CS:GO Discussion

The joys of solo queuing I'm afraid for every 5 good games I'll get 1 where someone starts either raging or trying to do stupid stuff to get kicked.
Rexeh only uses P90, aim is not needed

Not the case, but I do find it the most fun and has excellent clutch ability. I use it mainly defending close sites like B.

I always laugh when people are like "NEWB P90", usually when you've killed 3 of them instantly on a rush. I'm not even seeing a drop off at DMG level, p90 seems incredibly effective vs the players.

Using it in a few LE/LEM games too, and also works a treat in certain situations.
Anyone else get an operation bravo case?

Not sure if I got it because I got to gold, or if I purchased the pass. Either way, pending the sale of an unused skin I'm gagging to open it :p
This is some BS for my qualifying games, up against a load of rank 25+ when I'm rank 3, getting owned.


Yeah that was really fair, I got ****ing smashed.
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You didn't get smashed because you are up against rank 25's. That just means they have played the game loads and for your first few games you only play really bad palyers (lowest actual ranks) unless you win and then progress to higher ranks.

Watch some warowl beginner videos and play more DM before starting comp unless you have played loads of FPS games before.

Biggest tip for you is stand still when you are shooting. Oh and in comp you need to buy Kevlar + Helmet when your team is buying otherwise you get aim punched aka aim flies all over the place when you get shot.
Well my first two games I romped home to victory with good scores, then my skill got reassessed for 24 hours then my next two games I got wrecked. :/

I'm not ranked yet only two out of 10 games won.

I'm not expecting to steam roll every time and know I'll get my ass handed to me but I didn't expect it to change so drastically whilst doing placement games, the first two seemed to be played against people of equal skill.
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Its never perfectly even but the mm system does do a pretty good job of matching people. It is a teamwork game, go in pairs is often good advice you dont have to survive the round to win. Not just CS but I remember also in other FPS I would also mirror a player, they go forward Im looking back for them, they look right I check their left. At least done quickly it helps some

Aim punch is the worst, I always buy kevlar unless its a total save. Only someone who kills first shot can ignore it

anyone play on one of these
Played some good games tonight, however, the one just now on Overpass was one of my most enjoyable matches I've ever played.... Played with Sabre who got some insane clutches and the overall game had some crazy moments. Was well played by everyone on the team. #CSNIGHTMARE
I agree it's a team game, I was the 6th man on a team of Russians who just wanted to **** about all game for some reason, totally different group of people than the previous two games who spoke English and communicated, maybe that was my downfall, as I was the only one trying and when I watched them they were just goofing around.
Had a good game with Kreeee last night. First few rounds i could not hit the barn door ... but picked up towards the end of half. I seem to be jumping straight into competitive as i have so little time to play at the end of the day, so no practice before jumping into comp :(
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