I dont often play casual but I tried yesterday and there was several wallhack which is a more subtle thing, maybe beatable. Then somebody called out the top guy as quite blatant and he turned on the aimbot part of his software also and headshot 6 people spread across the map in under a second. At least he was honest about it I guess.
So he was a rank 2 trying to get into rank 3, so he can go comp mode. If he gets to global grade in comp someone will pay him for the account and he'll start over again.
I did report and block him, in theory at rank 2 he'll get fast tracked for a ban after review but not sure how well that works at the moment. Over 90% of cases I see are now quite obvious, I think its saturated and I read there is a bypass possible but Im not sure. Valve in theory are trying to improve the system by tying it to mobile phone numbers. I dont know that'll work but if some kind of filter was possible when searching for a match it could be they stumble across an improvement