*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

I think a lot of people are going to get tonnes more value playing the GOTY version with all expansions in 6 months time. You MIGHT even get your graphics cards by then too. Seems really underwhelming as a launch package, best avoided.

I think a lot of people are going to get tonnes more value playing the GOTY version with all expansions in 6 months time. You MIGHT even get your graphics cards by then too. Seems really underwhelming as a launch package, best avoided.
Nope, not making myself wait any longer. I'll probably play through again when that comes around
I think a lot of people are going to get tonnes more value playing the GOTY version with all expansions in 6 months time. You MIGHT even get your graphics cards by then too. Seems really underwhelming as a launch package, best avoided.

Yep, what's another 6 months? it's been 8 years already. Especially if it's a rough release, all that waiting for a lackluster experience... but we'll see.
RTX mode looks really nice, as expected. RTX off looks really dark in some places, like no-one-has-tested-it-down-that-alley-with-RTX-off-before dark. I won't be buying/playing it if I can't get RTX+DLSS 1440p at 90fps+. I only do text adventure in 60Hz :). Which might mean I get 3070 instead of 3080 (some time in 2021). How long until 4080? :)
Why are reviews and benchmarks being done of a pre release not patched game? That is just ridiculous especially if performance, bugs and FPS will all be improved upon release, hopefully !!
perhaps they have the day 1 patch and its still bugged. GB did say that they had a big patch midway through playing and wondering if there going to add more.
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Ummm, that was fast, looks like it's been cracked already!!! I suppose that's the cost of not having DRM and preload on a DRM free client :D
As with most of the reviews that gave a lower score, there's a chunk of the review about trans people and ethnic minorities and how awful capitalism is etc etc
Hopefully if the wokists are complaining about it that means CD Projekt haven't ruined the story/gameplay for normal people
Some of the bugs I've seen are terrible. Invincible enemies, getting stuck in walls, etc. Hopefully the patch sorts a lot of them out, but if not then it looks like I'm going to be saving the game every few minutes.

Hopefully if the wokists are complaining about it that means CD Projekt haven't ruined the story/gameplay for normal people

Exactly. If the soy latte drinking SJWs aren't happy, then I know it's going to be good.
However, there's a major disclaimer: This is near-final code, but CDPR has been working on bug fixes, tuning, and optimization for the past couple of weeks. AMD and Nvidia are also working on driver improvements, and the preview copy includes Denuvo protection. That could impact CPU performance in particular, which is why this is a preview of how the game runs. The final release code should perform at least this well, and hopefully a bit better.
60% from gamebeat :rolleyes:

Wow this looks like a card killer.

However, they have chosen cards that are basically unavailable at the moment.
Defo some tinkering to be done.

Saying that this is all without the day one patch. Good to see DLSS doing it's thing though.

Do remember that none of these reviews have:

1) The day 1 patch which Hollie has confirmed previously will improve performance and graphics across the board
2) nVidia Game Ready drivers won't be out until the game is released to further improve things especially in RTX/DLSS.

This is why I never read early game reviews that are obviously going to get updated from launch day anyway as it does not represent the performance and quality gamers will get on day 1.
Do remember that none of these reviews have:

1) The day 1 patch which Hollie has confirmed previously will improve performance and graphics across the board
2) nVidia Game Ready drivers won't be out until the game is released to further improve things especially in RTX/DLSS.

This is why I never read early game reviews that are obviously going to get updated from launch day anyway as it does not represent the performance and quality gamers will get on day 1.
It will be another watch dogs Legion everything switched on 30 fps most will have to play without ray tracing.
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