If you ignore the puddles and fancy lights it's very basic because it is not always rendering the highest quality details so if you have a gpu/system weak on memory bandwidth you will see the transitions.People with weak systems, or underpowered consoles from 2013, but that's to be expected. There are limits to the miracles game developers can perform, even if Joe Public doesn't want to acknowledge it.
I think you should replace miracles with hacks. Even on PC at a distant crossroad you will see 2d car models.
And its not just because my system is a potato.
watch @Gregster video from 26seconds. and check the wine coloured car load in when he turns.
This is happening all around you in this game.
This is the worst case scenario on CP2077 on a 2080Ti. Still happy with frames and certainly felt smooth
and a bonus 2d car, looks like the model that was used on driver 2
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