Dark Souls 3

I think that's where i'm making the mistake! When I see him about to swing I try to roll away as far as possible from him but he always hits me. Will try your tactic when i'm back home in the evening.

P/S My 7950 is really struggling at the lowest settings for this game. Need to get a new GPU!

As a little bit of advice, when rolling to dodge boss attacks you primarily want to be rolling towards the boss as opposed to away. I've had the most success with rolling at a diagonal towards them, time it right and you're right behind the boss to get some attacks in after his swing.
I just hate the game design ! Infact everything about this game I hate with a passion. Its been burnt and put in the bin :) Now that put a smile on my face.

Well that was extremely stupid and wasteful.

Did you follow this up by making dinner then immediately throwing it in the bin?

Last night i managed to defeat
Aldrich I was wondering why the difficulty spiked so high, turns out I was massively under levelled and in the wrong area.

I'm currently using a +6 Heavy dark sword and it is wrecking invaders and enemies alike.
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This is so hard and frustrating, and yet so addictive! I seem to regularly get stuck at a hard bit, and then I rush through the previously-hard-but-now-not-so-hard-after-practice bits only to get killed by some rubbish skeleton thing because I was being impatient. My SOOOUUUULLLS!

This game will punish you hard if you aren't on point.

I'm currently at the bit just after where you first encounter the dragon and after that knight dude. That's the most recent bonfire I've lit, and I died because of some thing that suicided with a fire bomb and killed us both!
This is so hard and frustrating, and yet so addictive! I seem to regularly get stuck at a hard bit, and then I rush through the previously-hard-but-now-not-so-hard-after-practice bits only to get killed by some rubbish skeleton thing because I was being impatient. My SOOOUUUULLLS!

This game will punish you hard if you aren't on point.

I'm currently at the bit just after where you first encounter the dragon and after that knight dude. That's the most recent bonfire I've lit, and I died because of some thing that suicided with a fire bomb and killed us both!

It's hard but fair.

I have to get into the mindset of "If I die then it's my fault".
Even though parrying is very satisfying I would only recommend it against knights. The general enemies are easy enough to kill by blocking once then killing them. A greatsword or Halberd are great weapons to take multiple enemies out at the same time. Parrying is simply not required for general enemies, best to learn weapon arts imo.

I always found parrying a useful and needed skill in DS1, it felt part of the game especially against black and silver knights. Since DS2 though they seem to have aimed it squarely at the pvp crowd and not really needed in single player. I couldnt give a toss about pvp so i feel ive been robbed of it as the enemies have such varied timings and the mechanics of a parry is almost 1 frame sensitive. Its almost too much effort to do it to all but the most basic enemies, i just end up backstabbing everything :D
Downloading now!

What classes did everyone start with?

I usually go with a ranged build but might try sword/shield with bow as a secondary.
My first boss tactics for Knight. Stay as far away from him as possible and when he leaps into the air to attack you, roll the attack and get a few hits in, rinse and repeat. When he turns, get in close asap, shield up, keep your stamina as high as possible when you get the chance, and beat the crap out of the monstrosity, with well timed swings.

Just my method. Worked first time with Knight, minimal damage.
I'm now using the Estoc as my 2nd weapon as I tried out the uchi a bit more and I do love it...I just parried a boss with its weapon art!

I don't carry a shield at all now as I need to lighten my load and that was the thing I used least.

Also, tip for the swamp- equip a dagger or any weapon that has quickstep. It is by far the quickest way to get through it.
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Main weapon atm is bloodlust. can get it really early with some fun covenant work. Upgrades with twinkling and ends up with E + A scaling without a gem and a bleed effect. Special skill costs a bit of hp but significantly ups attack power

Great PvE weapon that is very viable for PvP considering the speed, range and low weight
I just picked up the Carthus bloodring....i really don't know about it. It boosts rolling invincibility, but decimates tour defenses. Not sure it's worth it tbh, but I am a high Dex no shield so i suppose it is made for me.

Better not get hit though!
Just done the swamp level didnt mind it all.. Amazing game

This has to be the best sofa game in ages.. Chilling on 50inch with pad and 5.1 DTS thru my amp.. Really nice game atmosphere too playing as 2h knight and shield when needed..

Never completed ds2 as didnt get on with it compared to ds1 and demonsouls...

100% gonna try and complete this lol
Near the end now it gets way harder regardless of your level/weapons/armour they throw so many bosses at you later its getting to be instant death almost every new area.

Epic game though the best Dark Souls game but more of the same so if you hated the other 2 games this game is not for you & yes you will die a lot even if your overpowered this has so many devious traps ;)
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