*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

the overdrive path tracing patch is meant to be out on April 11th which might break some mod compatibility for a while
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April 11th the path tracing update comes out.

Notice here they emphasise that this is a tech demo, it is not the completed product and that a "powerful" PC is required but it seemed like they didn't want to commit to saying what powerful is defined by. A 30 series card PC on a modern platform is powerful... The 2nd guy states "40 series" - but then again he would :p

Interesting to see how DLSS 2 handles it, given they've refined the path tracing methods to be more efficient, maybe it runs better than other path traced demos like Quake RTX etc.
pretty sure it'll be 4080+ for playable frames at higher res, it's going to be a pretty big hit

Q3 RTX was playable on a 3080/90 at 4k with down res tech but on a 4090 is butter smooth and feels much better
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Not a chance this is running well on anything but a 4080+. I'm expecting dlss performance at 3440x1440 on a 3080 to be about 30 fps, if that given I get about 70/80 currently with those settings.

Roll on 50xx series.

Yep. DLSS 4 is where it’s at. Not only will you get better performance, but I hear it will improve your gaming too :p:cry:

I will probably end up with a 5070 Ti or something when the time comes.
The 3080 Ti must survive.

Holy crap that looks ridonculous! I am definitely waiting until this arrives before doing any kind of serious playthrough. I wonder what performance impact it will have vs current Ultra RT and DLSS3. I predict it will cut fps by at least 30%, likely 50% or more. We could be looking at 60fps on a 4090 everything set to Ultra with DLSS3.

Of course if I am wrong and it's 90+fps then I will be very surprised yet happy. :D
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I see no value in this game after the first play through. Good to keep it installed if upgrading hardware for benchmarking but that`s about it really just no replay value.
I'm waiting for the expansion, I hope it will be a big improvement. I wonder what the odds of that are.
pretty sure it'll be 4080+ for playable frames at higher res, it's going to be a pretty big hit

Q3 RTX was playable on a 3080/90 at 4k with down res tech but on a 4090 is butter smooth and feels much better
Portal RTX was much more demanding, I expect Cyberpunk RT Overdrive to be more demanding again.
We could be looking at 60fps on a 4090 everything set to Ultra with DLSS3
DLSS3 by design looks very impressive in trailers (when its not glitching at least)
But for gameplay I can't get excited from 30fps level input lag ... when playing on a GPU that costs more than my car.
Keep in mind that they are showing it with RTX off vs RTX on, not RTX pre-overdrive vs RTX overdrive. there will be a reason for this, likely the differences aren't as significant as shown vs baked lighting.
DLSS3 by design looks very impressive in trailers (when its not glitching at least)
But for gameplay I can't get excited from 30fps level input lag ... when playing on a GPU that costs more than my car.
Is it really '30fps level input lag', especially when reflex is enabled?
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