If you want to get shot.Can I interact with crime scenes?
yea I think this game ideally needed another full year or at least 6 months to be a real AAA titleThe more I play the game, the more I notice how much has seemingly been chopped out of it. Some might say these things are trivial, but to me they contribute toward establishing a deeper and more engrossing environment. For example, the numerous food stands that are clearly open, but with no npc present. Or the many doors that say they are locked upon approaching them. Oh, and the complete absence of braindance except for in a select few missions; despite us being able to buy braindance software. The list goes on. It's fun, but like a shell of what it should / could have been.
Yes, the crafting is a bit of a mystery. It isn't really explained how you earn the different components unless it is buried on a shard somewhere.
Sameyea I think this game ideally needed another full year or at least 6 months to be a real AAA title
just polishing all the AI and making the city seem like it's actually alive and not walking statues.
still one of the best games in years though IMO, just sad it never lived up to it's potential.
to make the city seem more alive wouldn't even have taken all that much work
BTW CPU usage on a i5 4670k is like 50% when I'm standing still just watching the city, seems way low there must be literally nothing going on in the background with AI running surely, not even scripted behaviour lul
possible they disabled a lot of stuff for "performance reasons" and claiming it was optimization ?
Have not seen it explained anywhere either, although I am guessing you have figured it out ? If not, just scrap clothes and armor and your get the components, white and green items give the Uncommon stuff, blue gives those and Rare, the purple item gives both and Epic, and the Legendary items gives some of all components. Personally I scrap all the white and green items that is worth less then 50, everything worth more I sell. Then any blue and purple I scrap, no matter what you get for them since the components you get would end up costing you more if you would buy them. So far not scrapped any Legendary items, but that's because so far I only have 1 Legendary item which I'm wearing. It's the Samurai 2020 Tour t-shirt, which I think is a one of chance to buy. I went back later but the NCP was gone then (part of a quest so guessing he wont be back again).
Don't tell me that. I've been saving up for that shirt. FFS.
ahahaha yea I loaded up on them too then realisedI bought a **** load of porn ware so i could use brain dance only to realise i can't even use it! Whats the bloody point?
I assume everyone knows the buy/scrap drinks cans 'hack' by now?
Abit gutted but maybe they'll patch it in at a later date. I feel like all the doors should be accessible but i can see why they've locked them for now. I hope everything is gonna be dynamic with their own little eco systems and people getting on with their daily lives, it just needs more of it.ahahaha yea I loaded up on them too then realisedhad to settle for the lass outside instead
Doesn't seem like there's a single BD outside of missions/side missions
Anyone double tapped a child in the head yet?yes im trying to see how far this game will go lol
That warrants a double tap, i saw one outside Judy's round the corner with red eyes begging. Clicked talk and yeah it was an adult voice so double tapped. Not done on a street yet though, i gotta feeling it either wont let me...Some of them are midgets I think, pretty sure they had adult voices when I spoke to them.....or my game is bugged haha
Has anyone interacted with the people on the map with lip icons.
The whole package. You buy a game for the whole experience, not just the graphics. This barely looks like a minimum viable product. If we are being generous and ignoring the bugs, apart from ray-tracing, is there anything even remotely innovative about this game? It looks like it was written/artistically designed by a group of nob-obsessed 15 yr old lads.
Thanks for this, I think it sums up exactly my concerns about the game and why I don't think I would particularly enjoy it. It is trying to be all things to all people and seems to achieve none of them well. I will probably still buy it, just to check it out, but I doubt I'll finish it. I certainly won't be upgrading for it.
Bugs for most but the level of bugs seems to vary. Some of us are experiencing very few, and nothing game breaking, a lot are having their game ruined.
Suits you sir. Have you considered applying for a job at Dicky Twisters?
reminds me of a shell suit i had in the 80's
Ah gotcha, I haven't done a great of levelling, either that or just completely missed the tips when I did level.
Going for a military look, just need to change the inner body clothing.
Great, had the same bit of text at the bottom of the screen for the last hour and it won't go away. If I reload my save it just repeats the audio and then the text sticks again.
Also gotta say, starting to feel disappointed in regards to clothing. If I want to dress a certain way I have to luck into finding the right item then luck into it having the right amount of mod slots. I want to dress like Netwatch but I'm stuck looking like a gimp
EDIT: Turned out turning subtitles off then back on was an easy fix