CS:GO Discussion

How can I buy case keys when I go to the market I get the message "ou must have a valid Steam purchase that is between 30 days and a year old with no recent chargebacks or payment disputes."


Do I just need to top up my Steam Wallet? I swear I bought CS:GO less than 30 days ago.

Edit: Penny just dropped, I redemmed a key for CS:GO didn't buy it off Steam. So I top up my steam wallet and I'm good to guy with buying keys? Can I use a steam card code? For examply buying one from game and adding that to my wallet?
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If your buying them from the steam market yes however you can get keys cheaper elsewhere (there's a chap on here that usually sells them in bulk in the MM)
I know it doesn't count anyway because you bought it elsewhere, but if you bought CS:GO less than 30 days ago then it wouldn't count since it says between 30 days and a year ago. You'd have to wait until you'd owned CS:GO for 30 days before it would apply.

No idea about Steam Wallet/cards etc.
I just read the message in full, I have made a purchase but it's not over 30 days.....I have to wait until 05/11/2015 for the restriction to be lifted.

Guys, So I got myself a new headset Hyper X cloud ii, they work perfectly in games on ts and so on, However My mic comes through with static on ingame CS, but perfect on TS and every other VoiP, even when I do the mic settings and test it in game, it's perfect, I have enable_voice 1 set.

Any ideas?

Mirage, completely smashed CT 14-1, I'm top fragger with another dude... all happy all positive vibes.

We go T, within seconds our bottom fragger knives me in pistol round. I'm left 1 v 4 with 26HP and die.

He continues to completely screw the game up, team injuring / giving CT bomb all the way to 14-8.

Why would you intentionally RUIN an almost perfect game, when everyone is happy and no arguments? He was bottom frag by a mile 25+ kills, all I can assume is he was jealous and decided to ruin it for others.

End of game he's apparently DMG same as me? No logic. The only happy element is we won 16-9, but it should have been 16-1, and a ton of points.

Mirage, completely smashed CT 14-1, I'm top fragger with another dude... all happy all positive vibes.

We go T, within seconds our bottom fragger knives me in pistol round. I'm left 1 v 4 with 26HP and die.

He continues to completely screw the game up, team injuring / giving CT bomb all the way to 14-8.

Why would you intentionally RUIN an almost perfect game, when everyone is happy and no arguments? He was bottom frag by a mile 25+ kills, all I can assume is he was jealous and decided to ruin it for others.

End of game he's apparently DMG same as me? No logic. The only happy element is we won 16-9, but it should have been 16-1, and a ton of points.

matches are always full of people like this. this is why i try and do a 5 man pre made which is what i do most nights and no longer solo queue.
Solo queuing is the worst, I don't mind losing when playing with mates or people off here as most of the time they are still helpful and don't rage/troll.

Imagine a community where everyone tried to help each other improve instead of calling a votekick the second you fail at anything all the while they aren't perfect themselves.

Mirage, completely smashed CT 14-1, I'm top fragger with another dude... all happy all positive vibes.

We go T, within seconds our bottom fragger knives me in pistol round. I'm left 1 v 4 with 26HP and die.

He continues to completely screw the game up, team injuring / giving CT bomb all the way to 14-8.

Why would you intentionally RUIN an almost perfect game, when everyone is happy and no arguments? He was bottom frag by a mile 25+ kills, all I can assume is he was jealous and decided to ruin it for others.

End of game he's apparently DMG same as me? No logic. The only happy element is we won 16-9, but it should have been 16-1, and a ton of points.

Was he queued with others to stop kick?
Was he queued with others to stop kick?

Someone kept voting not to kick, but everyone was complaining... so not sure. Best we could do is all report for griefing.

I've had an amazing 2 days play, been playing best for weeks with unreal shots/clutches... now it's all gone as I can't aim cause so annoyed!

This game is 95% about positivity when you play and 5% aim, that is what I find anyway. Generally if you've got the former, you'll be clear enough to make the shots/flicks when needed.
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