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Cyberpunk 2077 Ultra performance

31 Dec 2008
No issues here using MSI motherboard and the settings given by dram calculator with my 8 pack. I took a photo with the mobile and then just filled in as many fields I could find in BIOS. I'm only recalling this from memory but I don't think I went with the extreme settings, just the fast ones. Been stable from the word go. :)

For me even safe ones won’t work.
21 Feb 2021
No issues here using MSI motherboard and the settings given by dram calculator with my 8 pack. I took a photo with the mobile and then just filled in as many fields I could find in BIOS. I'm only recalling this from memory but I don't think I went with the extreme settings, just the fast ones. Been stable from the word go. :)

can you post your zentimings? i tought those results were stock xmp rams jeez :D
21 Feb 2021
i will admit, that's one weird bios :eek:


it's really baffling your msi x470 bios ram timing section is so different than my msi b450

honestly i dont even know how to tweak those hexidecimal values
31 Dec 2008
i will admit, that's one weird bios :eek:


it's really baffling your msi x470 bios ram timing section is so different than my msi b450

honestly i dont even know how to tweak those hexidecimal values

So now you know why I gave up ages ago. This bios is a mess.
Think I’m going to order some ASUS B550 board with delivery for tomorrow.
21 Feb 2021
So now you know why I gave up ages ago. This bios is a mess.
Think I’m going to order some ASUS B550 board with delivery for tomorrow.
it would be cool of flyingfish to post similar video without dram calculator timings to see how much they can improve performance by themselves in such a cpu limited game :D

i thought those results were without any optimized timings but in the same time i suspected, because the usual difference between 2700x and 5800x is %50. but by my calculations, i was %50 behind him with optimized timings, and i thought if he were to use optimized timings, he would have %60-65 lead. turns out he was also using optimized timings, hence explains the %50 difference

optimized timings in this game can bring another %10-15, so it may be worth it if you can replace your board with a b550 with small price (selling your x470)
31 Dec 2008
optimized timings in this game can bring another %10-15, so it may be worth it if you can replace your board with a b550 with small price (selling your x470)

Ordered Asus Rog Strix B550-a gaming with delivery tomorrow.
I know Asus is not the best value but their bios is usually faultless at least in my experience.
Hopefully that will let me properly tune the timings.
21 Feb 2021
Ordered Asus Rog Strix B550-a gaming with delivery tomorrow.
I know Asus is not the best value but their bios is usually faultless at least in my experience.
Hopefully that will let me properly tune the timings.
nice, i decided to do a simple test myself;

3400 cl14 auto timings:
3400 cl14 mildly tweaked subtimings

a healthy %12 increase, completely with subtimings
1 Jan 2003
I'm not sure if this will be of any help, as I tweaked the memory using DRAM Calculator probably 18months ago and just carried the settings over as I've changed cpu twice and mobo once.
I started with a msi x470 with a 2700x cpu, then moved to a 3800x, then a x570 mobo (current one in sig) then upgraded to my 5800x cpu.

This is my memory: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/team...3200mhz-dual-channel-kit-black-my-08l-tg.html

This is the Calculator settings from 2019 that I use. No idea if its still what is


Sorry but I'm not going to faff about resetting all the timings to do a comparison. :p
But I do have all the images I took of the bios changes I made on the msi x470 gaming pro carbon, and my current setup (which is running the same timings).
If its any help, they are here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/SMH93EQmbdig6AwE6

Have fun :)
21 Feb 2021
I'm not sure if this will be of any help, as I tweaked the memory using DRAM Calculator probably 18months ago and just carried the settings over as I've changed cpu twice and mobo once.
I started with a msi x470 with a 2700x cpu, then moved to a 3800x, then a x570 mobo (current one in sig) then upgraded to my 5800x cpu.

This is my memory: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/team...3200mhz-dual-channel-kit-black-my-08l-tg.html

This is the Calculator settings from 2019 that I use. No idea if its still what is


Sorry but I'm not going to faff about resetting all the timings to do a comparison. :p
But I do have all the images I took of the bios changes I made on the msi x470 gaming pro carbon, and my current setup (which is running the same timings).
If its any help, they are here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/SMH93EQmbdig6AwE6

Have fun :)

those are amazing timings, thanks for sharing them i hope other friend can tweak his timings like this as well
31 Dec 2008
I'm not sure if this will be of any help, as I tweaked the memory using DRAM Calculator probably 18months ago and just carried the settings over as I've changed cpu twice and mobo once.
I started with a msi x470 with a 2700x cpu, then moved to a 3800x, then a x570 mobo (current one in sig) then upgraded to my 5800x cpu.

This is my memory: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/team...3200mhz-dual-channel-kit-black-my-08l-tg.html

This is the Calculator settings from 2019 that I use. No idea if its still what is


Sorry but I'm not going to faff about resetting all the timings to do a comparison. :p
But I do have all the images I took of the bios changes I made on the msi x470 gaming pro carbon, and my current setup (which is running the same timings).
If its any help, they are here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/SMH93EQmbdig6AwE6

Have fun :)

Which MSI X470 mobo did you have.?
Also this is the ram I have only mine is 3600 cl16...
1 Jan 2003
Which MSI X470 mobo did you have.?
Also this is the ram I have only mine is 3600 cl16...

This one: https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/X470-GAMING-PRO-CARBON

Got to say my setup has always been very stable, even now I have very few crashes or anything even in Cyberpunk. Yes there are a few game glitches, but crashes to desktop are few and far between. But to be fair I dont really overclock as things run fast enough. Yes the memory timings are tightened, and the 3080 is set to 117% but the cpu and gpu clocks are default.

