Dark Souls 3

I think over half of the areas I've visitied so far feel very Blooborney. Same goes for the mobs, verrrrryyy vicious and fast.

Feel sorry for all the spellasters :( Range on targeting is sod all too.
Glad castings got a bit of a nerf then! Always seen that as the easy mode :D

Aha tis true. I Wouldn't even say it's a nerf, it's more a result of the enemies being so fast and agressive. You've just got a very limited space space of time to get more then a few spells slung without having to leg it.
Dont let it put you off, when you beat him it will feel awesome!

What class did you start with?

Few tips would be stay close and roll around him when he swings (easier said than done i know)

Also manage your stamina (green bar in top left) this goes down with swings, blocks and dodging etc. Make sure to lower your shield and the green bar will regen much faster! If you run out of stamina you cant attack and can get stunned

It takes time but is very rewarding

I think that's where i'm making the mistake! When I see him about to swing I try to roll away as far as possible from him but he always hits me. Will try your tactic when i'm back home in the evening.

P/S My 7950 is really struggling at the lowest settings for this game. Need to get a new GPU!
Oops...spent most of last night running around the start area after killing ninja guy and shard dragon wondering where do I go next. I did the bonfire in the shrine but completely missed that this is where we go to move on to next area!! Oops..almost 2 hours lost!!
I think that's where i'm making the mistake! When I see him about to swing I try to roll away as far as possible from him but he always hits me. Will try your tactic when i'm back home in the evening.

P/S My 7950 is really struggling at the lowest settings for this game. Need to get a new GPU!

It is very tricky, but most of the bosses in this game telegraph suprisingly well. It's all about learning when your invincibility frames are in effect during a roll and timing that with the enemy strike. That first boss has a quite a long wind up (well, by dark souls standards) to most of his attack. You'll want to dodge a fraction of a second before he strikes, not as he's winding up. Most of a souls game is about mastering hundreds of half a second moments, this game is no different in that respect. I actually wouldn't reccomend a shield either. Takes too mcuh stamina management and mastering the dodge roll system early on will serve you far better.

As to his second phase, it just looks intimidating which is the case for most of the bosses. They want you to panic. Where From really gets you is with the little guys... Just stay observant and look for patterns.

Best tip anyone can offer you however is DON'T GET GREEDY! The reason most players die is because they get over ambitious and try for an extra swing. Even if you see an opening, take one or two swings and then back off.
Oops...spent most of last night running around the start area after killing ninja guy and shard dragon wondering where do I go next. I did the bonfire in the shrine but completely missed that this is where we go to move on to next area!! Oops..almost 2 hours lost!!

I'm going to kill the dragon tonight, well, at least hit it until 75% as apparently it flies off. But to where????
i think the first boss is the boss they intended for people to practice or utilize parrying. He's ideal for practicing it because he telegraphs his attacks. I dont remember being able to parry a boss before in dark souls universe.

ohh and i think if you force an enemy or boss to die by falling you dont lose the gear they drop you just need to reload and it will be at their spawn location. (ninja dude i chickened out and just arrowed him loads and then he fell to his death)
Started with the Estoc which I have at +3 and I really love it. Attached ks quickly and does good damage. Also using sellsword twinblades which I have added fire to as I love the weapon art of it.

In DS2 i had the broken uber twinblade weapon which was awesome...hope something like that is in this. Did you pick those weapons up or buy? (estoc starting weapon?)

Think i will do the rest of lothric tonight and maybe the dragon once i grab as many arrows as possible. I saw a yt vid where a weapon art of bow was fast firing ala Legolas style. :D
The Estoc is the starting weapon for the Assassin(best starting class by a mile imo) and you can also buy it from a merchant, and I have 3 sets of twinblades that were all picked up. I believe one was dropped and 2 were a placed items.
How is the combat compared to Dark Souls 1, is it a lot more like Bloodborne now? I only say this as I'm not really a huge fan of Bloodbornes combat in comparison to Dark Souls 1 :(.
How is the combat compared to Dark Souls 1, is it a lot more like Bloodborne now? I only say this as I'm not really a huge fan of Bloodbornes combat in comparison to Dark Souls 1 :(.

I've not played Bloodbourne, hated DS2 (well, not hated, just didn't feel like a souls game) and I'm in love with DS3, combat feels just as good. If not better.
I still don't get it , Don't get me wrong I play all the newest releases and I will go and right a good review where it is due but this ? Seriously ? Its just so bad its unreal , when you get in too the game there is nothing telling you what do or how to play , I've played around with all the attack movies , I just get killed over and over and currently at the moment the only way I am killing bosses or what ever you want call them is from glitching them ! Yes they all seem to glitch if you move out of the area they are in lol ! that is so lame , that shouldn't be happen in a game.

Maybe I'm just playing it wrong but so far I am not enjoying it at all in anyway what so ever.

Bosses cant leave the area they are in , its impossible as the game forces fog walls around every conceivable entrance and exit until you defeat it or die.
Standard enemies have areas they will and wont fight in, this is part of the game design. It sets basic parameters to the world -every game in existence has this. Sometimes this can either be a blessing or a curse depending on where you are and what your doing.

If you dont get it thats cool...plenty of other stuff to play that will guide you more.

How is the combat compared to Dark Souls 1, is it a lot more like Bloodborne now? I only say this as I'm not really a huge fan of Bloodbornes combat in comparison to Dark Souls 1 :(.

Didnt play BB, but the combat feels much more like DS1 than 2, its more fluid in general.


Defeated the Crystal Sage last night, pretty cool fight. Its like Pinwheel but done right this time.:p
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Did you guys know that you can exchange boss souls for weapons/rings etc. back at firelink? There is an NPC sitting on a throne who is easy to miss. Got 2 great items off him so far.
i think the first boss is the boss they intended for people to practice or utilize parrying. He's ideal for practicing it because he telegraphs his attacks. I dont remember being able to parry a boss before in dark souls universe.

There have been quite a few you could parry. Can't remember who exactly but I do remember you could with Gwyn in DS1.
Even though parrying is very satisfying I would only recommend it against knights. The general enemies are easy enough to kill by blocking once then killing them. A greatsword or Halberd are great weapons to take multiple enemies out at the same time. Parrying is simply not required for general enemies, best to learn weapon arts imo.
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