Rank is there to give some cost experience to an account before they can enter competitive.
You have to go through some levelling up before you get to best part of csgo which is the comp mode.
I dont often play casual but I tried yesterday and there was several wallhack which is a more subtle thing, maybe beatable. Then somebody called out the top guy as quite blatant and he turned on the aimbot part of his software also and headshot 6 people spread across the map in under a second. At least he was honest about it I guess.
So he was a rank 2 trying to get into rank 3, so he can go comp mode. If he gets to global grade in comp someone will pay him for the account and he'll start over again.
I did report and block him, in theory at rank 2 he'll get fast tracked for a ban after review but not sure how well that works at the moment. Over 90% of cases I see are now quite obvious, I think its saturated and I read there is a bypass possible but Im not sure. Valve in theory are trying to improve the system by tying it to mobile phone numbers. I dont know that'll work but if some kind of filter was possible when searching for a match it could be they stumble across an improvement
Started playing cs in 2000 with a 56k modem
I used to play after work late, on a 56k modem on the new york servers using aol free dial up. The netcode is much different now I think. Used to be lowest ping invalidated any other shots taken but now they try to match each player equally.
The old
campers advantage is no longer, I remember an old server which would slap players out of position if they stood still for 5 seconds. Now the game has some built in disadvantage if you are last to move
i agree with concrete, i stopped playing when 1.6 died because source was utter garbage,
Played CS for many years from 0.6 beta, and after finding Source a *not great game* when it came out, stopped playing.
Not in my experience no. It's quite a different game, and not a patch on 1.6 as far as this old gamer is concerned.
Actually I never liked 1.6 compared to the first beta versions, I know some people just never upgraded from Beta as after it went retail it was full of idiots
never planting the bomb etc
I liked source beta most from that era (later source got much worse), you could roll a barrel down a staircase as people rushed up it (aztec). You could close a door and push a table to block it (italy) so they couldnt rush without firing a lot of AK through it and the good thing about source was that FF was turned on for most servers and 1.6 that was rare.
I didnt like the csgo demo maybe for the same reasons, it is different but the core game is there.
Beta was my favourite tbh as we played a new map every week pretty much. The server always had admin on it, most servers did and we had 3rd party anti cheat clientside like esea but it was 'free' and updated every week. punkbuster, battlefield had it also I think
For most people who never originally played set CS games in a league or ladder or had ESEA or similar on the original, CSGO is the best version of CS because anyone can easily join a proper game without needing to be in a clan or team with rules and practise sessions, pay the server fees for a year and all that stuff that some did have going back in 1.6 for competetive play.