CS:GO Discussion

I check peoples profiles but only check if I think that person is playing way above my current bracket and am curious as to whether or not they are just having the game of their life, are a smurf or are potentially hacking.

Yea and that's my point? You are creating an excuse in your head that the person is a possible cheat/smurf or w/e. Nothing can be done about it during the game.

By all means just before the last round you can report the account if you think they are cheating but you are only going to damage your own game if you think that player is a smurf way above your level. Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that state of mind/confidence also plays a big part to cs:go. I completely agree with this.
It was one of the first things I stopped doing CAI, since then I've won games where it's started really badly and there's a guy carrying the other team hard, instead of checking his profile or calling hacks I just stick to getting on with it and a lot of the time you can actually turn it around.
What annoys me is when I'm playing with friends and they call hacks after round 4 and then never shut up about the guy that is going 4-12 being a blatant aimbotter. Eventually it starts to have an effect on my play as I can't focus with them whining.

He's fun to play with in other games, he just doesn't CS very well :p
Ranked up on my main today :)

Quite happy as I have made a special effort to improve my game over the last month which started from bottom fragging LEM games to making important plays/clutches and top fragging consistently to help grind out those wins resulting in ranking SMFC on two accounts.


Also had an interesting first game as SMFC against 2 Globals 2 Supreme 1 MGE managed to win 16-3 my team was 4 Supreme 1 Global (Global didn't even hit double figures in kills :D)
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Really some globals in games were not much better but others I couldn't get a hit on, skill gap must be high since there is nowhere to go.
Ranked up on my main today :)

Quite happy as I have made a special effort to improve my game over the last month which started from bottom fragging LEM games to making important plays/clutches and top fragging consistently to help grind out those wins resulting in ranking SMFC on two accounts.

What kind of changes did you make?
Im currently SMFC but cannot get into GE to save my life. i think im on about 19 wins 4 losses and 3 draws, Mainly playing Face it now or leagues with the team so that might not help.
Guys, i've seen some videos where a bloke is dropping off bots and tracing nades , bullets and flying across the map.... err ... is there a guide to enable this debug mode ?
Lol knew I had seen you before, there is me having a **** game

Haha what are the odds on that! Appearing in the same game through MM :D

I logged to play on my ALT after that game will have to add you on all accounts to get some games in, It was a tough game but I think we all did our own jobs in our own positions.

What kind of changes did you make?

Well mainly just getting the basics right consistently has improved me as a player whilst some of these changes sound obvious really focusing on them has helped.

Really focussing on the pistols rounds as essentially winning pistol rounds lead to several easy rounds, if success on pistol rounds trying to stress to the team to play it safe don't go kill hungry ensuring we get those vital rounds.

Crosshair placement is very important if you get it right the first bullet you fire can potentially get the headshot resulting in a kill/entry frag. Quick peaks with good crosshair placement and a prefire can get you the kill before they even think of reacting.

Aiming for the head I know sounds so obvious but really focussing on getting those headshots especially towards the higher ranks it is the only way to ensure you don't come off worse in most situations.

Stopping myself being greedy and repeaking sometimes the patience leads to more kills in situations where they count also the threat of taking someone out then disappearing sometimes forces the enemy's to play a strat they don't really want to play as time starts to run down.

In particular matches where you have a weak link for example CT side on Cache the guy is struggling to hold mid volunteer yourself for the position yes it may be difficult but if you can do a better job and that guy may play much better on A site for example it's a win win.

If you have that team which likes to over rotate and you haven't seen the bomb keep yourself on the opposite site to prevent a possible plant to prevent an ECO or even a couple of lurkers with the bomb hoping for a clear bomb site.
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@Gilbert89 - Sounds like really basic things, but things I often find myself doing wrong in games. I often do something then right away think 'well that was stupid, why did I do that?'.

Guys, i've seen some videos where a bloke is dropping off bots and tracing nades , bullets and flying across the map.... err ... is there a guide to enable this debug mode ?

In your own game its just a few console commands

Here's a link to get you started - http://www.tobyscs.com/csgo-practice-config/. I'll copy the main part as some sites aren't up forever.

