CS:GO Discussion

As Kwango said, the D-K is a generalization but can be applied to gamers quite often form low to high skill as we as humans are quite bad at recognising our own limitations etc.

Yes there are hackers but if you really think they are ruining every game for you, you probably want to play another game.

There will always be a higher percentage of dodgy ***** the higher rank you go as one reason people cheat is to get w0w0w internet points by being the top ranks, that said I have also seen some pretty funny cheaters as lower ranks when smurfing (although they are normally so bad that you can still beat them if you have decent gamesense). WH'rs with AWPs are the easiest, fake the peek, noob fires his AWP, full peek and jobs a goodun.

Silver/Sabre..No it's you, there really isn't that many. I don't mean to be harsh but when you constantly bottom frag at nova, you really don't have the skill set to be able to judge :S
I'm sure results may vary for everyone.

I'd say you'd be nieve to believe people don't hack, but whether it is a wide spread problem at the top level is a different matter.

Because I'm sure it's not at the lower levels.
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Firstly, I think its pretty "nieve" you can't spell naive...

Secondly, whilst there is no doubt that hackers do exist (and which Raider is not denying) it is highly unlikely that they are prevalent enough to come up multiple games running day after day.

I've got accounts at GE and accounts at MG levels, and I haven't run into someone who genuinely made me think "hmm, that's very definitely suspect" in quite literally months.

Raider's statements about not being able to differentiate are very true in my experience, having played with some of those on here at lower ranks - they are very quick to jump to "hacker" statements and suspicions when all I see is that they got marginally out-played or predicted, or even the enemy got a spot of luck. That's not me bragging or anything, by the way.
What's with the ranks now , won my last 3 games at gold nova with 30+ kills and like 8 mvps, getting so much stick off other players for smurfing etc , I was dmg before it's becoming a right grind , not to sound big headed but constantly coming top of the league in every game is getting a bit boring I prefer a challenge , played with my mate the other day as we had full squad of 5 (all lems) and I finished top and got accused of hacking off the other team, then when they saw I was gold nova 2 at the end they spammed the chat with laughter haha :D
I've got accounts at GE and accounts at MG levels, and I haven't run into someone who genuinely made me think "hmm, that's very definitely suspect" in quite literally months.

then I would respectfully suggest that you are on the opposite end of the spectrum to those that see hackers everywhere - you are partially 'blind' to the problem because possibly you don't want to see it in a game you enjoy. that's not a criticism of you personally, it's just that human trait that mirrors the dunning-kruger theory mentioned previously
then I would respectfully suggest that you are on the opposite end of the spectrum to those that see hackers everywhere - you are partially 'blind' to the problem because possibly you don't want to see it in a game you enjoy. that's not a criticism of you personally, it's just that human trait that mirrors the dunning-kruger theory mentioned previously

I'm far from saying I'm immune to the theory, and it quite possible a few have slipped through on the basis of it. My main point was to highlight that hacking is not so blatant as the majority of the user base on this forum very happily make out - certainly not "very definite" hackers at any rate.

There is always one, who has to point out spelling errors. Sorry sir.

I wasn't referring my naive comments towards raider.

Would you like me to point out the grammatical errors in this post, too? ;):)
My main point was to highlight that hacking is not so blatant as the majority of the user base on this forum very happily make out - certainly not "very definite" hackers at any rate.

while it may not be blatant, it is certainly a lot more prolific than most of the die hard fans will admit (p.s. I'm a die hard, been playing cs since it was just an ickle mod - so it pains me to call it what it is)

valve don't care, they have no real interest in who is and who isn't hacking, they sell the game for pennies in Russia and other such countries so vac bans mean nothing. and if it's not hackers then it's smurfs, and while many have perfectly legitimate reasons for smurfing (they want to play with their low ranked mates, show them how to play etc) a lot of smurfing is down to the epeen factor - lets go troll/stomp some noobs to make me feel good about myself/pretend I'm super cool. the fact the game hasn't died has sod all to do with it's esports status, it's purely down to the fact that there's money in the skins - that's why the game is so massive and not just a 'niche' game for those that actually enjoy it (me)
Please do look up the grammatical use of semicolons.

