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Cyberpunk 2077 Ultra performance

Of course I'm asking a loaded question. RT is based on physics and models our own vision, hence life like.

You are conflating what RT aims to do with what it actually can do given current GPU limitations. Yes RT aims (operative word here) to simulate what our own vision does, but current tech is not good enough to do it at anything close to the fidelity of real life. So for now we are left with a best case scenario because games like CP2077 (and others) must mix RT with older traditional methods. The trick is to have both methods compliment each other without breaking the illusion.

You see how CP2077 fails at this by the fact it uses a simplified world model for reflections and how you the player are not reflected. Now I am going to assume V does not stand for vampire to explain why he doesn't show up in reflections. I will conclude instead that the developers had to compromise or simply failed to get it working to a satisfactory standard. This is why I feel hailing ray tracing in CP2077 as "life like" is hyperbolic at best and outright dillusional at worst.

It is a good effort and better than traditional methods on their own, but life like it is not. Like the rest of the game it is very rough around the edges and needs work. It was released in an unfinished state.
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@ICDP Can you drop the topic about v’s reflection? Its not because RT cant handle it. Its because it would look stupid af like in all other games that use animations optimized for first person. Check out the ‘3rd person’ mod for cp to see how the player character looks when animated. Seeing that reflected would look horrible arms bending everywhere etcetc. Feet running like they’re disconnected from their body. Weapons rotating wierdly when holstering / unholstering. Etc

you’d also know this if you played / modded skyrim fallout etc. Games that do 1st and 3rd person use different animation sets for each. But here you’re stuck in 1st person and want 3rd person animations being reflected. Won’t work.

it does work in battlefield 5 for example because the 1st person animations arent as complex as the ones in cyberpunk ( you dont interact with other characters in meaningful ways, like in cp, you only carry a weapon and shoot and that’s it ). Plus here you do see other players since its multiplayer so it makes sense for everything to look right.
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None of that matters or disputes the facts I have pointed out. All that matters is the final effect and in CP2077 it is sub-par because the devs could have done better but didn't. You can't excuse it because "it's first person and not 3rd person, so it's OK for the devs to do a crap job". It's also not just about V's reflections, it's the simplified reflected world (missing gates and other details etc). So again, stop making excuses for CP2077, my point still stands there are better examples of RT already out there.
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That shouldn't be a priority anyway since it will work very bad without some form of upscaling. Better try to rewrite most parts of the code to improve gameplay experience and try to make the game playable on consoles. Then they need to focus on content and especially multiplayer if they want to make more money. There are not too many 6000 series cards anyway so not having RT on AMD is not such a big loss.
He acknowledged the streamsing system they use is broken on console but it's also broken on pc. It's terrible and needs to be removed or seriously adjusted.

I find the streaming system works OK, some odd glitches, until about 2 hours of playing when it just falls apart - for some reason for some people it is like that right away and/or can only play a few minutes before it stops working.

I can even quickly flick left or right or 360s, etc. without seeing pedestrians appearing/disappearing (for the most part) unlike some who get that really obviously.

Not sure why it is so different experience for different people - I have a feeling the streaming system dislikes AMD's SMT somewhat as people with 3000 and 5000 series CPUs seem to get it worse than other setups for that kind of issue with the game.
I find the streaming system works OK, some odd glitches, until about 2 hours of playing when it just falls apart - for some reason for some people it is like that right away and/or can only play a few minutes before it stops working.

I can even quickly flick left or right or 360s, etc. without seeing pedestrians appearing/disappearing (for the most part) unlike some who get that really obviously.

Not sure why it is so different experience for different people - I have a feeling the streaming system dislikes AMD's SMT somewhat as people with 3000 and 5000 series CPUs seem to get it worse than other setups for that kind of issue with the game.
Its a mess and too easy to break.

There is absolutely no reason for my pc to reduce the car behind me or to my left or right to the lowest quality and then reload the correct detail when I rotate it back into view.
I get that the distance thing is subjective but the above is not, its a complete hack in its current state.