Server config
◾sv_cheats 1
Enables “cheats”.
◾mp_limitteams 0
No team limit (e.g. you can have 10 people/bots on CT and 1 guy on T).
◾mp_autoteambalance 0
Turns auto team balance off.
◾mp_roundtime 60
Maximum roundtime set to 60 minutes.
◾mp_roundtime_defuse 60
◾mp_maxmoney 60000
Enables your maximum money to be 60.000 instead of 16.000.
◾mp_startmoney 60000
You will start with 60.000 money.
◾mp_freezetime 0
No freezetime in the beginning of each round.
◾mp_buytime 9999
Almost unlimited buytime.
◾mp_buy_anywhere 1
You can open the buy menu and buy from anywhere on the map.
◾sv_infinite_ammo 1
Gives you infinite ammo and no reload. When practicing recoil patterns, you might want to set this to sv_infinite_ammo 2. This way you will have to reload but sitll have infinite ammo.
◾ammo_grenade_limit_total 5
You can now have all 5 grenade types.
Kicks all the bots. If you want to add bots, check the bot commands below.
End warmup.
◾mp_restartgame 1
After the config is loaded, the server will restart the game after 1 second.

Practice commands
◾sv_grenade_trajectory 1
Show a trajectory when you throw grenades. Especially useful when practicing nades.
◾sv_grenade_trajectory_time 10
Expands the time where you can see the trajectory to 10 seconds.
◾sv_showimpacts 1
Show bullet impacts, especially useful when practicing spread control and recoil patterns.
◾sv_showimpacts_time 10
Expands the time where you can see the impacts to 10 seconds.

Useful binds
◾bind “KEY” “noclip”
Toggle fly mode (noclip) on/off.
◾bind “KEY” “give weapon_hegrenade;give weapon_flashbang;give weapon_smokegrenade;give weapon_incgrenade;give weapon_molotov;give weapon_decoy”
Gives you all the grenades available.
◾bind “KEY” “cast_ray”
Casts a ray/straight line to test collision detection.

Other useful console commands (not in final config)
Toggle god mode on/off.
◾cl_showpos 1
Show current postion in top right corner of the screen.

As for adding bots :
bot_stop 1
180 degree spin headshots.
1 taps long range.
5 Reports for cheating.
Mission completed.

No idea how some people are at DMG level... some games are hilarious.

Anyone around at the moment up for a game?
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Yea and that's my point? You are creating an excuse in your head that the person is a possible cheat/smurf or w/e. Nothing can be done about it during the game.

By all means just before the last round you can report the account if you think they are cheating but you are only going to damage your own game if you think that player is a smurf way above your level. Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that state of mind/confidence also plays a big part to cs:go. I completely agree with this.

I do not feel as though it changes my outlook anymore than being utterly dominated is already doing. It is not an excuse I use for my loss it is simple curiosity. I always play to the best of my ability, Hardly ever get worked up or stressed as it is a game. Sometimes I do well, Sometimes I do badly but mostly I do OK. If anything knowing they are a smurf or hacking is an incentive for me to try harder knowing that if I can beat them or hold my own against them it is a win in my book even if the game is a loss. I couldn't care about winning the game as long as my own personal performance is as I would expect given the circumstances (Own team participation and communication) and vs the other team.
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Congrats to Raider :D


Do i need to revert anything before i connect MM ?
Comp will set everything for you that matters really, csgo is fairly strict. Just rates you can alter, depending on server tick

Why? It takes no more than 30 games to get GE from your first game if you are at that level.

30 win DMG, the skills :eek: :p


I knew this account would go up a rank just from playing New York, for me proves the point that NYC is far less harsh then Europe mm. Solo queued a dozen games and most players just genuine nothing like the lotto we run here. I think everyone would gain 1 or 2 ranks without the stupid games not that the rank is any more then a label but its a lot nicer to play anyhow apart from that 100 ping :/

Nothing can be done about it during the game.
Nah I'd say you can alter playing style when you understand their advantage. I only bother to check a profile if the game is generally weird, I do prefer if it looks like they actually use the account but its just a passing confirmation doesnt mean anything by itself

ran into a smurf or hacker ( he was literally clearing the entire team).
Post up your game code from watch tab, cant be harder to spot then a quick overwatch
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Not quite wine but a play a lot better after a few beers on board. Maybe I relax a bit more...

Not sure how that will go if I give that as an example to drink more to the missus.

I play better when relaxed I get reckless after a few too many though :D
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