Dark Souls 2 - Thread

anyone know why steam cloud won't be used for this?

also found a screen shot from a while ago looks nothing like the current version lets hope the PC version looks as good

(Metacritic Critic Score + User Score*10)/2 = the most accurate, unbiased estimation of a game's quality, on release.

The numbers I'm seeing for DS2 right now are fenomenal. From Software has just offered us gamers another precious gem, I can't wait to try it..
I don't know if I'd quite go that far; lacking in sharpness and clarity, certainly. Though, I do like the lighter area as opposed to the usual darker layout. Makes a change if nothing else. It'll be really interesting to see the pc mods that become available for this.

lol @ youtube being down / sluggish. :D
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Really hoping the lighting is included in the PC version or can at least be modded in. The whole torch aspect was almost useless in the console version. Only used it in one place (The Gutter) and that was only for convenience because it wasn't really needed at all. The only other time it was used was for single things that needed to be lit and it was straight back to the shield.
Finally decided to take on The Persuer. I'm out of human effigys and cannot get a summon now to dieing a few times and not being "human" I' feel like I'm stuck in the mud at this point.
found a screen shot from a while ago looks nothing like the current version lets hope the PC version looks as good

It will almost certainly look better but afaik they replaced the entire lighting engine as it was literally broken on consoles.

I'm definitely going to get another copy on PC purely for load times, they are TERRIBLE on console.
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