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Cyberpunk 2077 Ultra performance

Honestly the biggest graphical improvement they could do has nothing to do with RT at all, it's to do with the streaming distance. If they could push that further out (give us an ultimate option for PC) without breaking the game it would do so much to improve the overall look of the game when playing it.
Just compare this (https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/3333/images/238/238-1608093512-1590371722.jpeg) with this (https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/3333/images/238/238-1608098867-974265871.jpeg), and that's only scratching the surface.

100% spot on. In the very few hours I've played this I noticed immediately how utterly crap the draw/stream distance is, it's awful.
I found the grainyness only happens for me if I run a render scale less than 100? Otherwise 6800xt post patch everything up max RT off works beautifully and plays smooth like butter!
So I swapped my motherboard which took me ages as I was switching from hard tubing to soft tubing and stupidly purchased tubing too small for my old fittings hoping that it will stretch easily. Well it didn’t but in the end I found a solution by pushing end of tubings on a pair of pliers and stretching them by forcefully opening the pliers.
Because of that I didn’t have much time tweaking memory timings. With the time I had I managed to partially tweak it and it did indeed seem too boost performance somewhat.
Loading the same save took me from about 85fps to 95fps and driving around was maxing out my gpu for the most part. Still some drops here and there but much better than before.
Will carry on tweaking it when I get home tomorrow.
Any ideas why the game just doesn't want to load at all? No error messages either.
I've had this happen with other DX12 games, but there I had to wait for patches. Did it load in fine before? Check not to have anything running in the background. In Forza Horizon 4 things like afterburner/rtss would prevent loading. In The Medium it was a game fault, but worked in DX11. In The Division 2 things like HBCC would prevent loading in. etc. This is one of the worst things to troubleshoot sadly.
RT aside, sounds like this game is now somewhat worth playing and major bugs have been fixed?

IMO, without a doubt. I played it first time round on vega 56 and 2600 and loved every minute.

I didn't have any issues on launch tbf, only a few floating textures, t shape V on motorbike every now and then and that was it. No crashes.

Don't pay too much attention to the ones who believed the hype/false advertising and you'll have a blast, more so if you love blade runner, fifth element films and their cities/atmosphere.
RT aside, sounds like this game is now somewhat worth playing and major bugs have been fixed?

The game is absolutely worth playing, it's second only to Kingdom Come: Deliverance in terms of open world RPGs. If you familiarise yourself a bit with the Cyberpunk universe it's even better (and makes you appreciate what a great job CDPR did adapting it). As for major bugs, there were never really any (widespread), what there was was typical open-world jank on occasion, clipping issues in some environments, some wonky interactions from time to time (e.g. there was a spot where an npc would spawn out of the sky and would fall flat on his face, looking sorta like a suicide etc), and so on, but absolutely common for this type of game regardless of who makes it. I had way more issues with Valhalla & Legion at launch which also happened last year - but again, typical.

Some perks aren't working though, so if you start look at this list:https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkg...date_complete_list_of_verified_perks_working/

And lore wise, check out this video: https://youtu.be/bkXfPBIaZow

The game is quite easy overall though, so don't worry too much about planning stuff. You can be a 'jack of all trades' just fine, and try out all the various guns & playstyles.
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some extra more, this time i found a place where all rt settings made a difference of their own


I just spent 5 mins having a look and I gotta be honest while gaming there is no chance I would notice any of those minor differences. I played with it for a few mins the other night, messed about with raytracing for a bit and then turned it all of and just engrossed myself in the game for a few hours. Im really enjoying it :)
Still can't believe that there are people who don't think this game is anything special looking..... :o Must be playing a different game to me! :p




























Think someone in here done this comparison before for ray tracing? Pretty decent area for comparison:


RTX all turned off:



Just reflections turned off:



Just reflections turned off:


CDPR could have done a much better job with SSR though.....

135 hours in this now, really hoping all the rumoured/leaked dlc that is coming turns out as good as the rest of the game.
As for major bugs, there were never really any (widespread),

Disagree - my first play through I didn't encounter anything of note but then started a second character and had to give up as it was bug central - especially cyberware would just stop working multiple times an hour (each time having to save and reloaded to fix it), several missions bugged out to the point I had to go to saves half-way back before they would complete and do on so I just gave up on the second play through.

The game is still has a lot of major bugs and many many perks, bonuses, etc. are purely cosmetic with no underlying code or very buggy or don't work as described. Just for some reason very random how badly any one person at any one time encounters them.
It does but theres a couple of tree heavy areas that absolutely tank framerate. 3090 and 10900k here and its 30fps @4k with RT on ultra!
Are there? Where? The only framerate tanking I've seen occur is solely due to lights, usually in centre-city areas. Remember, got to test the effects individually. Shadows are quite light, mostly because they're very limited in how they work (only sun & moon), they didn't go anywhere near as heavy as what they did with SotTR.
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