 apparently

such as thing as public servers
some servers play all sorts of game modes. zombie mode and surfing, I dont personally but it seems to match previous cs where anything was possible.
Connect manually ip in console or go via community server browser

6 wins out of 8 on DMG with plenty of MVPs and kills against Eagles
Takes me about 10 wins or draws and draws are usually positive for me. Depends on your ELO in a game I expect, also when you get kills probably matters, if you are the last one alive continually in a round win it'll count more. On your new account it should change level twice as fast I'd expect
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