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Cyberpunk 2077 Ultra performance

watch from 8minutes.
"Memory Optimizations" in 1.1 = further reduction in LOD distance

Have not tested this out myself but I was already seeing the cars and textures load slowly.

Guess my hopes for a fix are gone if they are reducing it on purpose now.

why is this not a slider option so you can adjust to suit
Guys can someone tell me what RT means?

Does it mean retarded? I've heard your framerate can be cut in half so this would make sense

It does if you tried to run it on a non RTX card :p

I hear some cards don't even give you the option :D

Of course, after 90 pages you should have been able to figure that out. Or maybe just RT :rolleyes:
It does if you tried to run it on a non RTX card :p

I hear some cards don't even give you the option :D

Of course, after 90 pages you should have been able to figure that out. Or maybe just RT :rolleyes:

No, I can't figure out why someone would subject themselves to this setting ;)
Ive no intention if putting this game down. Really enjoying it and it looks amazing imo. Get the odd bug now and again, not very often though and i can put up with the wacky pedestrian/traffic as its amusing and doesn't affect gameplay :)
For all that’s worth I finished the game, and didn’t encounter bugs that make me want to stop playing.

There were a lot of things that weren’t great:
  • How the game makes you think you need to rush the main story while the side quests are the bulk of the game
  • The driving is really bad
  • The in-game phone rings too much with not so important stuff
  • The game artificially scales your dmg using some kind of level difference but the game is sometimes incorrect when it tells you if you are levelled enough to do a mission
but I still enjoyed the game.
I completed the game last night and yeah I saw a few floating objects and once or twice a mission objective didn't trigger to let me progress but the game autosaves very regularly so it was no problem to reload and continue. My point is, unless you believe they going to fundamentally change the gameplay and content of the game, there there is no point waiting as the bugs don't effect the enjoyment of playing the game.
there there is no point waiting as the bugs don't effect the enjoyment of playing the game.

Seems to depend person to person - the bugs have largely been a peripheral irritation for me but some people have them much worse than others - I know people who can't get past certain main mission objectives no matter how they try and/or constantly have things glitching out that heavily impact performance, etc.

I can't see them fundamentally updating the game to the experience it was sold as being though sadly.
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