CS:GO Discussion

    bind kp_home "buy flashbang"
    bind kp_uparrow "buy hegrenade"
    bind kp_pgup "buy smokegrenade"
    bind kp_slash "buy molotov; buy incgrenade"
    bind kp_multiply "buy decoy"
    bind kp_minus "buy defuser"
They are all bound separately as well; I'm not as stupid as I look ;)

I work in hosting, and do a lot of scripting which I use for debugging scripts etc; it can probably all come out now however it was useful for finding errors etc when I was setting it up since it pings up the errors in the middle of the:


for each section so I know what I'm looking for quickly.

I'm happy to upload all of it; if anyone wants a copy (or if anyone fancies a look through it)
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upload a copy to pastebin and I'll take a look I used to do some programming long ago and it sounds like you've done a proper modular approach my old teacher would approve of :D My config is a witches brew of snippets I nicked so I'd appreciate a nicely done version.
A recent steam update moved all the config locations elsewhere btw.

Normally nothing entered in console should result in a ban, a kick perhaps but I did read 1 thread of someone complaining of a ban from faceit for just that

troll op

changes after we discussed them with our partners, who will also change their rules to keep it unified, as well as based on feedback from the players union.
The following four changes will be made
Round and bomb timers
The round and bomb timer will be updated as at the end of last year Valve announced that they would change them for all upcoming Valve-supported events (Minors and Majors). To keep them unified across all tournaments we’ll be updating them to the new values. New round time will be 1:55 and the new bomb timer 0:40.

There were quite a few discussions about the deathcam within the last months in the community. After we internally discussed those changes as well as talking about them with players we agreed that it would be time to shorten the deathcam. Therefore we’ll shorten it down to 2 seconds.

End of the round delay
We are also going to change the delay after a new round starts once a round is completed, this will be shorten to 3 seconds.

Jumpthrow scripts will be forbidden
The last change will be the addition of Jumpthrow to the list of forbidden scripts. We have gathered feedback from players and after a voting the results were quite in favor of banning it which we now do.

For our Intel Extreme Masters World Championship Katowice qualifiers on ESEA, those new settings are already in place for the qualifiers this weekend. For all other ESL leagues and tournaments we'll implement and update our configs and game integration starting Monday, 18th of January 2016 at 11:00 CET.
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Hi peeps, is anyone going to i57?

2 friends and I are going, and we want to enter the CS:GO tourny.
We're around LEM/SMFC in terms of MM skill.

We're already paid up and confirmed as going, just need to pick up 2 more (2 of my RL friends who originally wanted in have dropped out, boo!)

If you fancy getting involved and making a few friends along the way, please add me on the link below which is my main account and we can get chatting. I actually met the 2 other chaps in question at an iseries LAN in 2009 and have been friends ever since.


I'd love to but I don't think my skills would be high enough... Also isn't it a BTOC event? I don't think I could take my full watercooled tower there, would be a bit of an effort lol
I'd love to but I don't think my skills would be high enough... Also isn't it a BTOC event? I don't think I could take my full watercooled tower there, would be a bit of an effort lol

Yeah it's BYOC! It's all part of the fun, but will be making sure my machine is secured!

Regardless feel free to add me dude, always nice having new people to play with.
Not played on the Supreme account for some time so it lost the rank, played one, won 16-14 and ranked back down to MGE ... lovely - not!

Quite enjoying playing on Faceit at the moment, seems a good mixed bunch
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Lobsided pistol buy


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Been playing ESEA pugs over MM so much better...

I had cheaters every-game on MM along with toxic idiot's and clowns when I finally had enough and went to ESEA, I will stick to there from now on, odd game to keep my rank on MM though.
upload a copy to pastebin and I'll take a look I used to do some programming long ago and it sounds like you've done a proper modular approach my old teacher would approve of :D My config is a witches brew of snippets I nicked so I'd appreciate a nicely done version.
A recent steam update moved all the config locations elsewhere btw.

Normally nothing entered in console should result in a ban, a kick perhaps but I did read 1 thread of someone complaining of a ban from faceit for just that

troll op


Uploaded it here:

P.S the change of crosshair on selecting a Smoke grenade currently doesn't work... But it will do...
This days I've been used to play in * Wild west style* I buy my new hand gun and make 2 or 3 kills per round. Ofc., if there are plroblems with my mates and we have bad score, I can always buy cool weapons for the whole team and twist the game for the team.
Rank success finally last night.

after the re-ranking thing that has happened over the last few weeks, me and the guys I play with all deranked quickly from LE down through DMG, MGE, MG2 and some of them to MG1. So, er, that was fun.

Finally made it back up to MGE last night after a few solid games with decent communication and no ***** going toxic on each other.

Odds on that continuing - slim to none :D
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