D&D 5e, starting a game soon, any DM's have tips?

I've not done the pay to play arrangement on Roll20 beyond chipping in to get the GM source books, a small group of people bought me some tile sets to run a tutorial game for them a while back but that's the extent of me being paid on Roll20. I feel like I'd need to spend loads of time making everything perfect to even consider charging a monthly fee to run a game, it'd probably consume my spare time completely.

People have donated a little when I've been running local games, usually to help cover the costs of things like printing handouts or purchasing a few props.
lordhughes said:
Don't forget the time he made a quarterling by biting a innocent halfling in half. That is my favorite Eriden moment.
That was definitely one of my best accidents... I'm not sure if I've used my bear form in combat since that incident happened.
Any new games going on that has space? Normally use Roll20 but its got a huge influx of Paid-Games now and its hard to find anything good

- GP
Depending on whether Woogie joins our current campaign, I believe there may be a space.
Paid DMs are all the rage these days. It's always been a little difficult for me to get my head around, as my group has no shortage of willing DMs - in fact, we've argued over who gets to DM next.

That said, there are a lot of people out there who are struggling to get a game - and paying might be the only way. To be fair, DM'ing can be a lot of effort during downtime.
Paid DMs are all the rage these days. It's always been a little difficult for me to get my head around, as my group has no shortage of willing DMs - in fact, we've argued over who gets to DM next.

That said, there are a lot of people out there who are struggling to get a game - and paying might be the only way. To be fair, DM'ing can be a lot of effort during downtime.

Took me forever to get a game as a player and had to start as a DM to eventually get a game as a player. I really enjoy DM'ing but if you do a good job of it then you will probably put a lot of time into it.

I've got a kind DM right, 2 full sessions of combat and not suffered a single point of damage :D

Unlike another DM I could mention who psychic attacked me because he was in a huff :p
It says a lot when Hendel isn't the most annoying player in a session, apart from his stupid 'tell me what i need to know' rant!

That was hilarious! :D

"Listen hendel!"
"I am listening!"
*Shami related a load more information*
"But what about that?"
"I just told you Hendel!"
"No but I don't want to hear that!"

Repeat after infinitum until Hendel gets the answer as he believes it should be, not what it is :D
That was hilarious! :D

"Listen hendel!"
"I am listening!"
*Shami related a load more information*
"But what about that?"
"I just told you Hendel!"
"No but I don't want to hear that!"

Repeat after infinitum until Hendel gets the answer as he believes it should be, not what it is :D

Not quite I was asking how far away the guys were that were shooting arrows at us. It didnt seem like a tough question to ask but apparently cause he hadnt prepared the map he was trying to dodge the question but I wasnt having any of it

Gets hit with arrows.

"Can we see where they came from"
"yes directly ahead of you"
"How far"
"You cant see they came from out the darkness"
"I have 60 feet of dark vision are you sure"
"You dont need darkvision the area is lit up"
"So how far away are they?"

DM quickly prepares and loads map a up in a strop
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