CS:GO Discussion

Not sure a AWP a lower level play makes enough difference.

On another note, hit DMG last night, came on this morning. Jumped on a casual just to warmup and couldn't kill anything, rage quit shortly after.
Struggle to play this game as the group of people I play with sometimes aren't online or don't fancy playing it.

Currently MGE with 149 wins.

I have some footage of how I play on my Youtube channel. Not sure if I'm allowed to self-promote or not, my bad if I'm not.
I tend to always force second unless I've made a 3k in the pistol round or so (but still lost). With the new hitboxes the probability of getting the second is so much higher no and can really throw the other team and demolish their economy.
I personally think inferno is one of the maps you really don't want to fully force buy as a CT 2nd round, having a high nade count is important to keep control of banana and hold B properly.

Just buy a p250 and a smoke or five-7/CZ and have a few flashes on the team.

You still have a real good chance of winning a round without the armor. Just have to play sneaky, gamble and stack some where.

One thing I see people as CT do when fully forcing is committing to a hopeless situation and wasting their full pistol armor or pistol/nades, trying to retake sites after its lost while you're on a force is silly, just try save get some exit kills and try again on the 3rd round.

Recently I've even seen CTs full Eco 2nd round and buy famas armor on 3rd. Either way force or no force doesn't make too much difference at most of our levels :D
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In MM, most things can work especially a dumb play that no one would expect. Hell, was smurfing the other day and the 5 man banana rush with only USP-S's vs full buy actually worked lel.

AS MM is so random and peoples comms aren't anywhere need a teams level you can get away with loads. Deagle + Smoke only, one way smoke in window mirage....hello 4k :D
I've given up on the whole MM thing, so many hackers it's insane! moved to ESEA find servers are better and players actually know what they doing, As for hackers nothing so far.
For some reason since getting the new PC/PC parts I have been getting mouse input lag, and I have no idea why.

Dunno how to fix it either. I've tried turning ingame mouse accelerator off and on, didn't work. Turned off mouse accelerator in Razer Synapse and back on didn't work.

Tried a different USB slot, didn't work.

I thought it was my mouse mat so I ordered a new one last night. Maybe it's just my mouse dying in general.
Quite pleased to have ranked up on an account which I have mainly solo queued from LEM other than the occasional game with a friend who's the same rank.

It has been quite frustrating after a couple of wins against a mix of LEMS/Supremes which would then lead to what I believe to be the rank up games would very often consist of Supremes with 40 hours on record etc who 9 times out of 10 were clearly a Global smurf which has delayed the process.

Been really trying to focus and improve my whole game over the last couple of weeks and it is finally paying off.

Will be spending more time on an account which has my friends list on and hope to catch people from here for games more often.
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For some reason since getting the new PC/PC parts I have been getting mouse input lag, and I have no idea why.

Dunno how to fix it either. I've tried turning ingame mouse accelerator off and on, didn't work. Turned off mouse accelerator in Razer Synapse and back on didn't work.

Tried a different USB slot, didn't work.

I thought it was my mouse mat so I ordered a new one last night. Maybe it's just my mouse dying in general.

What are your raw input settings ingame?
hackusations on me last night.

playing against DMG/LE level players. me on my gnm smurf destroying them with a p90 in warmup.

they proceeded to call us (me and raider) hackers all game.

i think at half time their top fragger had 5 kills.
Still stuck on LE, struggling to get to LEM using MP7/P90/Pistols only - its rather hard work lol but its funny as hell winding up the LE/LEMs when you call of duty style jump shot them with SMG, the rage is hilarious
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