CS:GO Discussion

i should be on tonight if anyone needs a player :)

A question for you all if i may.

when i first started playing MM (this was when they first started doing operations for matches etc as before this i just played public) i couldn't get used to the 64 tick servers over the public server of 128 tick servers my clan had and the reg was terrible.

to try and help with this i started using the SG 553 and SSG 08 as i could zoom in and get better aim at long distance. i find now i am better used to the 64 tick servers and the lack of reg and pre fire common spots but i am so used to the zoom function now that my AK and M4 side of things have gone to pot!

does anyone have any suggestions to improve this at all or is the DM servers the best route?
Try not to get too hung up on the 64vs128 tick issues. Yes 64tick Reg can be horrid but blaming it becomes toxic.

I find DM with sound off and your own music on is good practice as you don't rely on game sense rather pure aim, find a community one with a decent amount of players and a good DM mod ( one that let you pick any weapon regardless of team)

I don't play on aim servers as much because you can't really practice your spray. Knowing when to burst or spray is also a HUGE part of your tools, Aswell as knowing when to crouch.
I see so many players just drop into a crouch and spray every encounter. If the model your spraying down hasn't dropped within say, your first 5/6 bullets your probably dead. Rather practice strafing ADADA then throw a crouch in the mix. Never slow peak a blind corner where you know some is probably going to be pre-aiming.

I remember in 1.6 playing public after you reached a certain level was kind of a waste of time, however its fun and enjoyable but the main point being you can practice your nade/smokes and angles, nades have a much bigger impact then they have in any previous versions of the game so perfecting them is also a vital assest :cool:

Unfortunately there is no magic pill, like anything practice leads to experience and before you know it your muscle memory will adapt and all that jazz ;)
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Get used to it, happens even in the higher ranks. Had a game the other day on inferno, standard set up I peaked banana to get Intel, nothing then had a proper look and saw 2 going mid, called them so the other b player rotates which is fine. Then the 4 of them on a proceed to hide, 1 cubby, 1 site one pit one deep in library and the other hiding in dark, they get precisely no Intel on where the t's are going and the they proceed to slowly walk and clear angles until they were nicely set up and knew where all 4 of them were by process of elimination. One by one they get rekt all whole screaming at me not to push banana even though I knew all five of them were on a by this point. I call this and tell them they are setting up for a push, nothing, they all die, think one of them got a hit on one leaving me 1 v5. Then when I armour pistol second round they try to kick me. Even after I get a 4k and win the round they still think I'm a noob for buying. :(


I don't play online a lot but there are way too many immature players. I have had repeated incidents of :

- Team killing/Team harming like one bullet on spawn.
- Yelling after a player dies and commands the one alive how to survive. Followed by name calling.
- A lot more name calling
- Crappy strategies.... "Rush B Rush B dont stop" and then everyone is waiting in the tunnel while i storm out alone and die..

As much as i love this game, some days are just not fun.

This happens far too often, even when I'm playing in a full team of 5 on teamspeak it occasionally happens. I run in solo, get one and then get kpwned by a guy peeking window.

"Where the **** were you?"



Rushing isn't that much of a crappy strategy. it's good on some maps and on some sites(dust2-B, cache-A). The thing is you need the team to understand what the objective is. On rush, first guy dies, hands down, unless he has sick aim. The idea of a rush is to RUSH the bomb site and plant. in doing this you will out number the opposition and have a better chance of killing it. Problem is ppl are stopping in choke points or outside the bmb site, thus giving the CT's time to reload/reaim.
Also getting to LE/LEM is doable through aim skill alone, @ gold you need to get 2/3 kills per round and you're gonna get higher ranks in no time. At that lvl you start having 1-2 guys that know how and when to rotate at an ok level, so you need to communicate.
also if anyone starts flaming/yelling just block him completely, he is a lost cause no need to worry over him.
Try not to get too hung up on the 64vs128 tick issues. Yes 64tick Reg can be horrid but blaming it becomes toxic.

I find DM with sound off and your own music on is good practice as you don't rely on game sense rather pure aim, find a community one with a decent amount of players and a good DM mod ( one that let you pick any weapon regardless of team)

I don't play on aim servers as much because you can't really practice your spray. Knowing when to burst or spray is also a HUGE part of your tools, Aswell as knowing when to crouch.
I see so many players just drop into a crouch and spray every encounter. If the model your spraying down hasn't dropped within say, your first 5/6 bullets your probably dead. Rather practice strafing ADADA then throw a crouch in the mix. Never slow peak a blind corner where you know some is probably going to be pre-aiming.

I remember in 1.6 playing public after you reached a certain level was kind of a waste of time, however its fun and enjoyable but the main point being you can practice your nade/smokes and angles, nades have a much bigger impact then they have in any previous versions of the game so perfecting them is also a vital assest :cool:

Unfortunately there is no magic pill, like anything practice leads to experience and before you know it your muscle memory will adapt and all that jazz ;)

All well said and valid points :)

just flinging smokes on public and practising holding the obvious rush spots is also really handy also entry fragging.
CLG just qualified for a major and last night lost to semi pro 3 man team with 1 standin helping them for a total of 4 v 5. The map was mirage which they beat Fnatic on. :o


New maps hopefully, not sure if bloodhound ends soon but I finally bothered to get the coin to silver just in case

UK just eco'd slovakia wooo

Slovenia IGL banned shortly after ?

Arms race = 2:12 for 128xp or about 1xp per second for comparison
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Is there a way I could team up with some guys on here? I haven't played in a long time, I'm GN2 so not great and I'm kind of out of practice, but would just like some games with people who don't do their own thing all the time/suck.

Only thing is my headset is broken so no mic for a while.

Yeah man, I will team up with ya. I am on EST -5.00 GMT tho so probably only weekends. I will be back in the UK for Christmas :D.

I'm located, here http://steamcommunity.com/id/Swagger187
Tried a bit of casual again this evening after not playing for several weeks. Absolutely horrid with the big jump in latency! :(

Guess I'll wait a few more weeks... :D
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