CS:GO Discussion

Glanza no you can't as far as I'm aware. But then again if you are getting multiple 7 days bans it's no one else's fault but yours.

iamtheoneneo you can either blame your team mats or concentrate on your own game. I suggest the later as that is something you can work on, you can only hope for the best with team mates. At most levels it's easy enough to solo carry the whole team, do this and your team mates won't matter.

Yup if you can't carry your team you're in the right rank.
Had a good game with Kreeee last night. First few rounds i could not hit the barn door ... but picked up towards the end of half. I seem to be jumping straight into competitive as i have so little time to play at the end of the day, so no practice before jumping into comp :(

CS is interesting to play once you've had a few glasses of wine!
Not quite wine but a play a lot better after a few beers on board. Maybe I relax a bit more...

Not sure how that will go if I give that as an example to drink more to the missus.
Having issues with my ping, which during competitive games is infuriating. Ping seems to fluctuate between 60-500 with no rhyme or reason. Im using a wireless card, but I did a speed test immediately after a particularly bad pinged game and my upload was like 9mbps and download 20. Could it possibly be an in game setting or something?
Guys, So I got myself a new headset Hyper X cloud ii, they work perfectly in games on ts and so on, However My mic comes through with static on ingame CS, but perfect on TS and every other VoiP, even when I do the mic settings and test it in game, it's perfect, I have enable_voice 1 set.

Any ideas?

Got EXACT same issue with same headset. If you find out before I do please let me know how you fixed it!
Sigh started to pull back a lost game, two Germans on our team took offence when top fragger asked them to not go B and die straight away, afk rest of game and we lose 15-14
Had a nightmare on cs mm today, playing with a global on a supreme acct. First game had a 12 year old russian on. Could frag, but they didn't mean **** to the team, he just played DM and gave them a kill. No teamwork. 4 guys banana? I'll rush them. 4v2? Ill not wait for my team mate and rush in. At best it was a 1v3, not so easy in high ranks. We kicked him and proceeded to get rekt. Game ended 16-4 or 5. Can't remember.

Second match straight after on cache. First round we only just lose out, second round a guy is AFK... Third round hes still AFK. Me and my mate just kick him, so we have a bot and the half ended 12-3 to them. One of their guys is a global on a supreme account too and hes on 26-6 having a field day. Next half me and my mate were so annoyed at these game we just stuck together and smashed it, by the end of the game we had 50+ frags and came out 16-14, probably the best comeback and half I've played with anyone. We got added by two of them who were adament my friend was hacking, he has collectively on two accounts like 6k hours and is a sole awper. He's like the child of kennyS with it, salty as f!
Hit Supreme the other day therefore decided to go for it on this LEM Alt account (excuse the fan boy name) all solo que which has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least but before the game I figured 1/2 wins a rank up would be incoming but check this match making how did I not rank up (even on a 15-15 tie) don't forget I was lone LEM queing

Got a team for a local LAN. We are a bunch of LEMs on the verge of supreme. We will be playing a bunch of people on our level, with a few Globals and stuff. Decided to play ESl. Got a 5 man Global team. Got wiped 16-0. Couldn't even get a pick. Think we ended up with around 20 kills between the 5 players in 16 rounds.

We won 2 scrims though, around 16-8 and 16-14. Still need to improve on strats and stuff like that. Not sure where we stand at the moment tbh.
LE to LEM seems to be a real grind even with plenty of kills/mvps against similar level players

I found LE -> LEM took about 5 wins vs 2-3LEs and the balance of LEMs. LEM t SMFC was the biggest jump for me, took somewhere around 14 wins, witha couple of draws in there too.
Well, I went from LE to DMG again last night :( Had a few close games with me still being top fragger with assists and a positive KD yet still deranked :(
I am finding jump to smfc ok though expect to get ranked down. Considering I expect to bottom frag coming from lem I am middle on wins and top on loss really ****ing me off. Also playing against more Smurfs than lem. One game yesterday 27 rounds in and one on our team has 3 kills all others same 25ish, it is like this every game
Quite a few peeps in here need to get out of the habit of checking the enemys CS:GO/Steam profile. You are only psyching yourself out if you think they are smurfing or even worse, if one of the enemy has a VAC ban on record, the paranoia goes into overdrive. Which will make you play worse.

Getting rekt isn't much fun but I would rather play against better players so I can improve faster. Much more value watching a replay of myself vs better opposition than those of similar/lower skill.
I check peoples profiles but only check if I think that person is playing way above my current bracket and am curious as to whether or not they are just having the game of their life, are a smurf or are potentially hacking.
Rough night yesterday. Tied mirage after leading , lost after leading on D2. SoloQ on mirage , ran into a smurf or hacker ( he was literally clearing the entire team).

New day today. Let's go people.

On the bright side , I learnt there is something called as stutter steps.
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