CS:GO Discussion

Yeah the rank is a bit messed up really , it's annoying because I can't play competitive with mates as there all dmg lems, only when we have a 5 man group :(

What's the smoke bug ?

you used to be able to throw a smoke, alt tab straight after, tab back in after it blooms but it would show any smoke on your screen. i thought they fixed that a while ago though
Overwatch will still catch that, lucky alt tab on my beast takes 5 secs to switch

I think the only good skin is the desert eagle.

Looks that way, bigger news is weekly drops actually being good collections. Big boost for having a coin. I probably should have sold my desert blaze on its recent highs but since there is still no Dust drops Im guessing overall it'll stay up. I actually prefer the midnight or maybe cobalt (cheap) but again I cant really use the eagle anyway lol :o
Is the game completely closing itself down for anyone else? Can't do any of the new operations or casual. It's doing my nut in now!
Is the game completely closing itself down for anyone else? Can't do any of the new operations or casual. It's doing my nut in now!

I've had nothing but crashes since I bought the operation (no error messages, just black screen then desktop), I've given up for now, Kinda sucks that I paid £4 to make my game crash all the time.
I thought it was the norm to play on low settings???

Amd here playing on low settings and no trouble so far. just had a match and 2 team mates where having disconnect issues.

seems a bit random at the moment.
I thought it was the norm to play on low settings???

Amd here playing on low settings and no trouble so far. just had a match and 2 team mates where having disconnect issues.

seems a bit random at the moment.

Running everything as high as it will go I get a solid 300 fps, It's not a hard game to run at all, I don't understand the lower settings bunch.
Some claim it decreases the visual detritus and visual distractions, allowing you to focus and play better. I think its a load of crap but I have to run low-ish settings to get a reasonable fps (and its nowhere near 300 stable..). The only setting worth not having low is the one that affects shadow draw distances, but cant remember the name of it specifically.

Got to echo Shimmy though, there is pretty much bugger all difference between high and low settings, unless you have lots of skins.
Running everything as high as it will go I get a solid 300 fps, It's not a hard game to run at all, I don't understand the lower settings bunch.

It's not so much people just running at the lowest settings, it's more to do with people using the advantages of particular lower settings to obtain visual gains. A good example is you'll find many people who have played CS since the 1.3/1.6/CZ days playing with black bars and a lower res who have become so use to the peripherals of a box screen that they don't want to move to widescreen resolutions.

A good video to explain different settings and why higher isn't always better:

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whey 32 competitive matches played, and finaly supreme, onward to GE!

Loving the new Nuke, my favorite source map with a new lease of life.
It's not so much people just running at the lowest settings, it's more to do with people using the advantages of particular lower settings to obtain visual gains. A good example is you'll find many people who have played CS since the 1.3/1.6/CZ days playing with black bars and a lower res who have become so use to the peripherals of a box screen that they don't want to move to widescreen resolutions.

A good video to explain different settings and why higher isn't always better:

That video is VERY out of date
Vsync inherently adds latency to displaying frames. Lots of people incorrectly understand it as locking the FPS to the monitor refresh rate, which isn't the case. Yes, VSync will remove any screen tearing you might have, but it can and most likely will introduce stuttering as it is forcing your GPU to wait whilst the monitor refreshes its image. If you've got a GSync or FreeSync monitor, enable those settings but don't enable traditional VSync. What you want to do is cap the framerate at the monitor refresh rate - the in-game command "fps_max" will do, or use an external program like MSI Afterburner to cap it.
I'm pretty sure v-sync limits to 60 fps so you arn't fulfilling your full 144hertz monitor. I'd turn off v-sync and set a max fps cap in-game if that is what you want.

Personally i don't run a cap anymore on CS on my 144hz anymore

that would only happen if CSGO didnt support 144hz or 120hz. Because it does it will limit his frame rate to 144fps least on my system it does when test vsync.
I'm pretty sure v-sync limits to 60 fps so you arn't fulfilling your full 144hertz monitor. I'd turn off v-sync and set a max fps cap in-game if that is what you want.

Personally i don't run a cap anymore on CS on my 144hz anymore

I monitor frame rate and it definitely stays flat at 144hz with v-sync on. Still my questions stays there that if v-sync at this high refresh rate results in an input lag?
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