*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Reflections aside what really makes a difference with path tracing is the way bounced lighting is captured in a scene and that generally portrays badly in stills - at 5:11 in that video where the bail has accurate lighting effects from indirect light bounces and not so easily shown but the way specular reflects an accurate, dynamic, effect from indirect light which is quite subtle but when used properly like the difference from 60hz to 120hz for visuals.
I'm thinking about going back and playing through Cyberpunk again this easter weekend. Are there any must have mods that would make the experience significantly better? I'm thinking of installing the flying car mod just so I can explore Night City from the air, but any other suggestions gratefully received.
off the top of my head, can't remember exact names:
skip launcher and intro
hd reworked
weather rebalance
better cars
better bikes

Edit* The video shows RT on vs PT on, screengrabs of both, as suspected, the tech demo trailer cherry picked instances where RT is amplified, the same amplification is visible in normal hybrid RT, the differences are more subtle in RT vs PT:





















Is this worth the up to 40% performance cost? Certainly not, I think as a tech demo it is great, but I have no doubt people will go out and buy a 4080/4090 for Frame Generation as a result of this update alone. This game world isn't photo realistic enough to really show off what path tracing is capable of delivering in terms of visuals. The art style is such that it looks like a game still, whereas engines like UE5 are focusing on photo realism with hybrid RT methods instead. I think the latter is more compelling and better for gaming, you don't need the 40% performance expense, you get richer more detailed game worlds. Everybody wins.
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Edit* The video shows RT on vs PT on, screengrabs of both, as suspected, the tech demo trailer cherry picked instances where RT is amplified, the same amplification is visible in normal hybrid RT, the differences are more subtle in RT vs PT:Is this worth the up to 40% performance cost? Certainly not, I think as a tech demo it is great, but I have no doubt people will go out and buy a 4080/4090 for Frame Generation as a result of this update alone. This game world isn't photo realistic enough to really show off what path tracing is capable of delivering in terms of visuals. The art style is such that it looks like a game still, whereas engines like UE5 are focusing on photo realism with hybrid RT methods instead. I think the latter is more compelling and better for gaming, you don't need the 40% performance expense, you get richer more detailed game worlds. Everybody wins.
The difference in how light is cast is pretty significant if you really look at all of the comparisons. Path Off looks a lot flatter than Path On and there is a real difference in how shadow is cast and how light is directed. Anyone who is into photography/video and has at least decent understanding of light and shadow should be pretty impressed.

Is it worth the steep performance cost on current gen cards? Hard to say, I need to play around with it myself to see what fps I can get, but I think it will be key in providing photo-realistic graphics in future games.
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The difference in how light is cast is pretty significant if you really look at all of the comparisons. Path Off looks a lot flatter than Path On and there is a real difference in how shadow is cast and how light is directed. Anyone who is into photography/video and has at least decent understanding of light and shadow should be pretty impressed.

Is it worth the steep performance cost on current gen cards? Hard to say, I need to play around with it myself to see what fps I can get, but I think it will be key in providing photo-realistic graphics in future games.

I think one of the problems with ray tracing currently is in too many cases you've got programmers who understand ray tracing technically but aren't artists and artists who understand visuals [photography], etc. but don't fully understand ray tracing technically but aren't really coming together on it - so it isn't really being shown off to the best of what it could be. Something still images never show off is just how much the real time, more accurate, rendering of bounced light affects the way you see a scene especially in depth of shadows and reflected light details in specular.

Quake 2 RTX being an example of that really - you've got some clever programming but no one has reworked the stock maps and assets to be a best effort path tracing showcase.
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Started a new playthrough, going to try a totally different style this time instead of just sticking to my favourite (normal guns). Also added a couple of mods but nothing that changes the gameplay.
I’ve played this from day 1 and whilst there have been many, many bugs etc. I’m now actually getting into the game more than I ever have, just by exploring the world a lot more and FINALLY getting to grips with the inventory system etc…

It’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be IMO, yes, it was broken when it first came out, but where it is now, it’s very much an enjoyable game.
Is path tracing enabled yet or do we need to wait for a patch? And will I be able to use it with my 2080 do you know?

Also regarding stealth gameplay (I've just started my second run through and going stealth netrunner) which weapons or silencers allow you to 1 shot kill people?

I'm only level 25 so far and often it takes two hits from a silenced pistol to the head.

I've been trying throwing knifes too and enjoying that, it must depend on the individuals health I suppose as a few days ago I was 1 shotting mobs with my knife but then today on my current mission helping Panam my knife wasn't strong enough to 1 shot anybody.
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I've been trying throwing knifes too and enjoying that, it must depend on the individuals health I suppose as a few days ago I was 1 shotting mobs with my knife but then today on my current mission helping Panam my knife wasn't strong enough to 1 shot anybody.

I've not played it in awhile to see if they've patched it to show it more but there are different difficulties around the map depending on the area and to some extent affects the missions that take part in those areas as well - not something the game really tells you.

Edit* The video shows RT on vs PT on, screengrabs of both, as suspected, the tech demo trailer cherry picked instances where RT is amplified, the same amplification is visible in normal hybrid RT, the differences are more subtle in RT vs PT:





















Is this worth the up to 40% performance cost? Certainly not, I think as a tech demo it is great, but I have no doubt people will go out and buy a 4080/4090 for Frame Generation as a result of this update alone. This game world isn't photo realistic enough to really show off what path tracing is capable of delivering in terms of visuals. The art style is such that it looks like a game still, whereas engines like UE5 are focusing on photo realism with hybrid RT methods instead. I think the latter is more compelling and better for gaming, you don't need the 40% performance expense, you get richer more detailed game worlds. Everybody wins.
How much is worth or not (the oerformance) depends on subjectivity when it comes to final image. To me is worth it.

Objectively, try and render shadows for each light in a scene and see how that works for the traditional approach. Nevermind adding on top other improvements for the shadows to look accurate, same for reflections or GI. If the performance drop is only 40%, then the path tracer is incredibly efficient and worth be used as default once powerful hardware is widely available.
The DF tech preview video highlights much better where the differences are and after watching that, it's clear that there s a big difference for the better by going path tracing in 2077. The update should be rolling out today but not sure what time, looking forward to trying it out!
Most of the comparison shots look nice in the above but two in particular are annoying me. The scene inside the nightclub and the one outside the door looks like shadows are set to off in the non PT shot. It creates that game breaking illusion that the characters are just floating and/or have no weight.

I need to watch the video as it looks like a lot of the changes are more subtle but in a good way.

Assuming it isn't 4xxx series specific it will be hilarious watching the 3080M in my Legion (or the Flow) attempt to run it... (ARC A750 anyone... :cry:)
If you want to use frame gen then yes it's currently a 40 series exclusive, which may or may not be an issue if non 40 series cards cannot maintain decent fps with just DLSS Super Resolution (DLSS2 without frame gen).

I think we will have to resort to using DLSS 2 in Performance mode to get half decent fps in this with PT enabled on non 40 series cards at 1440p and lower some other settings maybe. AMD cards may want to skip the update altogether :p
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