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Cyberpunk 2077 Ultra performance

1 Jan 2003
it would be cool of flyingfish to post similar video without dram calculator timings to see how much they can improve performance by themselves in such a cpu limited game :D

i thought those results were without any optimized timings but in the same time i suspected, because the usual difference between 2700x and 5800x is %50. but by my calculations, i was %50 behind him with optimized timings, and i thought if he were to use optimized timings, he would have %60-65 lead. turns out he was also using optimized timings, hence explains the %50 difference

optimized timings in this game can bring another %10-15, so it may be worth it if you can replace your board with a b550 with small price (selling your x470)

Well if your interested I've just updated my motherboard bios to try out resizable bar, which has reset my bios settings. So just for you here are two video's of before and after.

The first is totally stock settings on the cpu and memory and gpu at stock clocks but 117% power.

The second is again stock cpu and gpu clocks, but tweaked memory timings and resizable bar enabled.

Only a few frames in it, so not a massive increase at 1440p, but it felt a lot smoother. Although I've only done this small test so far.
21 Feb 2021
Well if your interested I've just updated my motherboard bios to try out resizable bar, which has reset my bios settings. So just for you here are two video's of before and after.

The first is totally stock settings on the cpu and memory and gpu at stock clocks but 117% power.

The second is again stock cpu and gpu clocks, but tweaked memory timings and resizable bar enabled.

Only a few frames in it, so not a massive increase at 1440p, but it felt a lot smoother. Although I've only done this small test so far.
i thank you a lot

i guess these are your own settings so you were more gpu bound, where most people would be, so the results seem normal

but more smoothness always are welcome, no ? :cry:
1 Jan 2003
I've been playing a bit more, and yeah I'm really impressed with the result. Granted the numbers dont look like much, but the whole thing plays silky smooth now. Really strange, but very noticeable while playing.

The settings in the two videos above are the same as my previous ones if anyone wants to compare, but they arent the settings I use personally.

Not sure if any other games will benefit the same.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Are there? Where? The only framerate tanking I've seen occur is solely due to lights, usually in centre-city areas. Remember, got to test the effects individually. Shadows are quite light, mostly because they're very limited in how they work (only sun & moon), they didn't go anywhere near as heavy as what they did with SotTR.

There is a huge park area at the base of one of the megatower complex - I can't remember exactly where on the map off the top of my head. There are several areas where no one seems to go much in the game which are far better looking than the screenshots commonly posted.
1 Jan 2003
There is a huge park area at the base of one of the megatower complex - I can't remember exactly where on the map off the top of my head. There are several areas where no one seems to go much in the game which are far better looking than the screenshots commonly posted.

Funny you should mention that. I came across that park last night and holy cow the frames dropped into the 40's! (The trees looked great though) Thought it might be rtx shadows, but turning those off only gained a coupe of fps. I left the area promptly :D But not before having a chat with the monk on the bench in the park, accepted his zen quest or whatever...fps tanked even further down into the 30's No idea what was going off.
21 Feb 2021
Funny you should mention that. I came across that park last night and holy cow the frames dropped into the 40's! (The trees looked great though) Thought it might be rtx shadows, but turning those off only gained a coupe of fps. I left the area promptly :D But not before having a chat with the monk on the bench in the park, accepted his zen quest or whatever...fps tanked even further down into the 30's No idea what was going off.
game has a vram leak issue

sometimes it puts data into shared mem and never takes them back and stays like that

as a result frames can lowered and once you quit the game and reopen, you will see the frames are returned

if that happens again, try saving and then quit and reenter the game. you will probably see that the framedrop is fixed

here you go;

when the game spills over 0.4-0.5 gb of vram data to ram, performance drops (but it still functions fine, with kinda worse frametimes, but you feel like it's the gpu itself. but in reality, it's not)


once you shut off the game and launch again, frames are increased, frametime stability comes back and shared mem usage is tamed


this leak or problem or issue or... vram limitation happens when you change regions in the game, or drive very fast
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30 Aug 2014
The game seems even more buggy for me after the 1.2 patch. I saw a car model drawing in slowly and several objects floating in the air within minutes of playing. Also, the game seems to look slightly worse after their 'optimisations' and I have lost a few FPS. I have an RTX 3080, 3900X with raytracing on psycho and DLSS balanced at 1440P.
18 Feb 2015
game has a vram leak issue

