*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

I've stopped selling things now, instead I'm disassembling and using the parts to upgrade guns. Rather luckily the best clothing I have in terms of armour is actually a nice black suit, with some dark shades. Played another few hours tonight, just doing side missions, haven't moved the story along for a good 4-5hrs now. Yes the NPCs are crap, but there's plenty of side quests to be doing.

Overall, it's not a bad game, but it's not what was promised either. Once you get the idea of 'futuristic GTA' out your head it's quite enjoyable, and I'm sure several aspects will be addressed over the coming months.
Anyone find the dialogue audio very low?

I've shoved all the other audio down to 50% and kept dialogue and master at 100%.

Characters sound audible but V is still faint.

Any ideas?
Me too.



Rowdy Roddy Piper?
Well, here I am. Aw yeah 80s cybernetic goodness! Why yes, I do wear my sunglasses at night :D


First bug, all the loot is floating and I need to get into a car that is upside down and on fire.

I've got some great gear for my character, but my god - it looks utter gash. Pink tinted glittery sequin trousers, green/brown armoured vest, shiny silver long-sleeved top, helmet and a breathing mask. Atleast it's first-person so I don't have to see it much!
I really want to enjoy the game... but I'm really not - the number of mechanics that just pop up out of nowhere without proper introduction (or even just the game expects you to use but never mentions), leave you scratching your head over how they work and/or key binds and how disjointed they are from other similar parts of the game, etc. is just ruining my experience of it.

For instance I don't think I've seen a single thing in game that mentions about disassembling items directly let alone how to do it and what means what - no prompts, no binds in the menu, etc. no hints or tips I've encountered - if it wasn't for this forum I'd theoretically have no idea I can select an item and press Z.

If it wasn't for the glimpses at times of what they were trying to do with the game I'd have refunded it already.

For a wonder I can't moan about the mouse input - though a few more options wouldn't go amiss for people who might need to fine tune it - it feels responsive and predictable without horrid acceleration and seems to scale into ADS fine and has options there to adjust X/Y sensitivity without any silliness forced though the movement could have been fine tuned a bit more so it feels flowing when you strafe around corners, etc. in intense combat it can be a touch clunky in turns/strafing.
The tutorial is **** poor. I think in a project like this a thorough tutorial is probably left right until the end of development, once they've nailed everything that's going in the final release. It feels like they ran out of time.

Cyberwear, crafting, quickhacks, upgrades, the tech tree, none of that is even slightly explained, I've found myself on forums and YouTube way more often than is acceptable.
I agrey there @Rroff

Even the very first level up where you get attribute points, perks and street cred points, it doesn’t explain what to do with them. So then I looked into it myself and all those perks you can pick! Brain overload.
Cyberwear, crafting, quickhacks, upgrades, the tech tree, none of that is even slightly explained, I've found myself on forums and YouTube way more often than is acceptable.

Not just it isn't even slightly explained - a lot of it is disjointed and not very intuitive - some aspects you can sort of guess at from playing similar games but others you are just left scratching your head and someone with less experience of gaming would be utterly lost - which is probably partly why so many console gamers are trying to return the game.
You missed the "It's a tad frustrating having to run around the corner every time to loose the cops"

My cops seem to be bred with bloodhounds! I mean the longest chase was easily over 3 minutes of sprinting (500m+) and and taking back alleys and yet I still ended up reloading the last quicksave to avoid the hassle. On the other hand I ran over a civilian by accident and had a less than 10 sec car chase, sooooo swings and roundabouts I suppose! :D
Only a couple of hours in but came across a side mission to kill some psychotic warrior lass, clearly meant to fight her in an arena area, I was looking forward to a challenge but no, if you walked back towards the entrance she wouldn't follow you and would just go back and wait for you to heal up and come back. Pretty terrible for immersion.

Hacking feels pretty rubbish and I think ill just ignore it.

Did some "brain dance" stuff that seemed rubbish too, killed all momentum slowly plodding through the scenarios.

