D&D 5e, starting a game soon, any DM's have tips?

Thanks for all your time and patience newts, was great fun!

Looking forward to shami's game now, just need to get my new character finalised and sent over to him. Hopefully this one can manage stairs.
Cheers Dave, it has been fun having you as a DM, and you've inspired me to want to give it a go which is saying something! LMoP and its extension has been a good learning experience.

Onwards and upwards, I have so many bad jokes to come with Owain.

@lordhughes did you decide on a class?
I like how some people have already started calling your new character Owen, you seem to be cursed to never have your character names used.
Yeah sorry I found out. Its exactly that, a cloak of protection adding +1 to all saves. Just a weird way to note it.
In our game last night our DM (@Shamikebab ) decided to try and chase us with a dragon. I think I trumped you mate by responding by using Dimension door to move 400 foot and land myself and the Barbaroan on the dragons back for some midair combat.

It almost went horribly, horribly wrong but it was worth it!
You do like to keep me on edge with having to be prepared for near impossible rescues... ever so lucky that we levelled up just before that encounter and unlocked my flying transformations.
It was an utter success!

I'm kind of coming to view Eriden as a tolerant, doting parent who is constantly on edge for a sugar drunk child (see Hendel) doing something stupid or life threatening
I like to think of Eriden & Owain as care workers taking a group out for field trips that always go terribly out of control.
Lets be honest ... its mostly Cernan, Wiltix has never done anything irresponsible except for the time he got obsessed with that boulder trap.

Quick write up of Cernans antics that i did for a friend

Eriden: halfling druid
Wiltix: gnome barbarian
Cernan: ass(imar) warlock (i think?)
Hendel: dward barbarian
Owain: human cleric

While onboard an airship one of the crew spots a dragon approaching us, everyone gets ready to fight except for Cernan who hatches a plan. Using the spell Dimension door he can teleport himself and one willing being up to 500ft, land on the dragon and attack it. If they should fall off he can use his wings and he can cast fly on Hendel to give him a chance to return to the ship or climb back on the dragon. (at this point we ask Cernan if he is 100% sure he knows how his spells work, he assures us he does)

When the dragon gets within range Cernan puts his plan into action, himself and Hendel teleport to the dragons back … Cernan immediately falls off, Hendel manages to keep his footing and land a few good blows on the Dragon. (as he falls off the dragon Cernan reiterates his plan, but is reminded that Fly requires you to touch the target)

Seeing things go wrong (as predicted) with the Cernans plan, Eriden morphs into a giant Eagle and heads out to help. Next turn Hendel falls off the dragon, Cernan casts Dimension Door and lands himself on the airship. Eriden managed to catch Hendel in his talons and fly alongside the dragon. Hendel then proceeds to attack the dragon while being held in the air by Eridens talons and they both take a hit from the dragons poison breath for their troubles.

The dragon is now in range of the airship so everyone starts popping shots at him with crossbows and the ballista that is mounted on the back of the ship. Owain has enlisted the help of a crew member to reload it speeding up the rate it can fire. Before the dragon can get close enough to attack the airship it dives towards the forest seeking shelter.

We dub the ambitious plan the “Hendel Bomb” and start to discuss how much damage would be dealt to a dragon by a dwarf falling at terminal velocity …
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