Its probably more sensitive on different hardware configurations. He admitted it doesn't scale well down to consoles so I have my doubts it scales very well at all and probably only "works" at the ultra high end systems.
Its probably more sensitive on different hardware configurations. He admitted it doesn't scale well down to consoles so I have my doubts it scales very well at all and probably only "works" at the ultra high end systems.

Thing is it most of the time works quite well on my 1650 V2 - I see people with 5000 series AMD CPUs, etc. having far more issues with it than I do. Up until around 2 hours of playing where something goes wrong (physical RAM jumps up ~2GB and VRAM increases around 500MB from ~6.9 to ~7.5GB) and the game acts like it is paging data constantly despite no signs of a memory leak and still having loads of free RAM.
Thing is it most of the time works quite well on my 1650 V2 - I see people with 5000 series AMD CPUs, etc. having far more issues with it than I do. Up until around 2 hours of playing where something goes wrong (physical RAM jumps up ~2GB and VRAM increases around 500MB from ~6.9 to ~7.5GB) and the game acts like it is paging data constantly despite no signs of a memory leak and still having loads of free RAM.
that's only one aspect of it though where after fighting vram requirements for prolonged periods somethings triggers and it stops working.

I question the actual need to lower the quality of world in your immediate surroundings. Since the cannot guarantee the models transition instantly they should not be doing it.
He acknowledged the streamsing system they use is broken on console but it's also broken on pc. It's terrible and needs to be removed or seriously adjusted.
It's on par with the best that's out there for open world games, I think you're exaggerating what's a pet peeve. Don't get me wrong - I'd love for it to be improved further but to call it broken is going too far, and I say that as someone for whom asset streaming is a pet peeve when it comes to game performance also. We'll see what they can deliver with updates but I'm not holding my breath either way.
It's on par with the best that's out there for open world games.
It's not really though. It can work but in its current state it does not work very well. It's too aggressive in swapping out details so close to you.
I should not rotate my viewpoint and see a car (beside me)transition from low to high quality in any modern game.

I'm not saying their system or method cannot work I'm saying it doesn't work consistently well enough even on pc. There is a huge problem probably with how they are tagging the priority of assets for streaming in and out. See the clip below why the van and not the other cars? Also at the very end the van gets replaced by a car.

but let's not discuss it further you don't agree it's fine.

Just to add the streaming doesn't just impact the details the whole game is hinged around it and that's why the NPCs and cars etc disappear and reappear.
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Announcement: The consoles and AMD desktop gpu will receive their nextbgen and rayvtracing update for Cyberpunk 2077 towards the end of this year
Not sure why it is so different experience for different people -

Might be a lot to do with turn speed/mouse sensitivty as well, I haven't seen any of the stuff you guys are talking about but unlike most of you I play on controller and have sensitivity turned down low as well.

Maybe im turning too slow to see anything change.
Might be a lot to do with turn speed/mouse sensitivty as well, I haven't seen any of the stuff you guys are talking about but unlike most of you I play on controller and have sensitivity turned down low as well.

Maybe im turning too slow to see anything change.

I keep a fairly high mouse sensitivity, while using a 3770k, 32GB DDR3, SATA3 SSDs (OS on one, games on another) and of course a 3080. At 1440p, RT Psycho and DLSS Quality I get the LOD pops, which are done very well IMO, but I'm not having the issues with slow downs or low res textures. I'm very surprised how well this title runs given the CPU/RAM/MB are from 2012.
You can increase the LOD on some stuff like billboards and those low res pop ins that are like 20m away, I'll try find the Reddit post I used to up the detail distance. Didn't even effect performance so hopefully they'll add a lot slider or something similar.

The road pop ins are what bother me the most now, I can see the yellow road lines pop in and the street lights don't light up until you're fairly close, I'm using high chase camera in cars.
You can increase the LOD on some stuff like billboards and those low res pop ins that are like 20m away, I'll try find the Reddit post I used to up the detail distance. Didn't even effect performance so hopefully they'll add a lot slider or something similar.

The road pop ins are what bother me the most now, I can see the yellow road lines pop in and the street lights don't light up until you're fairly close, I'm using high chase camera in cars.

I'd be interested in increasing details as long as it doesn't break the game. I'm still enjoying my first play through.
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