In the current climate I would be more concerned if overclocking caused an RMA that could have you without a precious GPU for months and months..
31 Dec 2008
This one: https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/X470-GAMING-PRO-CARBON

Got to say my setup has always been very stable, even now I have very few crashes or anything even in Cyberpunk. Yes there are a few game glitches, but crashes to desktop are few and far between. But to be fair I dont really overclock as things run fast enough. Yes the memory timings are tightened, and the 3080 is set to 117% but the cpu and gpu clocks are default.

In the current climate I would be more concerned if overclocking caused an RMA that could have you without a precious GPU for months and months..
So also gaming pro motherboard just with added “carbon” at the end lol
And how was bios on that for memory timings.?
Although I think bios on mine went all funny when I updated it to be compatible with Ryzen 3000 and that’s when msi made it look very basic due to newer Agesa taking a lot of space.
Overclockng modern nvidia gpus is rather safe as you can’t raise voltage unless you are doing some kind of hard mod so it’s very unlikely anything will go wrong from that. Hell I had my 3080 FE mining for at least 3 months non stop with vram temperature of 104C and it's doing just fine.
Although I think there is something wrong with memory temp readout on those cards as mine would shoot up to 104C in seconds and stay there for as long as it was mining even when just powered on and the card was cold.
It doesn’t make sense because even if there were no thermal pads at all it would be heating up much slower due to just the pcb absorbing the heat.
1 Jan 2003
I noticed when MSI updated the BIOS to include the last generation CPU's, they must have been short on BIOS chip space as all the glossy user interface had to go, and got replaced with a basic front end, but it still had all of the features.
If you look at the screen shots in my Google shared photos I linked above, you will see the same motherboard (MSI x470) showing the early glossy interface, and then later the same settings in the grey basic interface of the later BIOS.
Either way, the memory timings have remained the same all the way through without any issues, so can't really complain :)

I don't do mining at all but I did have a look at the memory temps, as hwinfo runs in the background on my pc, and although they were higher than I expected, I don't they got out of the 80's C. But I do have a Asus 3080, which has excellent cooling :D
18 Feb 2015
I think I've found out why the game kept crashing. After I disabled Fidelity FX in-game (and used RIS in AMD CP) I could play the game with RT on for hours. Psycho's still out of the question, there's something bottlenecking the refresh of the rays hard, or whatever, but all RT effects on, light at medium, seems to work fine. Gotta go down to 900p in order to keep it in 40+ but that's fine. I guess it's mostly placebo but I wanted a RT'ed playthrough and I got it, so now I'm happy. After this I'll put it on the backburner until some healthy expansions release and I get a new PC altogether.

I think if they get Radeon Boost w/ VRS working like they've advertised, and AMD + CDPR work on optimising the code, because frankly the game is a clear-cut Nvidia game and I say that fully understanding the hardware differences between RDNA 2 & Ampere - performance is just too poor, clearly, and as you push the rays and effects you see the performance become bizzare which is unlike even pathtraced titles, or other similarly complex RT'ed titles (Control etc.), then I would say 1080p 45fps is doable. Then perhaps add in FSR and all's okay. For sure there's 20%+ performance available to eek out of the game just raw, from game updates + driver updates alone.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I guess it's mostly placebo but I wanted a RT'ed playthrough and I got it, so now I'm happy. After this I'll put it on the backburner until some healthy expansions release and I get a new PC altogether.

RT in the game is used in a kind of odd way - mostly as a reference for guiding traditional effects and/or to fill in where traditional effects fall down rather than to exploit the benefits of ray tracing albeit that does avoid/reduce dealing with sampling noise related issues. If you really dig for them there are areas where indirect lighting spills nicely through the scene but they are few and far between - largely it is just the improvements to reflections. The weirder bit is where vast amounts of ray tracing is used, at a big cost, to solve some small rendering nasties which most people probably won't even notice while other rendering issues are quite plain to see.
5 Nov 2010
Just started this game at the weekend. I played with RT on for about 3 hours and thought it looked pretty nice, the lighting and reflections are done well, a bit over the top on reflection in places but to be expected.

I’ve since turned RT off as it’s not worth the performance overhead, even with DLSS (which looks poo on on anything harsher than balanced).
Last edited:
18 Feb 2015
@Rroff I was thinking about it more from the perspective of moment to moment gameplay - it being placebo. Besides the obvious RT Reflections it's generally not noticeable in a clear manner, but I can tell of a subtle overall change of the scene, so it does feel better in a certain way. But heck even reflections aren't always so obvious, it depends on the weather as well, and sadly there's some issues with them loading (and for how far) compared to just SSR + CM. One of the more niche benefits that I really enjoy about it is for vegetation, in particular the palm trees. I find that RT shadows does a lot for vegetation and I quite like that. For me the big scene I want to see with RT is when meeting Peralez, that was the only scene when playing initially that I really thought - ok, I wanna see how RT works on this sky car. Otherwise it's w/e, in truth besides driving around and some cut-scenes RT might as well not be there when so much time is spent in scanning mode, or in breach, or dodging around fighting, or even just parkour, there's little chance to notice the generally subtle changes from RT (even when I know exactly where to look & what it looks like).

Ime graininess is only really an issue below 1440p. First two times I've played at around 1620p and it was perfectly fine, even with SSR on low, let alone on ultra.

Honestly the biggest graphical improvement they could do has nothing to do with RT at all, it's to do with the streaming distance. If they could push that further out (give us an ultimate option for PC) without breaking the game it would do so much to improve the overall look of the game when playing it.
Just compare this (https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/3333/images/238/238-1608093512-1590371722.jpeg) with this (https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/3333/images/238/238-1608098867-974265871.jpeg), and that's only scratching the surface.
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