Cyberpunk 2077

I couldn't tell the different visually between performance and RT mode, game didn't say it needed a reboot to switch.

It did drop to 30FPS though and felt horrible so went back to performance mode. I think it looks great as is.

Was surprised my save carried over, was expecting to need to restart and not sure I could be bothered with the beginning again so soon

I know a mountain of bugs have been fixed but barring that the game feels the same as before. And I'm fine with that, combat is still clunky but not the end of the world.
I decided against it, enjoyed the new character story (went Corp on first playthrough) but after a short opening it pretty much goes back to the linear elements. That and when faced with HZD 2 vs this sat in the SSD...

It'll e worth a 2nd play once a proper DLC comes out.
Playing this on the Series X, Much improved performance but some areas the framerate tanks, it drops in the cafe (not saying much more spoilers) can't understand why nothing is really happening in there and also around the area where Wakako is, that seem to drop into the 40s. Needs a few more patches to iron those out.

Still get a few glitches like guns stuck to Jackie's hands in cutscenes lol but loads better than what it used to be.
Yeah glad I waited for the upgrade and the nice sale price. Runs really nicely on the PS5. Combat is janky but to be expected as TW3 was the same. I love the world they’ve built though.
Playing this on the Series X now the upgrade is available. I find the controls feel really strange, if anyone else does turn on Advanced settings in the controls tab. Everything in advanced settings turn to off or all the way to the left, now it feels perfect. Then I put horizontal and vertical sensitivity to 13, but that is user preference. If you do change this I would stay between 11 and 15
I’m enjoying this a lot more than my first attempt on release. I’m finding playing at a slower pace and taking in the environment is pretty enjoyable.

Ive just crafted the blue sniper rifle you can get after raising crafting to 5 and picking the perk for rare items and it’s an absolute beast.
Nice will give it a watch tomorrow. Had a good bash at the game today and I really like it. No bugs really that I’ve seen. Pretty smooth on PS5.
The only bug I have encountered so far, which still hasn’t been fixed, as I got the same bug back on release day -

is on the first mission where you rescue that woman from the bathtub. after heading back inside from the air ambulance, Jackie clips through the lockers just inside the door, sending the contents of said lockers flying all over the room. Bit immersion breaking, but haven’t seen anything else yet.
I've noticed some items and characters clipping, which is a bit odd considering one in particular involves a mission item so quite easy to reproduce and fix I'd have thought.

Just hit Act 2 after 10 or so hours, nothing game breaking at all just yet. I'm enjoying doing side missions and the random (?) world events. I have to say the usage of colour in the game is superb, especially at night. The locations look incredible even in performance mode.
Just watched the DF article. Looks like it was worth the wait having never played it before. Story is really kicking in now though I have no idea wtf is going on!
Just did the first bit with Keanu/Johnny now I've switched back again to the main Corpo story.
The only bug I have encountered so far, which still hasn’t been fixed, as I got the same bug back on release day -

is on the first mission where you rescue that woman from the bathtub. after heading back inside from the air ambulance, Jackie clips through the lockers just inside the door, sending the contents of said lockers flying all over the room. Bit immersion breaking, but haven’t seen anything else yet.

Same thing happened to me, for it not to be picked up on as one of the starting missions is a bit poor.
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