CS:GO Discussion

Rank success finally last night.

after the re-ranking thing that has happened over the last few weeks, me and the guys I play with all deranked quickly from LE down through DMG, MGE, MG2 and some of them to MG1. So, er, that was fun.

Finally made it back up to MGE last night after a few solid games with decent communication and no ***** going toxic on each other.

Odds on that continuing - slim to none :D

I have noticed games have improved a lot in the past couple days, things don't feel so one sided and smurf-y. The last few games have been like 12-16 and 14-16 rather than complete stomps, and I've been having German and French teammates rather than Russian.

I got up to GNM last night which is higher than I was pre-rank-shift.
I have noticed games have improved a lot in the past couple days, things don't feel so one sided and smurf-y. The last few games have been like 12-16 and 14-16 rather than complete stomps, and I've been having German and French teammates rather than Russian.

I got up to GNM last night which is higher than I was pre-rank-shift.

I'm getting the opposite.

The last 6 or so games on MM, 4/6 of htem have had derankers or flat out trolls (buying every round, watching enemies run past and not shooting, declaring over their mic that they are there to troll), pain in the ass! :(
I'm getting the opposite.

The last 6 or so games on MM, 4/6 of htem have had derankers or flat out trolls (buying every round, watching enemies run past and not shooting, declaring over their mic that they are there to troll), pain in the ass! :(

Wouldn't you know it, after posting that I got a Russian trio with squeaky voices.
New official MM changes being pushed to ESEA now.


If anyone has any jumpthrow binds i recommend you remove them from your config ASAP if you play on ESEA..

Jumpthrow scripts will be forbidden: The last change will be the addition of jumpthrow to the list of forbidden scripts. We have gathered feedback from players and after a voting the results were quite in favor of banning it which we now do.
I can't imagine anyone who knows what a jumpthrow script is would vote to ban it. All it does is execute +attack when you jump with a primed grenade right?
Can anyone explain the gun on the left/right - what benefits are there ??

I'm guessing it's just down to which eye is more dominant? I know that's my left eye (had a cataract surgery last year on my right eye) is my better one. So stick with gun on the right.
Can anyone explain the gun on the left/right - what benefits are there ??

I'm guessing it's just down to which eye is more dominant? I know that's my left eye (had a cataract surgery last year on my right eye) is my better one. So stick with gun on the right.

You nailed it :D
I can't imagine anyone who knows what a jumpthrow script is would vote to ban it. All it does is execute +attack when you jump with a primed grenade right?

Yes, but it should be banned as it has been. It takes an element of timing / skill away as if you mistime the throw after jumping the smoke will probably miss. Forces people to pay attention to their nades.
Yes, but it should be banned as it has been. It takes an element of timing / skill away as if you mistime the throw after jumping the smoke will probably miss. Forces people to pay attention to their nades.

The only jumpthrow I use is to smoke mid window from T spawn in mirage. I've not found a reliable one to replace that yet.
I'm kind of torn, as it's taking away the skill a bit by using one, but then again you know it'll land so you can execute a thought out tactical play.
Just bought the game , use to play CS 1.6/ CZ.

Anyone have some "must have" settings/commands they can share with me?

Literally no idea where to start.

Just made an autoexec.cfg file. got the basics like rates etc.

Would anybody be so kind as to post their config for the essential things etc. Preferably a config with NUMPAD binds for gear buying etc.

Also, do I have to execute my autoexec.cfg everytime I play in Console or does the Launch option work?

Thanks a lot.
Been doing some Solo Q recently, had fairly decent games, most people communicate a little. Finished tonight with a 1v4.


making it look easy

still this.
bi polar games I think I'll call it. Team of nova 3 with perfect HS entries, which is actually just wallhack not believable skill as they cant react similarly only preaim
Saw aimlock in arms race, very robot like movement as I was directly overhead him by 3 floors while he engaged others on ground and it snaps to the hs shot which would be quite some mouse move. Not just that one instance but it stands out a lot, not every shot like a spinbot but yea strange to see. Rank 2 so definitely report any obvious instance like that as those are the most common bans to get put into OW
So went on a retake server which was cool for a while but then 1 really obvious wallhack and another also I think so yep lots plebs pretending to be pro.
After that, a normal low mg game which is a walk over as the enemy team are just normal random casual players so rank never moves it just ping pongs extreme games for me.

Uploaded it here:

P.S the change of crosshair on selecting a Smoke grenade currently doesn't work... But it will do...
Tried that out by exec in game and it works fine. I might keep my gun model centered with the crosshair like on your config as it seems to help me, not sure yet

I set that all up a few weeks ago.

As soon as I place a bet it says waiting for bot and then I just get the blank screen saying no bets.
remove your trade url from csgl and log out. Change your steam url, update the url on csgl

The only jumpthrow I use is to smoke mid window from T spawn in mirage. I've not found a reliable one to replace that yet.
I still miss that one usually, you line it up with the aeriel ?

This days I've been used to play in * Wild west style* I buy my new hand gun and make 2 or 3 kills per round.
Theres less stress on movement accuracy to use pistol around a map and get kills fast with headshots. In the end rifles are needed especially on longer distance
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I saw a set of statistics last night (posted on reddit) about knife probabilities when opening cases.

Off the top of my head, getting a knife was something like 0.01%, and getting a stattrak knife was 0.004%.

Exactly what I needed to see to stop me buying cases, buy far too many! :p
I saw a set of statistics last night (posted on reddit) about knife probabilities when opening cases.

Off the top of my head, getting a knife was something like 0.01%, and getting a stattrak knife was 0.004%.

Exactly what I needed to see to stop me buying cases, buy far too many! :p

Wasn't that purely off the 'main streamers' stats and not everybody?
I've got a good few cases but don't bother opening them these days. Hardly any "luck" and never get anything decent from them. AWP Word God/Aug Chameleon is about as good as I've ever had!
i tend to sell my cases on the market when they are worth money and when they get to like 3p i stop and just keep them in my inventory till they get more value and then re sell.

opened a few for the sake of it but got sod all from it so didn't bother again lol
i tend to sell my cases on the market when they are worth money and when they get to like 3p i stop and just keep them in my inventory till they get more value and then re sell.

Always the best thing to do. Unless you're lucky you'll rarely get the value back from opening cases. Of course there's always that one guy with unreal luck.

EG : Original weapon case :
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