CS:GO Discussion

Prices are to be expected I guess.

Remains to be seen how serious the nerf is on the A1, probably will still be superior over long range for precision 2 bullet bursts, the m4 will obviously be better at spraying.

Interestingly I've heard rumours burst firing famas may be good now.

The dust needs to settle, massive a changes! Also the bugs need ironing out, box crouch shooting is some what interesting now! Haha.
Been playing some casual lately. Was wondering is there such as thing as public servers that play ye olde 16v16. Or is it all just casual via the game finder

check out frag deluxe good 30 man server on regular maps skin mods and generally nice people.
My impression is the m4a1 is better now, I wasnt going to say so cos I must be wrong but saw this


Apparently all changes to m4a1 didnt clear and it was supposed to do less damage but this is not live yet
The patch stopped guns poking through walls (doors?) but people speculate it'll be taken back out as its dropped game performance a lot

flamie on fragshack, he knew where I was so I jumped his awp shot and shot him with pistol. I will retire at my peak now
is now the time to stock up on m4a1s skins then?
the best designs are for a1 I think
After watching videos and reading up on reddit, the a1 nerf isn't as bad as people are making out.

Just a shame they don't add the option so we can buy either in MM instead of having to pick one before we start.
Watching the recent E-Sports for CS-GO got me interested in CS again. Last time I played for any length of time was back in the 56k days.

I have to admit I am really shocked/confused by all the available skins that people are actually paying money for, some of the prices seem crazy. Its also gotten very serious since I last played :)

I'm at rank 3 atm but getting better all the time practicing on TDM. Really enjoying it tbh after the perks and crap that most modern shooters have these days. Will be nice getting into a a proper team match at some stage.
Really enjoying it tbh after the perks and crap that most modern shooters have these days.

This is the argument I keep having with some of the guys in the office.

No sprinting around, no perks helping you out, no killstreaks, no stupid objectives. A straight forward team based game, with simple objectives. Plus you have to be a pretty reasonable shooter to do well.

PS. Prices on the M4A1 have dropped a fair bit. Just grabbed myself a Nitro FN for 6.84$
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Watching the recent E-Sports for CS-GO got me interested in CS again. Last time I played for any length of time was back in the 56k days.

I have to admit I am really shocked/confused by all the available skins that people are actually paying money for, some of the prices seem crazy. Its also gotten very serious since I last played :)

I'm at rank 3 atm but getting better all the time practicing on TDM. Really enjoying it tbh after the perks and crap that most modern shooters have these days. Will be nice getting into a a proper team match at some stage.

Add me on steam if you want and ill run through some basics and a few tips, tricks and smokes to help you on your way. Steam name is hybridxs
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