Think I'll leave this and go back to witcher 3 or maybe Titanfall 2.
My cops seem to be bred with bloodhounds! I mean the longest chase was easily over 3 minutes of sprinting (500m+) and and taking back alleys and yet I still ended up reloading the last quicksave to avoid the hassle. On the other hand I ran over a civilian by accident and had a less than 10 sec car chase, sooooo swings and roundabouts I suppose! :D

So far the cops I've encountered don't seem to give a **** the icon things change to reflect their state but they just stand there rotating to look at me menacingly without ever actually doing anything.

One time I think they were shooting at me but it was sporadic shots going way over my head that I could just ignore (I didn't even realise at first they were shooting at me and wondered what was going on).
1) Driving in 3rd person is way easier, if you've not tried this yet then the key for it is listed at the bottom right of the screen, cockpit view from the cars is god awful.
2) Save often, quicksaves rotate over 3 slots so you can use it liberally and still have multiple points in the past to jump back to, quicksaving also takes no time so it doesn't interrupt game play.
3) Never sell anything for money, you'll end up with a lot of money naturally through other means always break down items you don't need into components, you'll likely do some crafting eventually. If you do get short on cash you can always sell the components you broke the junk down into. But rare/epic components are hard to come by where as money is not.
4) Don't buy the perk to automatically break down junk, most junk items are worth $3 but some early game are worth $750 and then later on $6000 which it will scrap automatically.
5) Re-visit vendors frequently, as you level up your main level and street cred new and cool items become available you don't want to miss out on
6) Your level in any attribute can't exceed the points you've put into that attribute which leads to wasting exp, to prevent lots of wasted exp consider prioritizing attribute points towards things that are level locked
7) The crafting screen has an upgrade tab which is easy to miss, this allows upgrades of your current weapons
8) On the character screen each section can scroll, the journal section has many other sections to look at tutorials and data shards.
9) If you're low on ammo you can craft it, if you have too much ammo (there's a max limit you can carry) you can sell extra to the shops, they don't appear in any filter except for the "all" filter. Same can be said for buying ammo if you're low, a gun vendor will sell ammo but again not under any store filter other than "all".

10) For cash, access points are a good source of money, there's hacking perks to increase the amount of money you get from them which I'd suggest you invest in as early as possible. And there's a perk to also show them on the local map/radar which is also worth investing in, you want to hack every single one you run into because they're an easy ~$1500 a go.

For maximum cash hacking access points, you always want to primarily target DATAMINE_V3 as that gives the most, and optionally V2 or V1 if you can get them in the same hack. You can overlay multiple datamines in the same buffer so for example if you have the sequences


And your buffer is size 4, then you can get both V3 and V1 by doing BD BD 55 1C, the rules for this are kinda not obvious at first. You can get any combination of datamines, the 3rd one isn't contingent on getting the ones before it which is a bit ambuiguous from the message on screen that says "sequence required to upload". The sequence doesn't need to start at the start of the buffer, as long as it's contained somewhere in the buffer before it's full. Buffer length can be extended with investment into the hacking attribute. The timer doesn't start until you click your first code, so plan your route first.

One last tip, these are randomly generated and there's never a guaranteed way of getting more than 1 datamine, there's some RNG to it. If you get a "bad" one, like for example you can't get datamine v3 or you can't get v3 plus at least one other, you can hit escape to leave the screen and jack back in a 2nd time to re-roll the RNG and see if it's better. You can do this infinitely but each time you do it the time remaining clock reduces. But it never reduces below 6 seconds which is long enough to execute any length sequence with a mouse. Purely out of not wasting too much time my personal preference is to try and get V3+V2 at least, you're more likely to be able to get all 3 as you invest point into the skills however, primarily having a bigger buffer is what helps the most.

