Been playing some casual lately. Was wondering is there such as thing as public servers that play ye olde 16v16. Or is it all just casual via the game finder
the best designs are for a1 I thinkis now the time to stock up on m4a1s skins then?
Amazing to see how much skin prices are changing by the hour... M4 Assimov gone from £16 to £25, M4A1-S Hyper-Beast gone down £27 to £19.50
everyone has pretty much doubled the price on their market listings for M4a4 skins...
Not sure whether to cash in on my FN Dragon King Stat Trak now....
Tho I do like it so thinking to sit on it for the time being.. Decisions
Really enjoying it tbh after the perks and crap that most modern shooters have these days.
Watching the recent E-Sports for CS-GO got me interested in CS again. Last time I played for any length of time was back in the 56k days.
I have to admit I am really shocked/confused by all the available skins that people are actually paying money for, some of the prices seem crazy. Its also gotten very serious since I last played
I'm at rank 3 atm but getting better all the time practicing on TDM. Really enjoying it tbh after the perks and crap that most modern shooters have these days. Will be nice getting into a a proper team match at some stage.
Someone added me from here...
Woops? Got notified today that someone I played with was hacking.