CS:GO Discussion

For some reason since getting the new PC/PC parts I have been getting mouse input lag, and I have no idea why.

Dunno how to fix it either. I've tried turning ingame mouse accelerator off and on, didn't work. Turned off mouse accelerator in Razer Synapse and back on didn't work.

Tried a different USB slot, didn't work.

I thought it was my mouse mat so I ordered a new one last night. Maybe it's just my mouse dying in general.

Might be patronising but did you check you don't have vsync on?

also if you are using windows 10 I find sometimes after an update a lot of settings get defaulted, such as graphics driver settings, windows mouse settings (make sure enhance pointer precision is disabled)
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I need to stop getting so annoyed with team mates. As my cool-downs are now 7 days :/
So annoying when you are in a good even matched game but one person is blatantly not even in the same league as everyone else and just there because he duo'ed with a friend.
Then you try and kick him because literally a bot is better but you cant because of said friend..

I don't care about losing if the game is good and everyone is at least competent at the game its actually fun when games are not complete stomps, but it gets stupid if you have one guy that doesn't even get the basics with zero awareness, going against gold novas as its essentially 4v5 right from the off.
I need to stop getting so annoyed with team mates. As my cool-downs are now 7 days :/
So annoying when you are in a good even matched game but one person is blatantly not even in the same league as everyone else and just there because he duo'ed with a friend.
Then you try and kick him because literally a bot is better but you cant because of said friend..

I don't care about losing if the game is good and everyone is at least competent at the game its actually fun when games are not complete stomps, but it gets stupid if you have one guy that doesn't even get the basics with zero awareness, going against gold novas as its essentially 4v5 right from the off.

LOL , I had a guy who played all rounds using only dual berettas. Another guy who kept dropping the bomb on base when every one head out.
Glanza no you can't as far as I'm aware. But then again if you are getting multiple 7 days bans it's no one else's fault but yours.

iamtheoneneo you can either blame your team mats or concentrate on your own game. I suggest the later as that is something you can work on, you can only hope for the best with team mates. At most levels it's easy enough to solo carry the whole team, do this and your team mates won't matter.
iamtheoneneo you can either blame your team mats or concentrate on your own game. I suggest the later as that is something you can work on, you can only hope for the best with team mates. At most levels it's easy enough to solo carry the whole team, do this and your team mates won't matter.

Apply this to CS:GO & life its a proven tactic :)
Glanza no you can't as far as I'm aware. But then again if you are getting multiple 7 days bans it's no one else's fault but yours.

iamtheoneneo you can either blame your team mats or concentrate on your own game. I suggest the later as that is something you can work on, you can only hope for the best with team mates. At most levels it's easy enough to solo carry the whole team, do this and your team mates won't matter.

Well said.
Glanza no you can't as far as I'm aware. But then again if you are getting multiple 7 days bans it's no one else's fault but yours.

iamtheoneneo you can either blame your team mats or concentrate on your own game. I suggest the later as that is something you can work on, you can only hope for the best with team mates. At most levels it's easy enough to solo carry the whole team, do this and your team mates won't matter.

Agree with that, when I get complete numpties I tend to voice enable 0 and play solo, depending on the map I'll usually pick something to work on my own game, if I'm t on inferno I'll work on my picks towards b, I can usually clear car and sandbags fine, but peaking and taking on the coils player is what I struggle with so I work on that. Or getting apps control solo if I'm that way inclined, I rarely abandon a game no matter how useless the team are.

Think I ended up on one game on my own as we had 2 guys just running in circles to de-rank one guy abandoned and the other guy wanted to leave so I kicked him. Was actually quite fun in the end :D
3 of us from INT played with 2 randomers last night, two very young kids from Latvia, we thought we were going to have a hard game with the kids, but jesus wept they were rather good, one was superb with the awp and they literally carried us (2 x LE and 1 x DMG) and barely left us with any kills. They were quite tactical and very knowledgeable, knew every pop flash and map specifics.

Shouldn't complain really as it was an easy win, but for 3 of us to be made to feel like a spare part was quite surreal.
yeh I should just mute them all, and probs will going forward. Im constantly top leader and have risen up the ranks fairly quickly until I rage and get cooldown timer, so I should just learn to take it solo unless the team look to be working together well.
Might be patronising but did you check you don't have vsync on?

also if you are using windows 10 I find sometimes after an update a lot of settings get defaulted, such as graphics driver settings, windows mouse settings (make sure enhance pointer precision is disabled)

V-sync off, using Windows 7 and the enchance pointer precision is off.

Also noticed it was doing the same when I wasn't in any games, just on the desktop. Also happens in photoshop.
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