Anyknow know wheres a good place to farm embers?
Warrior of the Sun/Co-op is about the best way I reckon
Anyknow know wheres a good place to farm embers?
Downloading now!
What classes did everyone start with?
I usually go with a ranged build but might try sword/shield with bow as a secondary.
I'm now using the Estoc as my 2nd weapon as I tried out the uchi a bit more and I do love it...I just parried a boss with its weapon art!
I don't carry a shield at all now as I need to lighten my load and that was the thing I used least.
Also, tip for the swamp- equip a dagger or any weapon that has quickstep. It is by far the quickest way to get through it.
Anyknow know wheres a good place to farm embers?
Wait, wut!? I have the Uchi as well. How do you parry with its arts?2 attacks when you draw ur sword and sweep no?
Put your summon sign down at the last boss you faced. You get an ember and a reward for each time you defeat the boss.
Strong attack with the stance is not an attack it is a parry!
Ohh the tree jump shortcut at firelink still works
n firelink up the stairs to the bit where you can go outside then left. you can jump from the tree to the roof. Couple of nice items up there. Estus shard and silver serpent ring
P/S My 7950 is really struggling at the lowest settings for this game. Need to get a new GPU!
Whats the best class to play? Havnt played the first two games but played bloodbourne and loved it. Not really into casting but not sure a shield will suit my style of play either
I personally would roll a Knight but keep your load bear under 70% for rolling, from what i have played so far the enemies are a lot quicker and rolling is almost essential
That way you have your 100% shield for the 'oh ****' moments and you can roll and attack like other characters....
Look the best way to tell is to start the game and fight that lizard in the tutorial area and the first boss, when I went caster that first boss killed me loads, when I went knight I tore through him like he was butter
Fair enough. Sounds like a good plan
IIRC my go-to weapon in BB was the long chain/whip type weapon so Im hoping theres something like that
Xbox 360 receiver died on me today 2nd one in 7 years...
Xbox 1 pad now feels a lot nicer and the triggere rumble too wooohoooo