CS:GO Discussion

Out of 150 or so games I'd say I come across less than 10 blatant hackers. Only one aimbotter. What rank are you?

Think I've probably reported 5/6 people on the last few months, and even then I couldn't be certain, they seemed dodgy as hell but they weren't blatantly hacking. I think it would be so much better if you could report from demos as most of the times its been a few dodgy moments but I can't be certain that they weren't just extremely lucky or good shots or something.
Ive played in a game with you illuz and there was a couple wall hack in that.

Instead of uploading a few clips I decided to just have a go at editing them together after a few month and make a frag movie!
too much bloom on light surfaces
snazzy, the dragon looks amazing though. M4A4 master race there :D

here is a vid I found well put together and a short vid from the wipeout dust2 game we played

1 in 3 games has a hack, thats not my summary but I agree its about right. The hacks in that game^^^ and the people using them were really poor, we could have won anyway but it wasnt a proper game and that adds up during play often. I check but I dont think people care that much, a loss is a loss either way and recently only bans are see are on rank 3.
You definitely played vs more then 10, you probably beaten more then a few anyhow
weren't just extremely lucky or good shots or something.
Often a lot of preaim then its a reaction test when you are in sight, some legit players get the kill first anyway
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Never played a CS game before this one and I love it. It's just what I want from a simple, team based shooter. You can pick it up and play for ten mins during a break and have fun.
You can also play an intense hour long match with heavy tactics. Great game, especially at that price!
Think I've probably reported 5/6 people on the last few months, and even then I couldn't be certain, they seemed dodgy as hell but they weren't blatantly hacking. I think it would be so much better if you could report from demos as most of the times its been a few dodgy moments but I can't be certain that they weren't just extremely lucky or good shots or something.

I agree you should be able to report from demos, there has been so many occasions where I suspect a cheater but unless its blatant how can you really know from your perspective.
Competitive is great!

Only problem is I've just played two games out of my 10 placement ones and now I'm on cooldown for 21 hours.


That's obviously what he means. Oh dear.....

But there is the SG and AUG for scrubs to use with all the negatives that come from reduced FOV and movement speed while aiming down sights. Oh and for all the "the SG is more accurate" people, if you can't hit the broadside of a barn with an AK, the SG isn't going to help you. Then there is the AWP and Scout for worthwhile guns with scopes.

This game isn't COD, BF or ADS type games. Get yourself a decent crosshair that you are comfortable with and you can hit headshots at all ranges.
ADS - https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/3ncbgm/ads_of_some_guns/

It doesnt work for me but SG apparently has good first shot accuracy. I used to play in a lobby with a SG player, ie. he didnt use AK and he get a lot of stick but he top fragged 35 kills with it. He knew how to control the spray pattern and used its advantages, just most people should stay with AK

When I first played AUG was overpowered and used by everybody, it got nerfed back to normal not long after.
If you can make it work for you, its probably workable below LEM but long term people saying AK or M4 are correct

Arma has proper sight usage on guns if you want realism and bullet drop and so on

Competitive is great!

Only problem is I've just played two games out of my 10 placement ones and now I'm on cooldown for 21 hours.


Try this retake server out. Its very fast practise, round starts with bomb plant and you must defuse within the timer. The 10 placement games give you a chance to get as high as rank as possible so a bit of practise in between could save you a lot of time in the long run

I agree you should be able to report from demos, there has been so many occasions where I suspect a cheater but unless its blatant how can you really know from your perspective.

I used to only report if I was certain but I dont think it does much harm to report suspicion. Most often its just a shell account they use also, they have to gain a report every game I think before it actually does anything and even then overwatch is probably randomly choosen from candidates

I feel pain. I got to MGE in 20 games, now I'm 52 and finally got to DMG... purely cause I decided to solo queue lots of games and mess up progress.

I looked at my bloodhound scorecard and it must be wrong, says I won 30 comp games over the whole operation. So in 30 games I went MG to MGE, swear I played near 200 in 3 months
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Getting my ass handed to me in ESEA seems to be helping me, carried a friend to SMFC the other day and now I'm starting to get a few show up in my own games with LEM queues. Very happy!
Keep getting overpass on MM. Find it really difficult to master. The amount of people who don't know what they are doing is still surprising at DMG, like not even buying at all on pistol rounds etc.
Money management seems to be the number one downfall I see when playing... Buying round after round loss on CT, or not buying pistol armour on the second after CT loss
Hi guys, been a lurker round here for a while, a bit like some of you other guys getting fed up with solo Q'ing and getting landed with numpties, am i able to get added to the spreadsheet and hopefully get some games?

I have 2 accounts, the second one is just because the game was half price and the operation was cheap and i hoped to get some drops as i completed all the missions on my main account, turned out the drops didn't really happen...

Account 1 = http://steamcommunity.com/id/CorruptGnome (GN2 atm but want to get better and rank up)
Account 2 = http://steamcommunity.com/id/TeknoJunkie (Unranked atm as i've only won 8 of the 10 matches required)

Cheers guys.

** Added my GN2 to the spreadsheet :) **
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Full 2nd round buys as CT after loosing pistol have fallen out of meta. A lot of teams will just buy an upgraded pistol and a flash now, With maybe 1-2 smokes accross a team.

The Problem with full buying 2nd is your first full gun round won't have a proper amount of grenades and no AWP.
2nd round on CT inferno I think you should buy even if you lose the first. Theres a reasonable chance of winning it.
Its worth a try, if you lose the bonus goes up anyhow. On a bad streak I just tell people to buy famas kevlar if Im in solo queue, a lot of time people dont or cant use nades properly including myself so buys depend on rank/skill i guess

Fnatic or VP ? Seems VP have a better chance then thought, I see odds 4 to 1 on 8esport.
Also got a nice multibet down on another site, quite nifty no hassle like lounge gives but no skins either :(:

pistol lost, 2nd round buy by VP

for a win, great 1 shot kills with deagle.
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