CS:GO Discussion

Cheers, buddy. Appreciate that.

I've joined the group and sent a friend req.

Don't feel ready to play with humans yet. I only really know the maps I can remember that were in 1.0-1.4. So that's basically Dust 1&2, Cobble, Italy, Militia, Office, Assault, and er... possibly a few others. Oh Inferno as well, of course, although that came towards the end of my time I think, or least I barely played it more than a handful of times.

Making such basic errors even I recognise. And my aim is so rubbish. I remember I was always much better at W:ET than CS really, and it's only since getting GO and looking into the tactics, watching Youtube videos and so on that I'm really appreciating what's involved.
Is CS:GO any good for someone that was a 1.6 addict? After 1.6 died I didn't bother with Source as it was so bad and switched to other games, but after watching a couple of youtube vids I really miss 1.6! Will playing CS:GO make me feel better? :(
Just buy it mate. It can be picked up for about £6 so hardly a big gamble.
It has become very popular recently and there are plenty of us on from here most days and nights at lots of different skill levels so I'm sure you'll find somewhere you fit in.
Started playing again after a few months, was LEM, now apparently gold nova 2, ranked up to gold nova 3. I am pretty dire at the moment but im at least DMG, thats one hell of a down rank which is frustrating as i cant play with some of me mates unless theres 5 of us as there all LE/LEM. Its annoying the 5 rank gap thing :( Dont want to solo que as its depressing!
I set my forum homepage to a list of players to lobby with/add for games
Is CS:GO any good for someone that was a 1.6 addict? After 1.6 died I didn't bother with Source as it was so bad and switched to other games, but after watching a couple of youtube vids I really miss 1.6! Will playing CS:GO make me feel better? :(

Definitely come out of retirement, I thought you had already

csgo has a matched game setup that actually works quite well. I played all the versions of cs and for that alone you can buy it. Even if you still prefer 1.6 for some aspect most people never had as much competitive 5v5 games as now

best way to get skins?
always guess right which team wins pro games and they are free otherwise buy them. drops are very rarely good. You can enter lottos for skins, its often on twitter I see them but the odds are 1000 to 1 at least, the market price is cheap relative to statistical chances of case openings

Pro game at Minor qual Lan playing new Nuke right now
What's the best way to get skins? Drops, market place or betting?

Based on personal experience, gambling isn't the best way to try and upgrade skins :p

Here's my story;

Having been quite new to trading game, it was exciting trading a lot and using CSGODouble deposit/withdraw functionality to facilitate that in the form of small overpay each time by any people I was trading with. It took a lot of time, but was doable.

I made one of my most profiable trades ever (25 quid in my favour based on the CSGO Values), and was going to finally get my dream knife (Bayonet Tiger Tooth FN).

I deposited all the items, and literally upon trying to withdraw in massive anticipation of my new precious....
"Unable to withdraw, items prices have been updated"

I lost all of my profit based on the new values, out of pure coincidence, the monthly price updated (which I was blissfully unaware of) happened just after I deposited everything. If I had waited a mere 3 minutes, I'd have had my items with their updated prices, and my profit maintained.

In what can only be described as an angry fury, I bet ALL of my CSGODouble points (that I was going to use to withdraw the new kinfe) on red. I lost. Back to square one.

That was the first time I've ever learnt a lesson through gambling, thankfully it'll stay with me for the rest of my days :D :p

In short, just buy what you want dude and use OPSKins to do it, it's significantly cheaper than the market.
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Yeah best to just buy what skins you want straight out, I've embarrassingly put a stupid amount of money into opening cases and not opened anything worth more than £3.
Some people get very lucky but they are in the massive minority.
I cashed sold all my skins when they ruined the game with the R8 revolver update as it was so retarded, bought a few games of steam.
Only just recently started buying cheap skins again. wont be spending much again.
Buy the skins you want cases are a high risk * tho saying that I have had 9 red's guns & 2 knifes drop for me * sold them all on Opskins now I only keep the guns my lad likes mainly redlines and cz's :)
hi guys

gonna post this in laptops section too, but just wondered if anyone plays csgo on a laptop?

I have a gaming pc but i want a laptop to play it when im away from home and cant be arsed putting all the pc stuff in the car.

im not looking at spending loads. so about £500, the MSI GL62 6QC Gaming Laptop , is on ****** for 550. and thats an i5 with an nvidia 940mx, which im pretty sure should play csgo @ 100fps.


i have my desktop pc which ive recently built, the laptop is literally for an extra mobile option, i cant find anything else close to that msi one on EB for £550. the next closest options are ones with 960 gpu's but theyre closer to 700 which i dont really wanna spend for how often i'll use it.

I may install CS on my work laptop which is an i5 , intel hd4400 and see if i can get 60fps :)
One thing I noticed when I ran it on my laptop was that for some reason it defaulted to the onboard GPU rather than my NVIDIA one. I had to change that in the Nvidia control panel. Just something to check if you have unsatisfactory performance.
hi epoch

can you remember what laptop/model it was? and roughly what fps it ran at?


I can't give a model as it is a competing business (One of those part pickers).

The specs are i5-4210M, 4Gb DDR3 RAM and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M and 5400RPM HDD. I had it capped at 60FPS in settings to ensure its stable so I'm not sure what it would be if I didn't limit. I could check for you later if you'd like?

Edit : Was around £500 just over a year ago, so I'd guess you could get better specs for around the same price and it should be fine.

Edit 2 : Ran around uncapped for you anyway. Most maps 70-130FPS, new nuke outside was more 40-80FPS. Hope this helps.
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sweet, thanks for that epoch, the spec is very similar to the msi one im looking at getting, but the gfx is abit better (940mx) and its got 8gb.

on another note, does anyone fancy joinin me and my buddys for some cs?

theres usually either 2 or 3 of us, so we're looking for one or two to join in some MM games.

we are all LE rank at the moment and have been for ages, we sometimes go up to LEM but it usually only lasts a few games and we get demoted again :) So skill wise we are very much average.

we've all been playing since cs1.5 so gamesense and map knowledge is not a problem.

ive joined the ocukcsgo group recently and posted a comment so you can find me there or my steam profile is:


at the moment we dont play that often so it will just be the odd game, mainly in the evening as we all work, we're all 30 ish, but dont mind playing with younger players so long as you arent annoying ;)

look forward to playing with some of you soon

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