D&D 5e, starting a game soon, any DM's have tips?

Pudney- Lawful evil tempest cleric?
Looking back at earlier posts, it looks like Pudney went for a Warlock.

I could re-adapt my Druid into a Cleric if we're in need of one, it'll mostly involve a minor shift of attributes and a quick rewording of the backstory to swap the nature references to ones about church related activities.
To be fair Bard/Druid should be able to uphold healing between them though I'm not sure what plans you chaps had for the characters.
I definitely haven't sent any sheets and I'm making a dwarf cleric who runs about with a Warhammer. Also used to be a sailor.
By the sounds of things mt cleric may lean towards buffs rather than heals. And lightning. There will be lightning.
I will do some monk building tonight then :)

I know that feeling, this happened in a Dungeon world game i ran, Shami and Pudney may remember this.

I think Shami was the Druid, Pudney the ranger.

I remember that game, I was on good behaviour as I just shot everything I saw before we got close. My characters do tend to be murdering pyscopaths...
Ok I'm switching to sorcerer. Reading more into warlocks I think I'd get bored of Eldritch Blast being pretty much all you do in combat. Sorcerer sounds more fun. Will send over the sheet when I've adjusted my backstory slightly!
I'm out for a business dinner tonight so it will probably be tomorrow evening before I get a look but I'll have a review and pull the strands together.

I believe it's just Pookie I'm waiting on now.
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