The prices still appear to be coming down which is nice but now I have a new problem. I got my hands on a few D800 raw files and they seriously **** my MBA laptop. Just applying my own processing style takes around 40 seconds to complete. Due to that, trying to go through hundreds of photos from a day out would be a pure nightmare and I have no real intentions of upgrading my MBA any time soon as I only bought it around april this year and its absolutely fine with everything else, including D300s and 5d mk ii RAWs. Can't upgrade the RAM on it either which appears to be the limiting factor, so my plans for a D800 have been shelved until further notice.
Instead I'm considering a second hand D700 or D3. I quite like the file sizes when shooting at 12mp and the ISO performance on either of those bodies would be vastly better than what I currently own. If I pushed my budget, I could also afford a decent D3s body, which has better ISO performance than even the D4 lol.
The D600 is pretty damn nice on paper and the digitalrev review of it was surprisingly good, yet the AF system on it is a serious step backwards in my opinion and having to focus recompose to get third rule composed shots just isn't something worth considering, even though the sensor is better than a D700s.
I've bought a 50mm 1.8G lens to keep me amused whilst I consider my options and weigh up the pros and cons of keeping or selling my current body.
The thing to take away from what I've noticed though is if you have a laptop where you cannot physically upgrade the RAM (due to being soldered in my case) and you have less than 8gb, a D800 probably isn't for you unless you want to really splash out even more on a new laptop. The same goes for people with old or slow pcs! I didn't think it would be THAT slow but was disturbed by how poor the performance really was when doing even basic editing on the files. Sure shooting everything in 12 bit lossy RAW would improve it, but thats like buying an F1 race car and driving it down a school lane at 20mph only...