D800 vs D800E?

there's no need to be insulting
as i say we each have to decide where are own morels are at ,if that company's is well away from mine i choose not to support them ,but yep thread back on track time

It wasn't insulting, it was just the reversal of what you said. Morals are subjective, which is why they are debated constantly anyway.
How is calling someone's point of view 'moral garbage' not insulting?
If anything it is bad manners, for which there is little excuse imo.
Regarding your second point (which isn't that clear to me), are you saying people shouldn't pick Apple up on it's misdoings because there are 'even worse' out there?

If you apply the same logic to people, that would be like saying "why are we incarcerating this rapist when there are murderers on the streets?".
How is calling someone's point of view 'moral garbage' not insulting?
If anything it is bad manners, for which there is little excuse imo.
Regarding your second point (which isn't that clear to me), are you saying people shouldn't pick Apple up on it's misdoings because there are 'even worse' out there?

If you apply the same logic to people, that would be like saying "why are we incarcerating this rapist when there are murderers on the streets?".

You really need to get out more if you insist on reading between the lines on everything I put on this forum, seriously.
However you perceive it, you can't take the moral high ground with a handful of companies whilst just claiming pure ignorance to the ones that are even worse.

Perhaps you (ideally) or someone else will be kind enough to explain what your actually saying here, otherwise I can only guess unfortunately.
Perhaps you (ideally) or someone else will be kind enough to explain what your actually saying here, otherwise I can only guess unfortunately.

Read my earlier posts again and it'll make sense. I've reported the thread for locking seen as theres so much stuff that needs cleaning out of it, it might as well just get locked.
Couldn't just give a strait answer then... :rolleyes:

I'm not arguing with you again on here as its just pointless. Its quite obvious we are polar opposites in our opinions on pretty much everything so I don't see the point in wasting my time with you. Even with a straight answer, you'd still come back with more **** anyway, just like you always do. :rolleyes:
There is always one group of people who don't like Apple for whatever reasons.

1 - Sheep
2 - Overpriced
3 - Closed OS
4 - Bad business practice
5 - Smells like cheese

What is funny is they are preaching to the people who already have the Apple stuff. I don't recall ever seeing anyone who already has an iMac, Macbook sudden start flogging it all off because of reading a post on the internet.

There are plenty of companies who have business practices you do not agree with, to not buy Apple but continue to buy other consumer product just make one a hypocrite. Those people probably sitting in their Nike trainers eating a Kit kat while texting on their iPhone.

There is a thread in GD where someone bash Apple because they uses Foxcom and their allegedly bad working conditions. Little did they know Foxcom manufactures for tens and hundreds of other companies. Intel for a start. So to bash Apple for using Foxcom...unless you are going online through telepathy, chances are somewhere in that piece of silicon device you are holding has something that is made by Foxcom.

Besides, it's fashionable to bash Apple anyway, it is the English mentality, to put down the successful. It was Microsoft in the 90's, it is Apple in the 00's. It happens all over other walks of life, I read people who hate Jamie Oliver when they've never met him. What has he done apart from cooking and trying to get our kids to eat better at school? The guy should get a medal for changing the bad diets of a generation.

What I am saying is, I want to do my bit to make the world better, but that doesn't come from not buying Apple products. I rather make the world better by working hard, showing the world what i am good at. Taking photographs.
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It's fashionable to be argumentative in the UK it seems. No matter what the product or idea is, people will argue, even if they don't actually believe it themselves. It's annoying at the best of times. I can't quote people I speak to in my job as I'd lose the job, but my god the arguments you hear would make your ears bleed (and brain sad)!

Generally you wont see a valid argument in something like a forum thread, in most places at least. Mostly it's bashing for the sake of it. Canon vs Nikon, ATi vs Nvida, Apple vs <insert product> :)

The one thing you will always see is a few stating that if you like it, and are willing to pay for it then you should be left to it, being ignored and others carrying on a pointless argument around them. Seriously, if people disagree about something, I'd love it if they could stick to the facts, it'd be refreshing. Oh, and for the record, I'm getting a bit fed up of seeing people saying "and that's a fact" to back up their own biased arguments, especially when it bleedin well isn't one!

I have to say though, the mac forums are awful for being obnoxious towards others, as are, quite bafflingly, Nikon users on various forums (and no I'm not saying all users on all forums). It's something I find very strange, but I suppose to be expected when something becomes more popular than another brand and people buy more of whatever product. People suddenly pop up years after registering on a forum and start arguing. This forum is quite bad for it, especially when it's a Saturday night and a few have had a shandy or two and the bubbles make them crazy :D
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