Firstly, there is no need for the comma after "one", it accomplishes nothing aside from breaking up the sentence. Secondly, there should be a comma before "sir". Thirdly, the wording in your final sentence is atrocious and it simply doesn't read properly. Consider rephrasing - see below for an example. Fourthly, names require capitalisation. The last thing I'll add isn't strictly necessary but would help the flow of the sentence; consider adding "person" or a similar word after "one", or even replacement "one" with "someone".

Would you like me to point out the grammatical errors in this post, too? ;):)

As amusing as it is to read your inexpert attempts at 'correcting' another member's posts I would ask you to now stop and return to this thread's topic. If you wish to discuss grammar, syntax and punctuation then create a dedicated thread in General Discussion.

Thank you.
In an attempt to verify my second account I decided to pop £4.00 into my Steam Wallet. Rather than just have it sat there in an account I don't use for anything other than smurfing, I elected to go to the Steam Market and grab some skins I could then re-sell once I traded them back to my main account. Ultimately this didn't happen, and for the first time since buying CS:GO I was tempted into buying a single key. Upon opening the case (one of the Shadow cases) I was pleasantly surprised to be awarded with a USP-S Kill Confirmed. Whilst the skin itself is beyond hideous it is apparently selling for ~£15 on the Market and so has not only paid for the key but for both versions of CS:GO that I own. Thank you, Gaben.
To err is human, Im calling hacks on all of you tbh

USP-S Kill Confirmed. Whilst the skin itself is beyond hideous
Possibly my fav usp skin :o

Not that I can use that gun, p2000 has to be hs or dont bother feels like (all pistol bar deagle was this way originally, so long ago :( )

My main point was to highlight that hacking is not so blatant as the majority of the user base on this forum very happily make out - certainly not "very definite" hackers at any rate.

I agree with that, for starters to presume absolute certainty would contradict overwatch. Im aware my opinion dont mean diddly, I wish I knew how bad or good my overwatch rating is.
I will stick to keeping demos and running it through CSGO Demos Manager which is very nifty. It'll spit out some vac % after 6 months or so and I will post that, hopefully it will give surprise and support my argument.
I'll reduce my sodium levels and not label screenshots 'wh' if its not so blatant overwatch will get them. Thats a fair point, that I'am guessing. I labelled 2 so far this month, the game from the 1st received a VAC after 6 days and other guy probably wont ever, I put him on a list out of curiosity/my hunch.
I gave a list courtesy of Gaben of VAC on my recently played list in my last post, I was surprised at the number but its due to that sale imo. 30% of mm games have a hack is a figure others came up with Ive read that a few times, I would not be surprised if that were true. But I will see what the demo manager says on my own games, ie. the idea theres none at lower levels
If there really were no hacks at all, my rank would probably be the same at near average but thats not what irritates me its more the troll factor and waste of time and skill in those games.

I prefer the close games, Im not great and neither are they but CS is a great game when the balance is near even. My imperfect 4k, this is a fair take on normal games around average skill. The abnormal players stick out imo even in warmup but I usually keep quiet, Im not super salty imo

hackers be like
Hatton on overwatch, watch him or similar is more useful then trying to argue very different perspectives from global to nova
pro reactions
someone very good at making videos, normally does COD I think
Keep it on topic please guys. If you want to discuss grammar and punctuation please make a new thread elsewhere.

Much better practice.

Not that I can use that gun, p2000 has to be hs or dont bother feels like (all pistol bar deagle was this way originally, so long ago :( )

I am the same, I have to use the P2000 or I simply don't hit anything... I actually struggle with all of the silenced guns in the game, find myself far less accurate with them than their non-silenced equivalents, which is peculiar.

I prefer the close games, Im not great and neither are they but CS is a great game when the balance is near even. My imperfect 4k, this is a fair take on normal games around average skill.

Absolutely agree, I'd rather a 16-14 loss than a landslide win. That was actually a solid 4k too, good positioning, good use of utility and you were careful to minimise how many angles you exposed yourself to at any one time - well played :)
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old school comp

Private games every Tuesday, pretty casual quick easy games. Worth mentioning again, top thread on reddit csgo
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