Not sure it's just that, it's very vram hungry by default. I saw my vram go to 10 GB off the bat with RT on, even at only 720p...

edit: ran at 900p, rt psycho. at GPU Mem first is dedicated mem, then it's shared mem.


edit 2: went to the park S-W of Arasaka Tower (city centre) and decided to bench (45s runs) / also vram went past 10.5 GB at 900p as I drove there :p

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1 Jan 2003
I'm not sure about the vram issue, as I've not seen the game come close to maxing out the GPU's memory capacity. And all I needed to do was leave the tree/park area and all carried on fine with fps back to normal. I've played for hours with no stuttering or random drops. I just think that park area is just to demanding with all its leaves and foliage and light sources. I'll have another go later and test with rtx on vs off.
4 Sep 2011
Are there? Where? The only framerate tanking I've seen occur is solely due to lights, usually in centre-city areas. Remember, got to test the effects individually. Shadows are quite light, mostly because they're very limited in how they work (only sun & moon), they didn't go anywhere near as heavy as what they did with SotTR.

Theres a type of park with loads of trees and vegetation. Huge drops for me more so than any other area to be honest but I cant remember where it was now.
25 Aug 2005
Funny you should mention that. I came across that park last night and holy cow the frames dropped into the 40's! (The trees looked great though) Thought it might be rtx shadows, but turning those off only gained a coupe of fps. I left the area promptly :D But not before having a chat with the monk on the bench in the park, accepted his zen quest or whatever...fps tanked even further down into the 30's No idea what was going off.

That mirrors my experience exactly with a 3090 at 4k. It's usually in the high 50s. Running about in the vegetation near the windy road that overlooks the city does it, but not to the same extent.
13 Aug 2012
That mirrors my experience exactly with a 3090 at 4k. It's usually in the high 50s. Running about in the vegetation near the windy road that overlooks the city does it, but not to the same extent.

What settings do you use?

I was about to start playing again and haven't tried since release, is there anything I should turn down?
9 Mar 2015
Theres a type of park with loads of trees and vegetation. Huge drops for me more so than any other area to be honest but I cant remember where it was now.

Likely Reconciliation Park in central plaza your thinking of, and yeah that area is by far the most taxing, even with G-Sync can feel it slightly at 4k with 3090, everywhere else is as smooth as butter.
25 Aug 2005
What settings do you use?

I was about to start playing again and haven't tried since release, is there anything I should turn down?

I'm still using the Digital Foundry recommended settings from release time but with ray tracing settings on ultra. DLSS on performance. Film grain and the other three things from the top of the settings list turned off, but that's just personnal preference. Mostly stays near 60 at 4K apart from a couple of areas. Smooth enough with gsync on. Card is at 1950/900 with rebar enabled.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Film grain and the other three things from the top of the settings list turned off, but that's just personnal preference.

I'm honestly not sure why anyone would have them on to be honest - they are just a check box exercise in implementation - no attempt to actually use them to enhance the graphics they are just slapped in haphazardly and do more to ruin the aesthetic than anything else IMO.

While many people aren't a fan of it anyhow chromatic aberration for instance isn't even half as well done as The Division.
25 Aug 2005
I'm honestly not sure why anyone would have them on to be honest - they are just a check box exercise in implementation - no attempt to actually use them to enhance the graphics they are just slapped in haphazardly and do more to ruin the aesthetic than anything else IMO.

While many people aren't a fan of it anyhow chromatic aberration for instance isn't even half as well done as The Division.

I can imagine the graphics team were chuffed when marketing wanted options to make the game look worse.
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