*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Yeah it's pretty glorious in HDR, same with other new games like Alan Wake 2.

Still getting a lot of ghosting with DLSS on quality and FG enabled, not so much with FG disabled but still a little visible especially around pedestrians when they walk past you or you scroll past them. It's usually around their hair as well where i notice it the most.
I just ignore them as far too much else to soak in to pay mind to a bit of ghosting in this game
I just ignore them as far too much else to soak in to pay mind to a bit of ghosting in this game

Oh yeah with HDR on, im way more distracted now by the Neon lights. It actually blinds me somewhat where i have to squint :cry:, purely cos im not use to it but after a few hours im just like wow this looks brilliant.

I'm ready to play Phantom Liberty now.
I spent a whole evening looking at my character build feeling lost and not sure how to build my V again from my old save. I was cautiously leaving perk points unspent whilst I tried out some of the new mechanics. Then I realised you can spend and refund perk points indefinitely.... d'oh.

Anyway, quite enjoying trying a Sandy knife-thrower as a nice change from my contagion netrunner I beat the base game with.

Still not sure which weapons to pair with knives, though. Pistols, knives and gorilla arms? Feels a bit random, but also kind of fun.

Time to go to Dogtown, I guess...
ahh okay, Thanks for taking the time to investigate.

It's just a time of day thing then.
Yup remember this game uses full RTGI, so where the sun is dictates how intense the light is as it's simulating how light behaves in the real world when reflecting off bright surfaces.
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Anyway, quite enjoying trying a Sandy knife-thrower as a nice change from my contagion netrunner I beat the base game with.

yea net runner and contagion basically breaks the game still.

I think they nerfed how far/how many people it can spread to but it's still OP

from watching a few streamers shotguns seem really nice, melee builds seem good too
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yea net runner and contagion basically breaks the game still.

I think they nerfed how far/how many people it can spread to but it's still OP

from watching a few streamers shotguns seem really nice, melee builds seem good too

Ah, I thought that had all been quite heavilyh nerfed.

Oh well, it's fun trying something new. Completely differnt playstyle this time, much more action!

Both mantis blades and monowire look fun in that clip, too. Gorilla arms do too, though. So perhaps it's down to deciding if I want smashy or slashy melee. Both skill trees look decent enough.
I've noticed that stealth is way more of an option in the DLC. There seems to be more bad guys that are in a solo pattern with a nearby disposal unit. I may be misremembering the original but it just felt like it was better.

I prefer the stealth approach but have a tasty shotgun that has extra chances to dismember for when things go wrong :0. In fact, despite the fact that I could just cut a swath through them all, I still like trying to be stealthy and will often reload a quicksave to retry sections.
Per that video I'm surprised they did actually add the metro because really what does it add other than putting something in the game that should have been in there from the start.
Hopefully it's not just a means of fast travel because people are allergic to that.
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Actually the hype for a metro system was built up by the fans from day 1 not CDPR, the cinematic trailer they released did show a metro system in use but that wasn't in-game footage, it was enough of a cinematic for everyone to assume a metro system would be included.

It is not a fast travel system anyway, if you watched the stream then they show that you actually use it as you would a real life metro, and can interact with NPCs on it too. Although you can use it as fast travel if you want. There are 19 stations over 5 metro lines spanning the whole of the city.

there's more stuff they said they won't spoil so be good to see what else is new on the 5th.
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I didn't watch it no, just read a very short summary. Looks to be a decent update anyway. Still not buying it yet, paid £12 for it on PS5 through the Turkish store I think, so waiting to get for similar on PC lol.
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Any bug fixes? I launched the game to try DLSS 3 recently and found an NPC stuck in the road. Half the body was under the tarmac :cry:
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