CS:GO Discussion

Tell me about it, since they fixed the spacebar glitch it's been a mare. Lost 7 games in a row yesterday on my LE smurf....still LE -_-

I've just been doing pistol and zeus in the last 5-6 games, all losses and yet still cant drop from LEM -> LE. SMFC -> LEM took 12 losses....
is it actualy worth it to spend 11£ on this game or better take Warhammer end time?

Depends what you're looking for really. CSGO can be very hard to pick up if you fancy jumping into competitive however if you fancy a fun shooting game then you'll have a blast in the other game modes.
Man, I thought so too... Ive been reverting to my roots of misbuying, aiming at the floor, peeking wide, running around with smokes in my hands - still cant get down...
Cos don't wanna pay for a new account and already have Global on one? Need a lower rank for lolz/playing with guys new to the game.
I think they've changed something on it as it' feels more like the source deagle

took out 2 awpers bang bang whilst running the other day sure it's a bit lucky but it was the norm on source and it's slowly becoming my go to gun and I'm seeing more and more people use it. Where as it was avoided for ages till the buff then avoiding again after they broke it again.
I just had the worst luck for a competitive team, 2 people left early on to be replaced with bots who never scored a single kill!! I fell like I held my own considering the enemy team turned out to be ranked a lot higher than me.


I also got this from a case I won a couple of days ago, worth about £10 it seems! I'm still learning to fire the AK well.

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