Finding some more "hidden" things in the bottom left of the Heywood (near where the undersea tunnel from Pacifica comes out), nothing to do with missions etc just found by looking around each building, back alley etc -
- In a back alley behind some flats there's the remains of fight scene where a guy trying to get his daughter back from the Valentino's (info on a Shard) fought against 6 of them in a "Melee weapons only" fight before dying. All 7 people are dead and all dropped Epic quality Melee weapons
- In a garage there's the tortured remains of a Police Informer with his story on a Shard.
- A dead guy with a Shard showing that he was being attacked by some thugs and was desperately calling for Trauma Team after he was badly injured only to find his subscription had run out a few days earlier.
The game is filled with these little world-building things, possibly 100's of them across the whole map, which really are "fun" to find, once you finish completing every single mission, gig Police job etc.