CS:GO Discussion

Hitbox wise everybody got a bit fatter looks like. Hitbox spans the ears where it was just to the glasses before, they could reduce leg arm damage to account more for a 'flesh wound'

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Watching the recent E-Sports for CS-GO got me interested in CS again. Last time I played for any length of time was back in the 56k days.

I have to admit I am really shocked/confused by all the available skins that people are actually paying money for, some of the prices seem crazy. Its also gotten very serious since I last played :)

I'm at rank 3 atm but getting better all the time practicing on TDM. Really enjoying it tbh after the perks and crap that most modern shooters have these days. Will be nice getting into a a proper team match at some stage.

Added you i think on steam but Im pretty sure you blocked me lol
IM assuming you're the Mrkeeno with the Arma 2 icon (as you have craptakular on your friends list from these forums)

My profile name may have shown up as Zenduri with the friends invite but the invite is no longer pending and it give me an error when i try to add you so you must have ignored or blocked me :D

Also it was me that sent you to the OCUK community invite lol Searching either Zenduri or Hybridxs will show me as the top result (plus im the only Brit on the results lol)
My bad, I did ignore you :( Thought that it was a friend invite from a match I had just finished (some weird fella's in that one :D)

I'll have a look tonight when I get home and add you, cheers :)
It's a positive update I will give it that, but still need to fix the new bugs they've created now. My FPS in public when it's 10 v 10 has dropped from solid 299 to 220 which is annoying, but it's fine in 5 v 5.

Ladders need fixing, if you shoot someone side on nothing hits below the knee or shoulder upwards.

Defuse kit is the only thing I don't like. Don't like the fact you can plant for apps or somewhere like that, then just pop out slightly with your knife so it's super quick and if you don't see the strings well you know they aren't defusing, rather annoying for fake defuses.
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