*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

25 Nov 2020
Weymouth, Dorset
for such a complex game, I for one am enjoying it very much. just trying a different end path at the moment. I plan to take a look at the different endings and then start again with perhaps a melee or netrunner build. I am a huge single player RPG fan and this is living up to my expectations. Bugs I expect; All RPG's have them. this being revamped a few years ago to build in the latest GPU technologies has obviously hurt the overall release time and day one experience for many folks. I am lucky to have a good spec PC, and also to have played the original role play genre in my youth. Not saying I am a total fangirl; but I guess I am definitely a genre fan for sure.

Just my opinion on it. I am using some RTX, and no DLSS and getting a nice average of 50+ fps for the most part, topping out around 75.

I do feel sorry for the old gen console players and feel that perhaps a delay or disclaimer would have been prudent for those platforms as it must have been apparent during testing that performance was not up to a AAA title at launch. I really hope the devs get this fixed as I have friends who are sulking because they have PS4's and cannot find a PS5 even if they could afford one.

I trust there are others here that are having a wonderful time with this. (except cars with only a keyboard: - I cannot drive at any speed for toffee lol, good job I love the bikes)..
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Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

Don't talk daft.

They made there money back after 1 day.

I'm loving the game :)

You can't apply your personal opinion to the whole player base. Well done for enjoying it?

Looking at their stock price, its dropped massively in the last month and I fully expect it to keep dropping whilst Sony have pulled the game from their online store. Not to mention, the majority of reviews on YouTube point to it being a bug-riddled mess and downright unplayable on consoles.

I was looking to pick it up but after seeing footage of cops spawning behind someone in an unreachable place and just not chasing in a vehicle (and therefore the wanted level vanishing after 30s) or how NPC vehicles never deviate from their predetermined loop so you can place a bicycle in the road and jam every side street (as they all just queue patiently behind it)... I just can't commit to that level of trash. Even the LTT video where he's playing with graphical settings on a 3090 shows NPCs gliding through solid objects multiple times in the short video :rolleyes:

No idea what that means but assuming sarcasm? In which case, no.
12 Dec 2003
It reminds me a bit of Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. Great story and characters, but was pretty bugy and the fighting system was rudimentary.

I thought the same the other day while playing. I'm forcing my way through, as tempting as it is to find something more polished to play, as I never went back to Bloodlines and it's regarded very highly but I'll forever have the taint of what it was like on release.
3 Sep 2008
What's the top 3 things people want fixing/adding?

Mines the police AI/spawning.
Traffic AI and car chases.
Vertically to the city.

The more I play the less I care about the NPC AI, in terms of lack of dialogue, mouths don't move, similar outfits etc.

There are so many things featured in the 48 minute gameplay demo that never came to fruitution without nary a mention.
23 Apr 2014
The police are ridiculous, happily fighting some gang, for some reason get a wanted star, 5000 police materialise behind me.....

Have these guys just not bothered testing anything, anything at all!

Have to suspect that some higher ups basically just told the devs to get it out.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I am now fully invested in this game. Cannot stop playing. The proper side quests and main story content are just so damn good

One thing that strikes me though, is that the characters on these side quest and story missions are absolutely fantastic looking 99% of the time, properly animated, just look almost lifelike, yet one of the least impressive looking characters graphically is Silverhand, his face just looks a lot less detailed than a lot of other characters. It's weird

I'm still playing 4K Ultra with RT on Psycho and DLSS on Balanced, I get 45-50fps for the most part, occasionally drop to high 30's in really complex scenes, but the graphics are definitely growing on me, there are definitely some WOW moments with some scenes
24 Nov 2013
Had a couple of hours reasonable fun on it last night - purely because luckily a few dozen police didn't spawn in

I can overlook the poor performance and non-existent AI but for us PC crowd, the police issue needs to be their number 1 priority
3 Sep 2008
No need to suspect, this is exactly what happened and the execs took full public responsibility for it.

Them taking responsbility would be delaying the game indefinitely ala Halo Infinite. They've already stated they weren't under any internal/external pressures to releease the game so it's just stinks of greed to captailise on the holidays.
4 Jun 2009
I'm just hoping that they also focus on PC or that whatever work they'll be doing for last gen consoles also has fixes/improvements for us/next gen console users!



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I must be lucky, I have certainly had a few crashes to desktop, a few bugs here and there but at least I was able to continue to play and enjoying the game. I remember being stuck on Fallout 4 on release where I could not progress in a certain mission as it would crash the game every time which was a game breaking bug. I had to find a cheat that allowed me to move though the level (can’t remember if it was dev mode or something) in order to get past that point to progress. Bethesda eventually fixed the bug after a week or so, but imagine having to wait that long to continue playing.

Not trying to defend CDPR. They definitely dropped the ball on this it seems. I will have my verdict once I complete it. But no way will they go under or lose enough rep to not be able make enough sales from another game. Way I see it is as they keep fixing this it will continue to sell well and sustain them until their next release. I mean can anyone seriously say if they released another Witcher game it would not sell well assuming it is as good or better than Witcher 3? They will be fine imo.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
I confess that I simply havent played the game for the last 3 days. I had expected Cyberpunk to be my go to game to play over the Christmas period but I've found that I have returned to other games now. I've even pondered uninstalling it because I just find that when I am looking at my game shortcuts I dont have the urge to click on the cyberpunk icon. There is stuff right in the game but there is just so much thats wrong. Pretty disappointed to be honest and has just further compounded what has been a very poor year overall for games when I look back at 2020. Really hard pushed to pick a game of the year for me this year, its been such a poor year with so many titles that I was excited for turning out to not deliver.
24 Nov 2013
I had expected Cyberpunk to be my go to game to play over the Christmas period but I've found that I have returned to other games now.

Yes I was also looking forward to enjoy playing it over xmas. I'm not holding out any hope but fingers x'd the imminent patch will make it a little more playable otherwise it's back to Valhalla (which continue to impress and looks sooooo good and performs very well on my hardware)
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
I confess that I simply havent played the game for the last 3 days. I had expected Cyberpunk to be my go to game to play over the Christmas period but I've found that I have returned to other games now. I've even pondered uninstalling it because I just find that when I am looking at my game shortcuts I dont have the urge to click on the cyberpunk icon. There is stuff right in the game but there is just so much thats wrong. Pretty disappointed to be honest and has just further compounded what has been a very poor year overall for games when I look back at 2020. Really hard pushed to pick a game of the year for me this year, its been such a poor year with so many titles that I was excited for turning out to not deliver.

Im in the same boat.
9 Jan 2011
Pretty disappointed to be honest and has just further compounded what has been a very poor year overall for games when I look back at 2020. Really hard pushed to pick a game of the year for me this year, its been such a poor year with so many titles that I was excited for turning out to not deliver.

I was thinking similar, but Tbh looking back I found the year's games better than I thought. That being said GOTY is probably between 2 PS4 games for me. I think I'd go for Ghost of Tsushima if pushed.
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