11) It's not just guns that can have mods but clothes, implants and can to, you can tell because they have a little circle symbol at the top left of the item for how many mod slots it has, so not only can you get benefits from something like an eye implant you can also add mods to that eye implant. Higher levels of implant have more mod spots. Also each mod has variants (common/uncommon/rare/ etc) this is especially powerful for the Cyberdeck which is used for hacking, rare and epic variants of mods are much more powerful and should be swapped out as soon as you have improvements.
12) When doing stealth and leveling up you get points for both takedowns and for hiding bodies, so once you've cleared a mission area of all bad guys, if there's body hiding spots that aren't full you can run around and hide all the bodies for more exp. Different bins have different body limits, some hold only one, some as many as 3. The light on side can either be green/orange/red to indicate (empty, used but not full, full)
13) Many of the perks have bad math which makes them stack in a multiplicative way rather than additive, especially noticeable with guns, you can get damage output up to extreme levels if you apply the right combination of perks for a specific weapon. You can get pistol headshots up to over way over 10k dmg, plausibly several orders of magnitude more by end game. You can also stack chance to crit through the right mods to be more than 100% so you always crit, so plan your build carefully.
14) if you're going stealth/non-lethal like me, focus more on quickhacks. You want to visit ripperdocs and get upgraded variants of the cyberdeck which can hold more quickhack mods to give you lots of options to disarm/distract/disable enemies in aid of stealth. Honestly the cool tree has very little in the way of direct stealth benefits, you get way more aids to stealth through quick hacks.
15) Damage drop off for weapons over distance can be extremely aggressive, especially for pistols, if you're focusing on sneaking with 1 shot kills you may find yourself needing to get very close to enemies. There's a late game perk to disable damage drop off.
16) Use alt one tap to bring out weapon, double tap puts it away, and holding gives you a weapon wheel. NPCs may react negatively if you have a weapon out so knowing how to holster it can be handy.

Thanks so much for writing all this mate, I just learnt so much from your tips!! Very much appreciated!

I'll pass this knowledge on to my friends who are also playing and loving this game too.
Got a question, incase anyone happen to have an answer to it ! :p Putting the question in spoiler tag, bar the name of the quest which is Monster Hunter, so if anyone done that quest you can take a peek and maybe help out ?

Was doing this quest and found this door. My strength as can be seen is not high enough BUT, it says, if I reading that right, that there should be a access card or similar to be found so the door can be opened. Now, I want through the place twice and could not found any card, so.. as I said.. out of curiosity.. has anyone found a card for said door ?? Considering things might have been bugged (I accidentally killed the target from the outside as I wanted to come in from the top and work my way down instead of the other way around. :o :p )


And since other have been doing it, here is how my dude is looking at present.

Full Samurai outfit.

Without the jacket, just to show of the shirt. :p

When it comes to things like clothing, etc. in many instances it is worth saving before you click on the relevant object or vendor, etc. as it seems the selection is randomised each time in many instances and if you get a bad selection reloading the save will give another selection though you will need to make different saves if you want to hedge bets.
I just want to add that after playing this game every day since launch my opinion hasn't changed much, I still really love the game but I've listened to some peoples gripes about the game and I agree if there was only one thing you would want them to fix about the game it would be the AI in my opinion.

I think that the people walking around the streets should fight back when you punch them.
And the cops need to appear correctly like in Mafia or GTA and actually chase you down the street. The cops seem the most broken.

Enemy AI isn't as bad, normal gangs etc do fight me, shoot me, hack me, they do ok but could be improved in many areas. They need to flank me more and attack even harder.

If they fixed the AI for NPC's, Enemy Gangs, and especially police, if they fixed these three areas of the AI then the game would be perfect.

But do you think they can fix the AI? I don't know enough about game engines and game development?

Can they just write the code and patch the game and make the AI suddenly more advanced and better like how I've described? Is this even possible?
Can they just write the code and patch the game and make the AI suddenly more advanced and better like how I've described? Is this even possible?

Yes - much of the framework seems to be there - even if they might have to rip some stuff out - it is entirely possible.
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