CS:GO Discussion

As much as I love this game, the non-English/Russian types are breaking me right now. If they die the other team are all hackers, if i die I'm a noob, if I rush I'm a noob, if I don't rush I'm a noob. I don't get why they can't seem to have a normal game without getting irate and ruining it for all team......
As much as I love this game, the non-English/Russian types are breaking me right now. If they die the other team are all hackers, if i die I'm a noob, if I rush I'm a noob, if I don't rush I'm a noob. I don't get why they can't seem to have a normal game without getting irate and ruining it for all team......

voice_enable 0 or block all communication
voice_enable 0 or block all communication

See this is a tricky one.

Unless you are very reactive to deaths and the map, its hard to miss out on your team mates with calls.

Inbetween the rage they provide there is a chance they will say how many or where exactly they died which is valuable.

But again it depends, personally i use my map probably more than what i should, lets me know if a team mate dies, i know where from. the only problem is the numbers i am unsure of unless all of them sprayed on the map and i can see the enemies on the map.

But i do agree, i've even had to mute people in the warmup rounds before.

People don't understand when they are tilting venting it on comms is very negative for the team, the amount of times i have tilted due to someone moaning, saying gg this and that is countless..

Also depends how toxic they are, if they are just screaming at you for no reason then you haven't really got much choice, just mute them. but if they are salty/on tilt and still provide some information then it might be worth biting down through the negative comms just to benefit from the calls.
Yep solo queuing is dire. Mute any one obnoxious and just use the in game call outs.

I refuse to soloQ on MM now. i normally only play with IRL mates when there is atleast 3+ of us.

Official MM is way to hit and miss! one day you have a team communicating and listening to the shot caller..

And next day you have 4 people with no mics, no communication or just plain right abusive.

I think once i hit LEM i'll be heading over to esea for soloqing and still play official MM with my IRL friends :)
Added a bunch of you guys, LoLoLo (steam id). Updated spreadsheet. I am usually around 10:30 pm-ish.

Had a real good game with Kreeeee last night , managed to pull out a draw from 13-15 :D with another guy in the team who was doing his own thing. Great game!

A question , if you have joined from a lobby , do you still need to hit K to speak to all those who were in the lobby and now in the game ?
CLG just qualified for a major and last night lost to semi pro 3 man team with 1 standin helping them for a total of 4 v 5. The map was mirage which they beat Fnatic on. :o

New maps hopefully, not sure if bloodhound ends soon but I finally bothered to get the coin to silver just in case

Yeah it ends soon, Completion date September 30, 2015
(scheduled) that's on the bloodhound wiki page
Have you queued in Europe Swagger because I think USA is a dream in comparison. We had like 5 hack games in a row the other day, its pretty silly. It makes every rank silver rank because they cant just stay and play vs their own skill level [ie. wow we team aced them with a p250 and a nade, thats easy. Well 9 out 10 times its because they are awful and vs a rush they lost their preaim advantage for a moment].
I wish it never showed ranks or you could opt out and queue up only vs others who had done the same

See this is a tricky one.

Unless you are very reactive to deaths and the map, its hard to miss out on your team mates with calls.

Inbetween the rage they provide there is a chance they will say how many or where exactly they died which is valuable.

voice_Scale 0.08 would be inaudible except if you arent moving or doing anything
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Queued up with 3 LEs and 1 LEM last night. It was my LEM mates rank up game. I dropped a 30 bomb and carried hard only to be shown the opposing team were made of 2 Supremes and LEMs and our 5th random was a Supreme. Even he was shocked! I then ranked up on my next game and im back in the land of LEM. Feels good.

Match after that one we got slaughtered. Our queue was 2 supreme and 3 LEMs. We were paired the same except our main supreme opponent was a deranked GE and absolutely spanked us. Skill jump is huge from LEM to SMFC and the range within SMFC is pretty big itself.
As much as I love this game, the non-English/Russian types are breaking me right now. If they die the other team are all hackers, if i die I'm a noob, if I rush I'm a noob, if I don't rush I'm a noob. I don't get why they can't seem to have a normal game without getting irate and ruining it for all team......

Likewise mate, Last i played CS was pre CS source in 1.6 days, i played a lot back then and competitively for about 18 months, i was average at best by the way :P

I started back playing last week and enjoying it a lot but almost every game i join is full of russians, where are all the UK/Ireland players?
and drops are here to stay :)

glad i sold my m4a1-s knight now :D the nerf + drops staying

I usually play on a tuesday if you want to add my it's twsty on steam :)


The zeus has been nerfed! Surprised it took as long as it did actually, but I still feel it needs more work for the pro scene.
and drops are here to stay :)

glad i sold my m4a1-s knight now :D the nerf + drops staying

I usually play on a tuesday if you want to add my it's twsty on steam :)


I usually spam you about a dozen invites and you never reply, so this is clearly lies - as per your sig. Don't you love me anymore? :(
I haven't been playing much recently but just seen the new update, voice comms are team only in MM :(

That was a big part of the appeal for me and my friends, hearing the wack jobs on the other team and bantering back. Hope they bring it back.
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